• Hearts racing, beating like a heavy bass drum a hundred times a minute,
    Sweat glistening as it falls slowly down my face,
    pelleting the night sky-blue mat below like raindrops on the parking lot blacktop during a stormy night, the oil spills slowly washed away into the city gutters and the smell of ozone permeating the air.

    I can hear my own breath, slowly consuming me,
    in, out, in, out, in, out, in out, as it
    a burst of lightning blazes up and down my spine,
    hundreds of vultures screaming, eager for a meal.

    My hair is matted down, slicked into a tangled mess
    by his vicious strikes, my legs are weighed down by concrete bricks,
    and I'm being pulled into the depths by this undeniable force...

    Blood crawls like a dying man between my closed lips,
    and once again, a match is struck, the flame lit,
    and a bullet enters the chamber, released in a flash of light,
    breaking the sound barrier with my razor-blade yell...
