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Table of Contents
1.0: Introduction (the mission statement of this guide)
2.0: FAQ (frequently asked questions...)
3.0: Happiness (an explanation of how to have happy fish)
4.0: Fish Listing (all known fish and their preferences)
5.0: Settings (every combination and which fish like them)
6.0: Health (an explanation of how to have a healthy tank)
7.0: Credit/Links (other guides, and anyone who has helped)

Note: To quickly navigate through the guide, click on the title of the section you'd like to go to in the Table of Contents shown above.

Aquarium News: FAMESTAR 2000 Walk Aways
February 27th
Yesterday, a new chance item was released called FAMESTAR 2000. Like a lot of previous chance items, you can earn a bunch of different items from it depending on whether you win or lose and during what round that win or loss is in. Among those prizes are two new fish! Lila the Mermaid is the bitchier (or... I guess cattier) version of Memphis. She's sassy, she's reddish orange, and her halo animation is made of fire. How much sense that makes in an Aquarium filled with water, I don't know. Let's also keep in mind that she's a cat-girl mermaid which is already a contradiction. The other fish, which I love, is the Squid! Joining the Cuttlefish and Octopii as our third cephalopod, the Squid is a little bit special. When you tap on the glass on your Aquarium, they'll squirt a little bit of ink into the water.

February 27th:
  • Updated the Fish Listing with entries for Lila the Mermaid and Squid. Along with Memphis, they're being observed for Happiness data.
  • Updated the Fish Listing entries for Coco the Catfish and Kiki the Catfish to include their unique Happiness scores.

February 20th:
  • Updated the Fish Listing with entries for Memphis the Mermaid, Coco Catfish, and Kiki Catfish. All three are in my tank to observe whether or not they have unique Happiness systems.

February 8th:
  • Updated the Settings section to include the Banggai Cardinal, Scooter Blenny, Turtle, and Winter Snow Crystal.

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If you're reading this, one question you may be asking yourself is: "why the hell did someone bother making another fish guide when there are already a million out there?" Excellent question! The answer is simple: this guide uses science.


Seriously though. When Aquariums were released and I went about setting up my own, I asked more or less the same few questions in various places, and got different answers that didn't match up. Looking through the guides on Aquariums that were circulating, I found their information was not consistent. Some people admitted to using other guides as a resource, then other people had downright contradictory data to what was listed in most other places. This led me to believe that something was wrong.

The primary information I wanted to find was what light/music/temperatures do these fish actually like? After someone named Taroux posted something suggesting that fish preferences were not a fixed list (like almost every guide written on the subject suggested), I came to the conclusion that in order to find the answers I wanted I would need to study my fish systematically. The only way to find out the truth, was to test everything myself and weed out the possibility of contaminated data. What I found was, fish do in fact have a set list of preferred aquarium settings. However, your fish can still be happy in your aquarium even if all three of their preferred settings are not met. Though their happiness scores increase the fastest with all three, you only need two for them to be satisfied.

All of the information provided in the guide was obtained by my own experiments. Each fish was placed inside my aquarium, by itself, without objects that could obscure it, and I tried every possible combination of lighting, music, and temperatures on each. Each trial was conducted at a steady pace, no combinations were skipped based on assumption, and all results were verified with a second run.

Everyone is more than welcome to test this data on their own and contribute information I'm missing through your own tests. If I recreate your experiment and come to the same conclusion as you, I will include your new information in the guide crediting you as the original source.

Please, if you don't like my guide or found something confusing, post a suggestion in the thread. Hopefully I'll be able to explain anything you didn't understand, and will be able to improve my guide so that other people who feel the same way will be able to use it easily as well.

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FAQ Contents
2.1: Information Questions
2.2: Fish and Aquarium Questions
2.3: Barrett's Tank Questions
2.4: Cuttlefish Questions
2.5: Specific Item Questions
2.6: Novocain Questions


2.1: Information Questions
How did you get all of this information?
All of the information provided in the guide was obtained by my own experiments. Each fish was placed inside my aquarium, by itself, without objects that could obscure it, and I tried every possible combination of lighting, music, and temperatures on each. Each trial was conducted at a steady pace, no combinations were skipped based on assumption, and all results were verified with a second run.

The information gathered on how to determine the rate at which your fish gain or lose happiness was based on the Happiness Theory by Neko-Chan666. After running my own experiments, I've confirmed that the increments she lists are definitely correct.

How do you know that you were able to find something that made your fish happy/unhappy?
When you change the light, music, or temperature in your aquarium, you'll be able to tell right then whether your fish likes it or not. After you save your changes, a little heart will appear next to your fish if it likes what you've done. Nothing will appear next to your fish if it dislikes what you've done. If your fish really dislikes what you've done, an angry scribble symbol will appear next to them. These symbols will also all appear when you feed your fish.

This guide over here *frantically gestures to some other guide* says something different than you.
Like I said, the point of this guide is gathering information using a scientific method. Even though all of the people with guides out right now have done an awesome thing to help everyone on Gaia learn about their aquariums, not all of them are finished researching and some of them haven't gathered all of their information (or verified it all) themselves.

What happened to "The Rating Theory"?
After observing fish within several mule tanks, I found that after the last update to Aquarium Health percentages that "The Rating Theory" was no longer valid. Now, no matter what the Health in your tank is, your fish will always have their Happiness level increase or decrease by the same intervals depending on how many of their preferences are fulfilled.


2.2: Fish and Aquarium Questions
How many fish can you have in your Aquarium?
Right now, fifteen. The number goes up every so often though.

Do items have an effect on your fish's Happiness?
No, items will not make your fish more happy. How happy your fish are is determined by the settings you have in your Aquarium.

Do fish have an effect on the preferences of the other fish they live with?
No, every species of fish has a set list of preferences. They don't vary from fish to fish, and won't be effected by any of the other fish they live with. If a fish doesn't like your preferences, adding more fish won't change that.

Will feeding your fish more than once make their Happiness increase more quickly?
Yes. The Happiness of your fish and Health of your tank will go up (or down) once every day just by checking in on them, whether you feed them or not. After that first check in, you can feed them every six hours and their Happiness and Health will increase (or decrease) depending upon your settings.

I'm going to be away from my Aquarium for a while, should I hire a babysitter or just give all my fish to Barrett?
Originally, not checking in on your Aquarium wouldn't effect your tanks Health or your fish's Happiness. Now it will reduce your Health score. I'm trying to learn how much it will make your score drop, but for now, if you are going to be away for a while you may want to have someone look in on your Aquarium for you. Remember that fish in Barrett's Tank will not help increase your Health. So giving all of your fish to him will not prevent Health reductions.

Help! I just put a brand new fish into my Aquarium and it's dead!? What do I do?
It's okay, this is a known glitch and if it's a brand spankin' new fish that's never been in your Aquarium it's not really dead! If you've already saved your Aquarium, leave your Aquarium page and then go back. If you haven't save yet, take your fish out of your Aquarium and then put it back in. Both of those things should make him a happy, healthy fish again.

My fish is a cold-blooded killer, and it's too dangerous for him to live. How do I get my fish to die more quickly?
Well, unfortunately you can't get a fish to die any sooner than it's life expectancy. If a fish is happy, it's possible they'll live longer than that. So, by making your fish as unhappy as possible you'll guarantee he's out of the tank and into the john by the scheduled day.

Will different fish increase the health of my tank more quickly than others?
Yes and No. There isn't a specific species of fish that is better for your Aquarium than any other. Having more variety in the kinds of fish in your Aquarium will increase your Health more quickly than only having one or two kinds. Also, even though Aquarium Health does not have an effect on the Happiness of your fish, the Happiness of your fish does effect the Health of your Aquarium. If you have too many unhappy fish, it will make your Health begin to decrease. So it's important that you choose settings that enough of your fish enjoy. Head to the Health section for a complete explanation.

Will my fish be happier if they're in a tank with other fish of the same species?
No. No matter what anyone says, fish don't care whether their tank-mates are the same species or not!

The only way this might be an issue depends on your settings. Let's say for example, you have an Aquarium with a lot of Starfish and one Octopii. You could have three settings your Starfish all prefer, but the Octopii does not. This would make it look like the Octopii is lonely, because its Happiness would be decreasing. The key to combining species of fish is finding settings they all at least prefer two of.

I have two Goldfish and one is bigger than the other one. Is the bigger Goldfish happier than the smaller one?
To add variety to the appearance of fish (especially when you have more than one of the same species) their size is randomly determined when you put them in your tank. That way it's easier to tell them apart from one another. It does seem as though fish can grow though. This appears to be more connected to how long they're in your tank than how happy they are.

Does changing the settings in your Aquarium daily make their Happiness increase more quickly?
No, it doesn't. The only way it will improve the Happiness of your fish is if you change the settings in your tank to a combination they like more than what you had them set to the day before.

Does tapping on the glass of my Aquarium make my fish happier?
Some people seem to think so, but no. The Happiness of your fish will not increase from having the glass on your aquarium tapped.

How do I clean my Aquarium?
Right now, you don't need to clean it. That might be a feature that's implemented later, but for now we'll just assume that Barrett takes care of that. If your Aquarium looks dirty, it's either frost from having your temperature on Chilly or Freezing, or because you have Calm Water selected as your music.

Do items have an effect on your Aquarium's Health?
Yup, they sure do. Every item you have in your Aquarium (even your terrain and Overseer) will add .03% to how much your percentage will increase or decrease. Backgrounds will add .04%.

Will having more fish in my tank increase my Health level more quickly?
Yes and no. Having more fish in your Aquarium can increase the Health of your tank more quickly, but only if they're happy fish. Having too many unhappy fish, though, will keep your Health level from changing or will cause it to decrease.

So, if all of my fish die, will my Health level drop to 0% before i fill it with new fish?
Unfortunately, yes. The Health score in your tank will only increase if it has happy fish in it. If the majority of your fish are unhappy or your tank is empty, your Health level will progressively decrease until it reaches zero. You only need on happy fish to make your Health continue to increase though.

My Aquarium is really depressing... How long is it going to take for my Health description to change?
The description of your Aquarium Health changes every 10%. So at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% you'll have a new description. Once you've achieved 100% health, there apparently isn't a new description.

What are the descriptions for each level of Aquarium Health?
Previously the Health descriptions only changed every 20%. Since my aquarium health was in the late 90's after this change, I wasn't able to observe all of the new flavor text myself. Until I'm able to confirm these using mule accounts, Neko-Chan666 has the following listed in her guide A Guide to Fish Happiness.
  • 0-9.99% Your fish eke out a hardscrabble existence in a watery dustbowl of poverty and despair.
  • 10-19.99% Your aquarium is a barren wasteland where the seeds of life can find no purchase.
  • 20-29.99% Your aquarium has a lot of room to improve, but keep at it and your fish will grow to love it here... or die trying.
  • 30-39.99% The first rays of hope are beginning to shine through the murky waters of your tank.
  • 40-49.99% Your aquarium has achieved what so many among us cannot: mediocrity.
  • 50-59.99% It may have been your imagination, but the Overseer seemed to nod at you with mild approval.
  • 60-69.99% Word of your aquarium is starting to make waves. Fish everywhere are hoping for a chance to visit.
  • 70-79.99% Your tank has garnered a reputation for excellence amongst the fish of the sea, as well as a glowing review in the latest issue of Aquarium Chic.
  • 80-89.99% Your tank was voted 'Best in Show' at the annual Aquarium and Squirrel Cage Expo.
  • 90-100% You've built a land of opportunity where even the humblest of fish can achieve the Aquarium Dream.


2.3: Barrett's Tank Questions
Who is Barrett?
Barrett is an NPC and a marine biologist that specializes in the study of the fish that appear in Gaia Aquariums. He helps you maintain your Aquarium, and announces Aquarium updates with the owner of Phin Phang: Mirai.

What is Barrett's Tank?
If you decide that your want to take a fish out of your Aquarium for some reason, you can give it to Barrett to hold onto. Once a fish has been placed in your Aquarium and saved it's soulbound (so it can't be removed from your account) and begins to age (so it can't go back to your inventory).

What happens to the fish in Barrett's Tank?
Not much! He just holds onto them for you until you decide you'd like to return them to your Aquarium. Their Happiness score will no longer change, however they will continue to age.

Can my fish die in Barrett's Tank? Do I get drops from those fish?
Yes, because Barrett can't stop your fish from aging you can't save your fish from death by giving them to him. You still get a Drop though when he tells you they've died.

Do the fish in Barrett's Tank add to what I can gain/lose in Health?
No, they don't. When you're figuring out how much your Health will change, the only fish that count are the ones swimming around in your Aquarium.

Do the fish in Barrett's Tank count toward the total number of fish you're allowed to have in your Aquarium at one time?
Nope! If you're at the maximum number of fish and you'd like to replace one, you can give one of your fish to Barrett and put a new fish in your Aquarium.

How do I give one of my fish to Barrett?
If you click on one of your fish, in the bottom right hand corner of their player card (which you can see a diagram of in the Happiness section) is a button that says "Remove from Tank". If you click that, Barrett will ask you if you'd like to give him your fish to hold onto. If you agree he'll put it in his tank, and if you tell him nevermind it will remain in your Aquarium.

How do I get my fish back from Barrett?
If you click on the text that says "Aquarium Inventory" in the top left hand corner of your tank, a drop down will appear with a number of option. Click on the one that says "Barret's Tank" and you'll see all of the fish he's holding onto for you. To put one of them back into your Aquarium, click on it and drag it into your Tank.

Is there a limit to how many fish I can have in Barrett's Tank?
It doesn't appear as though there is, no.


2.4: Cuttlefish Questions
My Cuttlefish is miserable and is trying to make a noose out of sea weed, why is he so emo?
Well, they do seem a little on the sad side because their Happiness score starts off at 1000, which is much lower than all of the other kinds of fish. They also only like two different temperatures and two different songs. On top of all that, they're one of the few fish that has a preferred kind of light, which means it's possible to have three settings they dislike (which causes their Happiness to progressively drop).

Below (in the Fish Listing) is information about what Cuttlefish like, so if you make sure your settings agree with what I've written, he will get happier. Remember, you only need to meet two of his preferences to make his Happiness rise by the smallest amount.

My tank is set up with the preferences you list. Why aren't my Cuttlefish's Happiness hearts filling up?
Judging your fish's Happiness by their hearts is unreliable. To tell how happy your fish are, you need to pay attention to how their Happiness scores increase numerically. If you hover your mouse over your fish's hearts, a pair of numbers pops up. The number on the left of the slash is their happiness, and the one on the right is the maximum happiness that type of fish can achieve. Cuttlefish start off with a score of 1000, so the the higher your Cuttlefish is over 1000 the happier he's gotten while being in your tank.

I've had my Cuttlefish longer than any of my other fish, and I'm using the settings you list. Why does he have more empty hearts than the other fish in my tank?
Different fish all start with different Happiness scores. The higher the score, the more hearts they'll have filled. Cuttlefish only start with a score of 1000, so they start off with fewer hearts than any other kind of fish, and It takes a lot of points to fill up just one heart. Just because their hearts aren't full doesn't mean your Cuttlefish are unhappy though. To make sure your Cuttlefish like their settings, you need to check to see how their score is raising numerically.

Are Cuttlefish happier when they're in a tank filled with other Cuttlefish?
No, they're not. No matter what anyone says, Cuttlefish do not care what species their tank-mates are. It may sometimes seem that way because Cuttlefish have a very narrow list of preferences. Before combining any fish with one another, you need to make sure you can choose three settings in your Aquarium that each fish will prefer at least two of. Any fish, of course, will have their score increase more quickly if they prefer all three of those settings.


2.5: Specific Item Questions
Is it possible to sell your Overseer? Can you buy another one and have twice the gifts every day?
No, you can't sell your Overseer. For a little while, there was a glitch that allowed people to sell their Aquariums and their Overseer. Those items should now be soulbound, and finding a way around it is considered exploiting. So trying to sell your Overseer or buy another one could get you into serious trouble.

What is a Fish Drop?
No matter how well you take care of your fish they will someday die (though the happier your fish are and the healthier your tank, the longer they'll live). When they die, Barrett will tell you and ask you to flush them. When he does this, you'll also get an item called a "Drop". Every species of fish has it's own kind of Drop. When you go to your Inventory, you'll find any drops you have under the Special tab. They're kind of like a little gift baggy left behind from your fish. When you open it, there will be an item for you inside. smile

What kinds of items can you find inside of a Drop?
There are a bunch of people who are listing items that people have found inside Drops left by their fish. You can find some in the Aquarium forum if you'd like to look. So far, I've lost two Goldfish. One had a Drop that contained a Golden Tiara and the other had one with a Gold Heart Hairpin. It seems as though each fish may get a signature Drop item that you can only receive from Drops left by that species. Right now Goldfish Scarves can be found in Goldfish Drops, Sharktooth Wings can be found in Sharktooth Fish Drops, and Arrowhead Fish Swords can be found in Arrow Fish Drops.

Do you get a better prize from a Drop left by a happier fish than a sad one?
No. The item's you get from Drop's are randomly determined when you choose to open them. Angel LunaBelle confirmed this while attempting to open a Goldfish Drop. Something was causing her to receive errors after each attempt to open it, rather than actually getting the item inside. The error message, contained the name of the item she was meant to receive. Each attempt she made at opening the item produced a new error message with a new item listed at random.

What is Titan's Legacy?
Titan's Legacy is an Evolving Item you can only get from your Overseer (or from the Marketplace). It's unique out of every other Evolving Item because it's the only free one and it doesn't have generations. The ones found when Aquariums were first released and the ones that will be found right as you're reading this are all at the same phase of their evolution.

Why is my Titan's Legacy taking so damn long to evolve!?
Dr. Singh described Titan's Legacy as evolving rarely. Because it's free and there are no generations, it'll take much longer to evolve than normal Evolving Items.

What does the Creepy Phonograph do?
It gives you access to a new song called "Calm Water". When you play the song, your tank starts to look a little bit dirty. Then, this reddish brown grungy stuff starts to cover the glass of your tank. It spreads more and more, then the water suddenly goes black. When the light in your tank comes back on, your fish have all been transformed into skeleton fish.

Right now, Knight Fish, Dark Knight Fish, and Seaslugs are the only kinds of fish that actually like Calm Water.

Oh noes! Is Calm Water going to depress my fish?
If you're the kind of person who likes skeleton fish, you could still have a happy tank as long as your fish are all happy with your other two settings. Remember it takes only two settings to make them happy. If your fish don't like the other two settings, though, then no you won't have happy fish.

What fish come in Aquarium Bundle #1?
It comes with a Lazor Fish, Hamuhamu, Seahorse, Starfish, Jellyfish, Octopus, Goldfish, Cuttlefish, Arrow Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, and Candycorn Fish.

Are the Gnome and Flamingo alive? Do they die? Do they eat?
Nope, the Gnome and Flamingo are Animated so they're not alive. Though they move around, they can't die, don't eat, and don't care what settings you have in your Aquarium because they don't have Happiness scores.

Are the Marimo and Tubeworm alive? Do they die? Do they eat?
Yes, the Marimo and Tubeworm are alive. The main feature of these items is that they'll grow over time after you've put them into your Aquarium. They don't appear to eat though, and (since they don't have a life expectancy) it's safe to assume that they won't die.

How big do the Marimo and Tubeworm get?
Right now it appears as though it will vary. Just like with fish, the initial size of Marimo and Tubeworms is randomly determined when you first put them into your Aquarium. Though I'm going to double check with a couple new specimens, it looks as though it takes about twenty days for them to reach their final size.

If the Marimo and Tubeworm are alive, are they soulbound when they go into my Aquarium?
Right now, they aren't. You can put them into your Aquarium, and if you decide you don't want them any longer you can give them to a friend or sell them on the Marketplace.

When your Marimo/Tubeworm is fully grown, will it shrink back down to its original size when you take it out of your Aquarium?
Nope. They stay the same size, even if you give them to someone else.


2.6: Novocain Questions
I want *insert name of fish or item here*, will you donate one plz?
No. If I know someone is questing for something (like it's in their signature or something like that) and I can afford it, I'll sometimes buy one and send it to them as a surprise. I don't like it when people ask though. For a while, I would donate to almost anyone who asked for something. What happened was, I'd get asked by strangers all the time for donations and people would friend me just so they could pm me or write in my profile asking for things. I ran out of gold and some of them started just asking for the things I was wearing. Gaia stopped being fun after that. So, I'm sorry, but no. If you want to find someone who will donate fish or other items to you, you can try looking in the Charity/Quests Forum

What are your settings right now?
Right now, my settings are on Natural light, O' Lighthouse as my music, and Chilly as my temperature. Because I do so many experiments, I constantly add new fish to my tank. Though only a few fish have all three preferences satisfied with these settings, most fish like at least two of them. That way, I can have a lot of different fish and they'll all be happy.

What's your Aquarium's Health level?
100% xd

Did you name all of your fish?
My Candycorn Fish are named The Swarm, my Starfish is named McLovin, my Hamuhamu is named Fish Food, my Lazor Fish is named Dr. Evil, my Ninja Fish is named Donatello, my Seaslug is named Salty, my Dark Knight Fish is named Nee, my Knight Fish is also named Nee, my Goldfish is named Butterball, my Streamer Fish is named Magnolia, my Spikey is named Needles, my Cuttlefish is named Strychnine, my Octopii is named Otto, my Arrow Fish are named The Stooges, my Sharktooth Fish is named Riff Raff, my Jellyfish is named Raspberry, my Banggai Cardinal is named Slick, my Scooter Blenny is named Meg, my Turtle is named Mock, and my Seahorse is named Seabiscuit (Barret sometimes holds on to some of these fish for me).

I also used to have a Goldfish named Bubble Head, a Goldfish named Pom Pom, a Sharktooth Fish named Frank, a Spikey named Bloated, a Streamer Fish named Hyacinth, a Streamer Fish named Oldeander, an Octopii named Dumpling, a Goldfish named Butterball, a Sharktooth Fish named Columbia, a Jellyfish named Grape, and a Seahorse named Flicka but they died.

Why did you decide to name yourself "Novocain"?
I was pretty dark and angsty at the time, so it seemed like a good idea. I like the name, so I've never wanted to change it.

Can I help?
If you see something missing that you think should go in this guide, I'd love to hear your suggestions! If I use your suggestion, I'll add your name to the Credit/Links section. If you'd like to contribute something else, then run it by me in a PM and I'll think about it. You'd need to conduct very thorough observations in your studies and I may need to recreate and verify your experiments myself to be sure they're accurate. Like it says in the Introduction, a main goal of the guide is to always provide information that's proven to be correct.

If you want to bump this thread, then I can add you to the credits list. Also, if you'd like to trade links, I'm into that too.

Can I copy your information?
If you want to, sure. If you'd link to this guide and credit me as your source of information though, that would be cool.

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Probably the most common question anyone ever sees about fish is: "Why is my Cuttlefish so unhappy!?" I will admit, that Cuttlefish are a particularly picky type of fish. Making them (or any other fish) happy is not difficult though. To keep all the fish in your aquarium happy, you just need to know a few things.

How to Have Happy Fish
Every type of fish has its own preferred Lighting, Temperature, and Music. The more of these 3 settings you adjust to their liking, the happier they'll be. When you click on one of your fish (or click on the fishy trading card icon on the top of your Aquarium) a Fish Player Card will appear. On the card are five hearts. More of these hearts will fill with red depending on how happy that particular fish is. For a more precise measurement of that fish's Happiness, you can hover your mouse over the hearts. When you do this, a pair of numbers will appear. The number to the left of the slash is the current Happiness score, and the number to the right of the slash is the maximum possible Happiness they can achieve. After I've explained how to make your fish Happy, you can see a diagram of a Player Card in this section.

So now you're probably wondering: "How will my fish's Happiness change based on the settings I have in my Aquarium?" That's another good question! If you head to the Fish Listing in this guide, you'll find a collection of every fish's preferred settings. Arrange the settings in your tank to compliment those preferences as closely as possible, because this is how their Happiness will be effected by them:
  • Three Preferred Settings: Happiness gain of 16 points.
  • Two Preferred Settings: Happiness gain of 8 points.
  • One Preferred Setting: Happiness does not change.
  • No Preferred Settings: Happiness loss of 2 points.

To make this easier to understand, I'll use an example with some visuals that everyone can follow. The best example to use, I think, is the Cuttlefish! Now keep in mind, Cuttlefish like Natural light, Moderate or Chilly water, and their music set to O' Lighthouse or Reef Riff.

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Player Cards
When you click on a fish in your Aquarium, something pops up called a Player Card. You can also access the players cards for your fish by clicking on the first icon in the top right of you tank. On each Player Card is important information about your fish. Some of this will help you tell how happy your fish has become since you first put him in your Aquarium. Below is an image of one of my Player Cards. I've numbered all the information you can find on it, and I'll explain what all of it means.

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1: Fish Species
This is a little self-explanatory, but it's the species of the fish you're currently looking at.

2: Fish Name
This is the name of your fish. When you look at the Player Card of one of your fish for the first time, you can enter a name here. Once you choose a name it can't be changed.

3: Numerical Happiness
This is the most important information you'll see in terms of the Happiness of your fish. When you hover your mouse over the hearts, this numerical display pops up. The number on the left of the slash is how happy they are. The number on the right is the maximum Happiness they can achieve. If you look up your fish's Initial Happiness in the Fish Listing section, you can tell how much your fish have enjoyed your Aquarium by seeing how much their score has gone up.

4: Happiness Heart Display
This is the thing that leads most people to think their fish is unhappy. These hearts will fill with red depending on how happy your fish is. Every fish, though, has a set Initial Happiness and Maximum Happiness. So some species will take much longer to fill the hearts than others. To really see how Happy they are, look at their Numerical score.

5: Age
This is how many days your fish has been in your Aquarium. The counter begins the minute you place them inside, and does not stop if you put them in Barret's Tank. If your fish lives an especially happy life, they can live past their Life Expectancy. Visit the Fish Listing to see the Life Expectancy of every species in both weeks and days.

6: Flavor Text
This is a description of the species of your fish, just for fun.

7: Removing Fish
If you want to remove a fish from your Aquarium for any reason, you click this here. What that will do is it will give the fish to Barret to keep them in his Aquarium. Once a fish has been placed in your Aquarium, it's soulbound to you and cannot be removed from your account.

8: Fish
At the bottom of your Player Card is a string of icons you can scroll through by clicking the arrows to the right and left. Scrolling allows you to see all of your fish's Player Cards in order, but you can also click an icon to visit a particular card.

4,850 Points
  • Healer 50
  • Hunter 50
  • Survivor 150
User Image

Here is a collection of the information I've gathered (entirely through first-hand observation) regarding the preferences of each variety of fish. Listed for each are their preferred settings, for people who would like a tank of fish who all have the highest scores they can get. Also are bullets listing an easy way to make your fish happy, for anyone who has a problem fish or wants lots of different kinds of fish even if they don't match up perfectly.

User Image Arrow Fish
Initial Happiness: 12000
Maximum Happiness: 15000
Life Expectancy: 6 weeks (42 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Once in a while
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Kelp!
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, or Chilly.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, or Kelp!
    • In Black light, they're happy in Hot, Moderate, or Chilly water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, or Kelp!
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling or Freezing.

User Image Banggai Cardinal
Initial Happiness: 8000
Maximum Happiness: 20000
Life Expectancy: 12 weeks (84 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted (but have been shown to trigger)
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Hot, Moderate
  • Preferred Music: Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, Calm Water
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Hot, or Moderate.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Chilly or Freezing water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Moderate water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Chilly or Freezing.

User Image Candycorn Fish
Initial Happiness: 5000
Maximum Happiness: 20000
Life Expectancy: 20 weeks (140 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Natural, Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Kelp!
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, or Kelp!
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Coco Catfish
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 12000
Life Expectancy: 12 weeks (84 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Calm Water
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling or Hot water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling or Hot.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Cuttlefish
Initial Happiness: 1000
Maximum Happiness: 20000
Life Expectancy: 12 weeks (84 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Sometimes
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Freezing water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse or Reef Riff.
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any music if their temperature is set to Moderate or Chilly.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Hot, or Freezing.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Moderate or Chilly water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse or Reef Riff.
  • Note: Presently are only obtainable as a random prize from Daily Chance or through the Marketplace.

User Image Dark Knight Fish
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 20 weeks (140 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • In Natural light, they're uhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Goldfish
Initial Happiness: 7000
Maximum Happiness: 10000
Life Expectancy: 2 weeks (14 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, or Kelp!
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate or Chilly.

User Image Hamuhamu
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 10000
Life Expectancy: 24 weeks (168 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, or Kelp!
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Jellyfish
Initial Happiness: 5000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 15 weeks (105 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling or Hot water if their music is set to The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling or Hot

User Image Kiki Catfish
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 12000
Life Expectancy: 12 weeks (84 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted
  • Preferred Light: Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Hot, Moderate
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • In Black light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Hot, or Moderate.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Chilly or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Moderate water if their music is set to Chilly or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Natural light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Chilly or Freezing.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Knight Fish
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 20 weeks (140 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 24.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 12.

User Image Lazor Fish
Initial Happiness: 2000
Maximum Happiness: 12000
Life Expectancy: 18 weeks (126 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Reef Riff, Kelp!
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Reef Riff, or Kelp!
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Lila the Mermaid
Initial Happiness: 12000
Maximum Happiness: 18000
Life Expectancy: 40 weeks (280 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Moderate, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • In Black light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Moderate, or Freezing.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Hot or Chilly water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling, Moderate, or Freezing water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Natural light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot or Chilly
  • Note: Presently are only obtainable as a walk away item from Round Five of FAMESTAR 2000 or through the Marketplace.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 28.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 14.
  • Note: Drops special blue coins during games of Booty Grab that are worth three Gold per coin.

User Image Memphis the Mermaid
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 20000
Life Expectancy: 40 weeks (280 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, or Chilly.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Hot, Moderate, or Chilly water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling or Freezing.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 36.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 18.
  • Note: Drops special green coins during games of Booty Grab that are worth two Gold per coin.

User Image Ninja Fish
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 8000
Life Expectancy: 20 weeks (140 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Hot, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!
    • In Natural light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Boiling, Hot, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff, or Kelp!.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Moderate water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff, or Kelp!
    • In Black light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Hot, Chilly, or Freezing.
  • Note: Presently are only obtainable as a random prize from Level 3 Fortune Eggs, a random prize from a Lamp of Auspice, or through the Marketplace.

User Image Octopii
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 14 weeks (98 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: O' Lighthouse, Reef Riff
    • In Natural light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling.
    • In Natural light, they're happy in Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to O' Lighthouse or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Scooter Blenny
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 15000
Life Expectancy: 18 weeks (126 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: Ballad of the Overseer, Reef Riff, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling or Hot water if their music is set to Ballad of the Overseer, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Seahorse
Initial Happiness: 12000
Maximum Happiness: 25000
Life Expectancy: 16 weeks (112 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Sometimes
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, or Coral Love
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.

User Image Seaslug
Initial Happiness: 3000
Maximum Happiness: 12000
Life Expectancy: 18 weeks (126 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Sharktooth Fish
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 21000
Life Expectancy: 8 weeks (56 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Once in a while
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Coral Love, Reef Riff
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Moderate water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Chilly or Freezing.

User Image Spikey
Initial Happiness: 10000
Maximum Happiness: 23000
Life Expectancy: 9 weeks (63 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Once in a while
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Hot, Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, Kelp!
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Boiling, Hot, Moderate, or Chilly.
    • They're happy in Freezing water if their song is set to The Conch Song, Ballad of the Overseer, or Kelp!

User Image Squid
Initial Happiness: 7000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 15 weeks (105 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted (but have been shown to trigger)
  • Preferred Light: Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff
    • In Natural light, they're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • In Natual light, they're happy in Boiling or Moderate water if their music is set to The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're happy in Hot, Chilly, or Freezing water if their music is set to The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.
    • In Black light, they're unhappy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Chilly, or Freezing.
  • Note: Presently are only obtainable as a walk away item from Round Four of FAMESTAR 2000 or through the Marketplace.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Starfish
Initial Happiness: 20000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 18 weeks (126 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Pretty often
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their music is set to The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, Ballad of the Overseer, or Coral Love.

User Image Streamer Fish
Initial Happiness: 9000
Maximum Happiness: 18000
Life Expectancy: 12 weeks (84 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Sometimes
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, Reef Riff
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Hot, Moderate, Chilly, or Freezing.
    • They're happy in Boiling water if their song is set to O' Lighthouse, Coral Love, or Reef Riff.

User Image Turtle
Initial Happiness: 8000
Maximum Happiness: 30000
Life Expectancy: 42 weeks (294 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Very frequently
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Moderate, Chilly
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • They're unaffected by lighting, whether it's Natural or Black.
    • They're happy with any song if their temperature is set to Moderate or Chilly.
    • They're happy in Boiling, Hot, or Freezing water if their song is set to The Conch Song, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Kelp!, or Calm Water.
  • Note: With three preferences met, their Happiness increases by 20.
  • Note: With two preferences met, their Happiness increases by 10.

User Image Winter Snow Crystal
Initial Happiness: 500
Maximum Happiness: 3000
Life Expectancy: 4 weeks (28 days)

  • Booty Grab Trigger: Unlisted (but have been shown to trigger)
  • Preferred Light: Black, Natural
  • Preferred Temperature: Boiling, Hot, Moderate, Chilly, Freezing
  • Preferred Music: The Conch Song, Seashell Shock, O' Lighthouse, Ballad of the Overseer, Coral Love, Reef Riff, Kelp!, Calm Water
    • They're happy in any Aquarium, regardless of what settings you have activated.
  • Note: Always having three preferences met, their Happiness also increases by 24.
  • Note: The snowflake on each Winter Snow Crystal is randomly generated, so no two are exactly alike.
  • Note: Presently are only obtainable as a random prize from Daily Chance or through the Marketplace.

4,850 Points
  • Healer 50
  • Hunter 50
  • Survivor 150
User Image

Alright, finally I've done it. I've practically taken all the work out of fish preferences for you. This right here, is a list of every possible combination of Aquarium settings there is. Listed beneath each combination are all of the fish organized by the number of preferences they have satisfied according to those settings. This list took a while to put together and involved a lot of copying and pasting. So, if something doesn't seem quite right then please refer back to the Fish Listing. Everything in the Settings section should reflect the Fish Listing, and if not then what is contained in the Fish Listing is definitely accurate. I'll work on this section a little more soon to make it easier to read and navigate quickly.

Note: Please check the Fish Listing for special information on how Knight Fish, Scooter Blennies, Seaslugs, Turtles, and Winter Snow Crystals gain Happiness.


Natural + The Conch Song + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Octopii

Natural + The Conch Song + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + The Conch Song + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Octopii,
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Ninja Fish,

Natural + The Conch Song + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Ninja Fish, Octopii,
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + The Conch Song + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Ninja Fish, Octopii,
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Seashell Shock + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Octopii

Natural + Seashell Shock + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Seashell Shock + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Ninja Fish

Natural + Seashell Shock + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Seashell Shock + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + O' Lighthouse + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Octopii, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + O' Lighthouse + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Knight Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Scooter Blenny, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + O' Lighthouse + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + O' Lighthouse + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change):
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + O' Lighthouse + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Spikey
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Ballad of the Overseer + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Octopii, Dark Knight Fish

Natural + Ballad of the Overseer + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Goldfish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Ballad of the Overseer + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Dark Knight Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Ninja Fish

Natural + Ballad of the Overseer + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Ballad of the Overseer + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Coral Love + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Octopii

Natural + Coral Love + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Coral Love + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Ninja Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Coral Love + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Coral Love + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Octopii, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Reef Riff + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Reef Riff + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Sharktooth Fish,Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Reef Riff + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish,Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Ninja Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Reef Riff + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change):
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Reef Riff + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Goldfish, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Kelp! + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Octopii

Natural + Kelp! + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Kelp! + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Ninja Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Kelp! + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Kelp! + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Natural + Calm Water + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Seahorse, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Octopii

Natural + Calm Water + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Knight Fish, Seaslug, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Calm Water + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Octopii, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Ninja Fish

Natural + Calm Water + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Ninja Fish, Octopii
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Natural + Calm Water + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Spikey
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):


Black + The Conch Song + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Jellyfish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Knight Fish

Black + The Conch Song + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish

Black + The Conch Song + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Jellyfish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + The Conch Song + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Knight Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal

Black + The Conch Song + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Goldfish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Knight Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal


Black + Seashell Shock + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Knight Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Seashell Shock + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Seashell Shock + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Knight Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Seashell Shock + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Seashell Shock + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Goldfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Jellyfish, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish


Black + O' Lighthouse + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Ninja Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Octopii, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish

Black + O' Lighthouse + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Scooter Blenny, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + O' Lighthouse + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Octopii, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + O' Lighthouse + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + O' Lighthouse + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Spikey
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish


Black + Ballad of the Overseer + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Octopii, Lazor Fish, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Ballad of the Overseer + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Ballad of the Overseer + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Ballad of the Overseer + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal

Black + Ballad of the Overseer + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Seaslug, Spikey, Starfish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish


Black + Coral Love + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Ninja Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish

Black + Coral Love + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Hamuhamu, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Jellyfish, Scooter Blenny, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish

Black + Coral Love + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Seahorse, Seaslug, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish,Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Coral Love + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal

Black + Coral Love + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Hamuhamu, Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny
Prefer 1 (no change): Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish


Black + Reef Riff + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Ninja Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Starfish, Seahorse, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Knight Fish

Black + Reef Riff + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Knight Fish, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Reef Riff + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Sharktooth Fish,Ninja Fish, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Knight Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Reef Riff + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Knight Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Reef Riff + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Sharktooth Fish, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Jellyfish, Seahorse, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish


Black + Kelp! + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Ninja Fish, Spikey, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Knight Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Kelp! + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Seaslug, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Goldfish, Knight Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Kelp! + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Kelp! + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Streamer Fish, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Knight Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish
Prefer 1 (no change): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal

Black + Kelp! + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Dark Knight Fish, Hamuhamu, Lazor Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Streamer Fish, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Goldfish, Knight Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish


Black + Calm Water + Boiling
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Dark Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Spikey, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Calm Water + Hot
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Seaslug, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Scooter Blenny, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Goldfish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Cuttlefish, Jellyfish

Black + Calm Water + Moderate
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Banggai Cardinal, Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Ninja Fish, Sharktooth Fish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Calm Water + Chilly
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Turtle, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Goldfish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Spikey, Starfish, Streamer Fish
Prefer 1 (no change): Arrow Fish, Banggai Cardinal, Cuttlefish, Jellyfish
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness):

Black + Calm Water + Freezing
Prefer 3 (+16 Happiness): Dark Knight Fish, Scooter Blenny, Seaslug, Winter Snow Crystal
Prefer 2 (+8 Happiness): Candycorn Fish, Hamuhamu, Knight Fish, Ninja Fish, Lazor Fish, Octopii, Seahorse, Sharktooth Fish, Starfish, Streamer Fish, Turtle
Prefer 1 (no change): Banggai Cardinal, Goldfish, Jellyfish, Spikey
Prefer 0 (-2 Happiness): Arrow Fish, Cuttlefish

4,850 Points
  • Healer 50
  • Hunter 50
  • Survivor 150
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So now you understand how fish Happiness works, and you know how to make sure your fish either have two or three of their preferences met. You may still be wondering, though: "how do I increase the Health of my Aquarium?" Well, here in the Health section I'll answer that very question!

Happiness and Health

Hopefully you've got a pretty firm grasp on how to make your fish happy now, because having happy fish is very important to your aquarium health. If the Happiness section, Fish Listing, and Settings section still leave you stumped on making your fish happy, feel free to ask any questions in this thread or you can send me a PM.

Whether your Aquarium Health increases or decreases is entirely determined by how many happy fish you have in your tank. To figure out if your Aquarium Health will go up or down, you just add up all of the Happiness points that will be gained by your fish. Remember, we're not looking at their total Happiness Score, we're just looking at how many points they'll gain or lose the next time their Scores will change. So, let's say you have two happy Octopii with three preferences (16 points each makes 32 points), one happy Seahorse with two preferences (8 points), one unhappy Spikey with one preference (0 points), and four unhappy Arrow Fish with no preferences (-2 points each makes -8 points). So, 32+8+0-8=32, what does that mean?
  • When the total number of Happiness points your fish will gain is a positive number, your Health will go up.
  • When the total number of Happiness points your fish will gain is zero, your Health will not change.
  • When the total number of Happiness points your fish will gain is a negative number, your Health will go down.

So, having too many unhappy fish in your Aquarium will make your score decrease until it eventually reaches zero.

Health Percentage

So now you know what's going to decide if your Health goes up or down, but what's going to decide how much? Well, how much your score changes is based on what kinds of things you have in your Aquarium. The first thing you need to know is how many items do you have? How many items you have in your Aquarium is going to effect how quickly your Health increases.
  • Every item you have (including Aquarium Basic Terrain and the Overseer) is going to add .03% to how much your Health increases/decreases.
  • Aquarium Backgrounds will add .04% to how much your Health increases/decreases.

The next thing you need to figure out is how many fish you have, and what kinds of fish they are. The more fish you have, the more your Health will increase or decrease. Having lots of different fish in your Aquarium is better than having only one kind and will increase your Aquarium Health even more.
  • Every new species of fish you put into your Aquarium will add .15% to how much your Health increases/decreases.
  • Every species of fish you already have that you put into your Aquarium will add .06% to how much your Health increases/decreases.

So let me give you a made up example of what someone might have in their Aquarium, and I'll show you how to figure out how their Health will change. Let's say someone has the following things in their Aquarium:

Okay, add up .03%+.03%+.03%+.04%+.15%+.15%+.15%+.06%+.06% and you get .7%. How much your Health increases/decreases varies by about .01%, just for fun. So, with enough happy fish, this Aquarium would increase by .7%-.71%. With too many unhappy fish though, the Aquarium could decrease by the same amount. So the Happiness of your fish determines whether your Health goes up or down, and what kinds of things you have in your Aquarium determines how much!

4,850 Points
  • Healer 50
  • Hunter 50
  • Survivor 150
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If you want to link to Fish Lab in your own guide or thread, you can use this banner (if you'd like) in your links section. To use it, copy the portion of BBCode shown underneath the banner and paste it where you'd like the link to appear:

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/t.44044979/][img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y169/pyropup/fish lab/Link011.jpg[/img][/url]


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Neko-Chan666's A Guide to Fish Happiness in the Aquarium Forum is another great source of information, and her "Happiness Theory" was influential in my own study of fish. A number of people contribute to this guide, including myself. xd I help by sharing my fish preference information once I've studied a new fish, and every so often I pipe up in the thread itself.

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Created by Hisui Revenge, The Royal Flush is a catalog of items that can be found inside of Drops as reported by different Aquarium owners.

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People with classic profiles might find it tricky trying to add their Aquarium to their profile. TheOneAngle has it all figured out, and explains how to do it in his guide: Adding Aquarium to Classic Profile.

Aquarium Backgrounds - See before you buy: Lady Rat put together this excellent resource, which I'm sure a lot of people will make use of. When you look at previews of Aquarium backgrounds in Phin Phang, the Marketplace, or even on tektek, they're rather small and won't let you know how the temperature of your water is going to effect the way they look. Here you can find a collection of thumbnail images that will let you know what to expect each background to look like once it's in your tank.

The Cuttlefish: Our Beloved Problem Child: ironmaiden-sama has created a place for Cuttlefish owners and fans to go and talk about the most popular (albeit curiously emo) cephalopod bobbing about in Aquariums. It has links to a number of guides, general Cuttlefish information, and also some interesting facts about Cuttlefish in the real world.

The Mysterious Snow Crystal: Kittea's thread is an interesting look at the delayed release of the Crystal. I learned about each Crystal being unique here, something she confirmed in a PM she received from Aquarium developer: crazy spork i am. You can see a screenshot of the PM in her thread.


Credit and Special Thanks

Credit goes to Kittea for learning that each Winter Snow Crystal is unique by sending a pm to Aquarium developer: crazy spork i am.

Credit goes to Angel LunaBelle for sharing her experience with Fish Drop error messages. This proved that Fish Drops grant items at random.

Credit goes to cheerful strangler for first observing that his Knight Fish and Turtle were gaining Happiness in unusual increments. After he posted in this thread, I conducted experiments proving his discovery was correct. Already learning about the Winter Snow Crystal on my own, I found that (at the time of writing this) four additional species of fish would gain Happiness more quickly than others.

Thanks go to Taroux for inspiring this guide through the observation of his own tank of fish.

Thank you to Da Flea for explaining how different settings can effect the rate at which your fish's happiness increases shortly after this guide was started. That system has changed since then, but her help is what led me to observe fish as closely as I do.

Thanks to Athena1964 for her eagerness to help in researching her own fish's behavior, and contributing it to help improve this guide.

Thanks to ceirwy for shortening the code of the little banner above so that people can use it in their signature if they'd like!

Thank you to xFyreBritex for sharing her journal. Being able to try to predict how the Health in her Aquarium would change was helpful in understanding how Backgrounds effect Health percentages. She also deserves a lot of thanks for just hanging out and answering people's questions! Especially during my last month of school and the couple weeks my account had been hacked, having her help was invaluable. Fyre also deserves credit for suggesting the "Barrett's Tank" section of the FAQ, which was a really good idea and is something new Aquarium owners might need help with.

Thanks to the following people for bumping this thread: sanguinara, ceirwy, The one and only Benjamin, Tunafishy1, StarieMichie, xFyreBritex

Thank you so much to StarieMichie for sending me a brand new Knight Fish right after I'd been hacked. I was really angry, and it was the perfect present to make me feel better!

Thanks to GAKUGAKU BURUBURU for being a long time supporter of the thread, pointing people in need of help to it, and also for checking my math in the Fish Listing. xd

Thanks to cathyfugue for sending me a PM on my mule when my account had been hacked. It was nice hearing from her and everyone who posted in this thread while I was gone, and definitely made putting this guide together worthwhile for me!

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