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Black Company: The 10 Year Old Guild - CLOSED

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Thanks for all the memories, everyone. 

Tags: Role Playing, Mercenary, Technomancy, Magic, We are the champions, deal with it 

Reply Black Company
Guild Rules and Related Material *Updated: 09/12 ((READ IT))

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Twilight Justice

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:06 pm

Every guild has them, and the BC is no exception. These rules are not meant to restrict your RP experience but to help you better interact with other people in the BC. Please do follow and understand these rules to the best of your ability. Please note, By posting anywhere in this guild, you show that you agree with the rules and will upheld them as best you can. In other words, if you make a post in any thread in the BC forum, you certify that you have read, understand, and abide by the rules in this post

1. Follow the T.O.S.
The gaia moderators and admin have less reign over what happens in the GGN, but all of the rules outlined in the Gaia Online Terms of Service apply here. They really aren't that hard to follow so please do abide by them and help give this guild a good reputation.

2. Read the First Post
I cannot stress this enough. More than any other, the first post of a thread will usually be more helpful and informative than the others. The thread creator WILL have put enough information in the first post for you to understand the purpose and atmosphere of that location. If the location which the thread describes states there is a large barrier around the place and you just act as if it's not even there, it really does come off as inconsiderate and as an indication that you lack roleplaying ability. The first post in someone's personal thread is subject to change without notification. So please, read before you post!

3. Read the Last Post
This is also a highly advisable thing. A good lot of the time, you won't be alone in a thread. Make sure you read the last few posts made in a thread in case something significant is happening in that place. One such thing is that it's annoying if your character walks into a room, sits his bum on the couch, and kicks back when someone else is in the very same area creating a tornado or something. So again, make sure you know what's happening, where it's happening, and when it's happening.

4. Fighting
It's inevitable. In an RP, you're probably going to fight with someone somewhere. Combat between characters should be an enjoyable yet challenging experience which should enrich the backstory and/or plot behind why the characters are fighting. We do have an established battle system in the thread (which is presently not active, however) to help make fighting a tactical and strategical experience. However, there are some basic ground rules which I must point out for any fight
a) Fights are TURN BASED. This means that for every post your opponent makes, you will make a post. Give your opponent time to react to your last action before moving onto the next
b) Your attacks MUST be open ended. You can not automatically claim that your attack has connected. In the end, it will be your opponent who must state the effect your attack has had on them if any. Both actions and reactions should be justified with logic.
c) You are not invincible. As spectacularly extravagent as your posts and attacks may be, you do not have unlimited stamina. Fatigue and injuries from various points of a fight will wear down your character, eventually, to a point where they will be much more limited in their capabilities or be unable to continue fighting at all. For instance, if your character gets hit in the back with a highly explosive attack, odds are they're going to be a little winded while recovering from it.
d) Give the fighters some room. If two people are deadlocked in a battle for life, have been going on for hours, and are extremely into the fight, it can be one of the most frustrating things ever if you just waltz in and blow away one of the fatigued opponents in one shot. There are rules for teaming up on a person in the battle system. Whatever the situation, unless it is specified before hand that it is supposed to be a group fight, please try to get permission before cutting loose on someone who's already fighting.

5. You are not the hero!
Don't hog all the glory to yourself. Plots in the guild are meant to be able to include everyone. Even if you're one of the best RPers on gaia you have to give others a shot at having fun. If you're on your way to one of the biggest boss battles in the guild, please don't insist on fighting that boss alone. Such bosses have been granted high levels of power and difficulty so that the rest of the guild can all enjoy fighting it. You're hardly able to be called a hero if no one else has even had a chance.

6. Villains
These select characters are that which are in opposition to the goals of the rest of the guild, for the most part. Most guild wide plots will be the result of something these characters are involved in doing. Note that, in one way or another, these character will have perhaps multiple advantages not available to a normal character. They are given these powers because they are not meant to take on just one person but parties of other characters. They are not unbeatable, but they can be extremely hard to beat in a stand up fight. Villains will usually have minions which will also have abilities slightly beyond that of normal characters. In other words, don't take these characters lightly, because they make the BC what it is ^_~. At any given time, there will be a max of 6 guild villains.
Villains currently in play are:
1. Lucitiphian Gabriel (not yet active)

* To apply to be a villain you MUST have the following qualifications.
- been on gaia for at least 1 month
- have 100 posts or more in this guild
- be able to post at least 2 a week IC (posting OOC does not count)

* From now on to become a villain you must post the following for the mods to review...
why you want to be a villain-
what type of villain you would be-

* To be a villain...
- you must be ACTIVE (posting at least twice a week IC)
- you must help keep plots that you are in moving

Will this alone get you to be a villain? NO! After all the qualified info has been given, one or more of the mods will observe your IC RPing for the next few days to assess whether you are a mature enough RPer to be a villain. You will be notified if your request was accepted or turned down within a few days of turning in the necessary info

Quote towers, quotes which have one or multiple quotes in them, can stretch a page and make it almost painful to read the thread. For this reason, you may have no more than three quotes in a quote tower, meaning the outer most quote box can only have two quote boxes inside of it. However, in a post you may have as many quotes as you need as long as they are quoted in such a way as they don't build up and cause the page to stretch.

8. Introductions
It's understandable that newer members to the guild and gaia in general may be anxious to get involved. This is a nice thing to see but it's a bad idea to take it too far. If you want to make friends with people you don't know, you're pretty much inevitably going to have to have a little patience, with more or less depending on whether people find you amiable or not. This is not an elitist guild, so everyone should be able to find a place in this guild. This means that you should not so hastily treat everyone as if they are automatically your pal just because you're in the guild. It's common to want to add people, so I've noticed, to your friends list. This is one way to very quickly get on a crew member's bad side. Not only is it just disrespectful in nature to try to be so familiar with a new person, but it can be quite unnerving and/or upsetting to a crew member if he or she feels that he or she is being manipulated unwillingly in the favor of someone else. You'll be able to make friends in time, and you'll be able to talk familiarly in time if you're a really good friend. So don't rush it and let people get to know you gradually.

9. Enjoyment
Above all else, the BC is a roleplaying guild form of recreation. Presumably, people RP here to have fun and interact with other people. You should not be afraid interact with other characters in a friendly manner. In a way, the RP is a partial escape from reality so you can use your imagination to do things you normally wouldn't be able to. It's certainly expected that you'll have problems which'll bring your mood down IRL, but please try not to let it weigh down the rest of the guild. I'm sure people and friends you have in the guild would be happy to cheer you up but please don't take out your anger on other guild members by bringing up something completely unrelated. If you feel that you can't do that, then please wait until you feel better before interacting with the others

Thank you for reading the rules and we hope you enjoy yourself here 3nodding Oh... and what's this? You didn't find the password!? Well that's not entirely true. You did find the password, but you didn't know you saw it. Throughout this post are several highlighted, italicized letters, in indigo color. Go back and find them, put them in the order they appear in the post from start to finish. They will spell out one, five letter word. This is the password, so be sure it's in your application.

Last but not least, welcome to the black Company ^^
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:08 pm

12/09/06 - Time Skip Complete.

11/24/06 - Time Skip will take place around the 8th or 9th of December.

10/06/06 - Subforum (Absit Invidia) was added to the guild.

07/23/06 - The BC's third anniversary is quickly approaching and a sticky, not to mention an art contest, has been created in its honor. Please see the sticky for the other details. Happy third anniversary people!

04/27/06 - Gabriel's tournament will no longer be held due to applicants being gone, innactive, or unable to get entry due to Dojo's destruction. The alternate guild event hower is still on and will go ahead as planned. A reminder that only those who submit a "Battle Profile", to Twilight will be able to participate in this event. Get them in, ASAP and as more info on the event becomes available it shall be posted.

03/06/06 - Profiles have more or less been cleaned up with 2 or 3 exceptions.

02/28/06 - A new central plot has been developed. Anyone who wants to participate is more than welcome to. Please see this for more details. Also feel free to add your own input and thoughts on this new plot.

12/18/05 - The "determining your levels" subsection of the 3rd post in the battle system sticky has been editted. There is a new method for determined a character's weapon wielder and magic wielder levels. Please make note of the change.

Also, there will be an upcoming guild wide event within the next few weeks. I'm presently in the process of outlining how it will be run. I do have some prerequisites for people who want to participate though. You MUST submit a battle profile for the character(s) you want to participate. This guild event WILL implement the battle system, at long last. As it says in the battle system thread, I'm willing to help you as much as I can to make sure everyone who wants to can participate. There is no set date on when the event will begin yet.

11/8/05 - New rule added to the first post. Rule #8: Introductions. This new rule applies mostly to new members.

11/8/05 - This is an update to let the guild know that all of the mods, including myself (twi) will probably less active than usual due to real life issues. School is taking up most of my time, the same is probably true for Kai's. At the moment Nana's computer is offline for an undetermined amount of time. Also, please do not try to beat around the bush with applications. I've received notices of new members trying to add members and mods of the guild to their friends list in hopes of getting in more easily. It really doesn't help you at all in this guild to randomly make such a request of a mod, and it can be quite rude. So please, if for some reason you feel that your application has taken too long to be approved or declined, then it's ideal that you PM me and not either of my mods. They do have the power to accept or decline your app, but the final say on whether you stay in the guild lays with me.

9/3/05 - Front page updated with new application method in place.

8/19/05 - new rules posted and thread created. Thread Web posted and Gaia announcements post created.  

Twilight Justice

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:19 pm
Thread Web

Ok, this is for new and vetrain guild members a like. This is a guild thread web. Hopefully it will be easy enough to understand. If new threads are later added, PM me to change this post. 3nodding So we begin...

Warning: Long post ahead!!

**Major threads**

Black Company Dojo (here) --> The Gardens (here)

The BC dojo has a garden out back, thus these two threads are connected. Seperate things can happen in each, but it is also possible from something at one of these locations to effect the other. A good place for new members to begin.

Black Company Dojo (here) -->The forest (here)

The forest surrounds the BC dojo, and is easily accessable just by leaving the dojo and wandering in any direction. A good place for new members to begin.

The forest (here) --> The Onyx Keep (here)

There is a forest close to the BC dojo, but it is not directly part of it, merely surrounding it. The Cave of the Sacred Guardians, now The Onyx Keep, lies somewhere in that forest, but hidden. Again, some things that happen in one location might effect another. There used to be a cave that was used as an entry point but now its gone. Currently there is no known way to get in, except by Xol. *Update* The Keep is now a large crator in the ground after Xol destroyed it with the self destruct. *Update* With Xol back, the Keep will slowly rise again*

The forest(here) --> the Silent forest (here)

If one goes far enough through the forest, they can reach the dark forest, however you need permission to enter that forest thread.

The forest(here) --> Silver Moon Plains (here)

These plains aren't too far from the forest. A good place for new members to begin.

**Regional Threads**

I'll Explain this one first. Anything not directly connected to the BC dojo (ie: garden, forest, etc) is withing the general region of the BC dojo. In this case lets say... 100 miles in any direction from the BC dojo falls into regional.

the Silent forest (here)

Connected to the forest yes, but too far away from the dojo, thus being regional.

The Onyx Keep (here)

Pretty much the same as above. Connected to the forest, but hidden deep within it, a ways away from the dojo. This "was" a villain strong hold once, so please read the first post, you can't just walk in. *Update* The Keep is now a large crator in the ground after Xol destroyed it with the self destruct. *Update* With Xol back, the Keep will slowly rise again*

Town of Enid (here)

Enid was once a thriving town, but was later completely whiped out by a being called Irvine Gray. As it stands now, Enid is nothing more than rubble. This makes it a good place to just sit and think, or perhaps have a private/secretive conversation. A good place for new members to begin.

The Citadel (here)

This is a "villain's stronghold", and should not be taken lightly. There are certain things that should taken under consideration when coming here. Read the first post in order to get the idea, or PM the thread's creator. You can't just walk in out of the blue.

The Seven Hells Temple (here)

I don't know if this thread will be deleted or not, but there are some rules to be followed here aswell. To enter the temple you have to wait for/PM the threads creator. Everyone in the temple is currently dead, but in the past you had to leave all weapons outside before being allowed in. More info on this must be provided later. This "was" a villain stronghold.

Mastema's Sanctuary (here)

This "was" a villain stronghold, but was destroyed. Much like Enid it is now nothing more than rubble, however being a villain stronghold at one time, it may be dangerous to venture here, as one doesn't know what may have been left behind.

Underground Fortress (here)

This is also a villain's stronghold, and is like the others not "directly" accesable. Entry into the stronghold must be permitted by the thread owner.

Emerald Eye Tower ( Part of Underground Fortress ) (here)

Part of the Underground Fortress.

Silver Moon Plains (here)

This place is also not too far from the forest. A good place for new members to begin.

Hathus (here)

This is a city a fair distance from the BC dojo, little else is known so far. Please obey the thread rules. Thread manager opens and closes thread on whim, so please read the title just in case.

The Body Farm (here)

Located a quarter mile from where the Dojo stands is the lair of a dark and sinister creature. Beware.

**Out of Region Threads**

These are threads that are locations which are more than 100 miles away from the dojo, and perhaps farther.

Hylden Temple (here)

This temple is in the Amazon rainforest, in Brazil. Also, you can't find it or get in unless the thread creator allows you.

The Harvester of Sorrow (here)

Ok, now this one is "way" out there! The Harveter is actually in outter space, and there are only 2 ways to get there. One way is to use a telepotation device, but these are only attainable from Aeris McCain or Eileen McCain whom are both currently on the Harvester. The other way yo get there is via space travel, but the Harvester is no place for a tour, its a deadly place.

The Fortress of Twilight (here)

This is a villain strong hold, and a vampire lair. This is a dangerous place and entry into this place is at your own risk, lest you wish to become the undead and a servant vampire. Again this is a villain strong hold so please be aware of that.

Phi's Apartment [In NYC] (here)

Another invite only type thread, which needs permission to enter. New York City is nowhere near the BC dojo and thus falls under this category. Also being Phia's personal appartment in NYC, you can't simply waltz in.

The Clan (here)

This is a villain stronghold, and as stated in the title "((must have a good reason if you find this place))", as it is in an untouched part of the world.

Draeken's Mansion (here)

This is the Aakarshan family residence, which is a fair distance from the dojo. You should probably ask before posting. The mansion may serve the dojo as a place to throw parties in the future.


These are threads that have an unknown location in reguards to how close or far from the dojo they may be.

The universal location thread (here)

Pretty stright forward. If you need to make an imaginary place that isn't going to last for more than a couple pages, then post in here, rather than making an entirely new thread, as it clutters up the guild. A good place for new members to begin.

**Non-RP Threads**

Announcements and Sticky threads are not RP threads. Please read them over as they contain important information!

OOC room (here)

This is for "out of character" talking. A place to just talk about the day in general, etc.

IRL Pictures [Post Your Own here!] (here)

Members of the BC are encouraged to share their "real life" pictures of themselves here. If anyone is caught breaking the TOS however they will be banned immediately and the post and picture in question will be removed.

BC fan art <3 (here)

A place to share your artwork, both guild related and not. Must be kept PG 13 or under, in keeping with the TOS.

Theme Music (here)

What music and from where/which artist, do you think fits your character the best? Tell everyone here.

OOC/ IC Hot Springs. (here)

An OOC thread of sorts to lounge in.

Finally... Always read the first few (2 - 3) posts in a thread before posting as it will give you the thread rules, set up, mood, location, and information about anything that may block your way or hinder you in any way shape or form. I think that's it for now. Also its a good idea to read over the last page or so of a thread, so you know if anything is happening like a fight, so you don't just wander in when attacks are being pulled off right infront of you. So with all that said have fun!!

Also be aware that some threads move faster than others, so if you plan to be active then choose carefully. Some threads move 1 or 2 posts, with several months gaps between the next post, where others may have several pages per night. 3nodding  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:59 pm

From time to time when a major glitch occures, it will be posted here.

Recent Major Gaia Glitch:

July 19th 2007:
Gaia is on crack today.

May 12th 2006:
Brokken images and problem logins. Just a glitch. It's being worked on as I type. Will be fixed soon. Emots look to be affected aswell.

October 24th 2005:
Everyone's account lists them as being born on Jan 1, 1970.

January 6th 2006:
Annoying glitch that marks all recent posted in threads as "new", even if there are no new posts and you've looked at the threads.

February 18th 2006:
Random avatar glitch. Makes avatars that are not your own appear in the top right hand corner where your avatar usaully is. Gives you a completely different avatar when you post, and sometimes makes a gigantic streched image of your current avy, or a house appears in other cases. Can be fixed by re-saving your avatar, in some cases mroe than once.

February 22nd 2006:
Some threads in the GGN are randomly disappearing. Please be aware and report any missing threads to the Captain.  

Vice Captain

Twilight Justice

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:57 pm
Affiliated Links

This is where links to other guilds in some way related to BC and other sites where you might find helpful information about something in the guild.

User Image
Worlds Of Crystalia

Worlds of Crystalia is a recently made guild by Kaiori. As an RP guild with unique and developed backstory to it, Crystalia has a feel to it which incorporates both a fantasy and futuristic atmosphere. A very fun place to role play.


The BC also has a website, put up by our very own Phia.


*New website currently being created*

User Image

Type-Moon is a guild that was made by Nana. It is a Discussion and RP guild, surrounding the media types released by the Type-Moon group. These include Anime, Manga, Games, all made by Type-Moon. RPing has not started yet.


User Image

An RP based guild, of Fallen Angels and other beings, made by Yotsuba.  
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