• He was on his way home from work that cold winter's night
    His body felt heavy and his head felt light
    The cold wind blew ever harder and chilled even his soul
    He tried to pay it no mind, for he was almost home

    Suddenly he heard the scurry of feet and caught a lustrous gleam
    He clamed himslef and though "I must be seeing things"
    His steps became quicker and his heart beat grew ever louder
    He began to sprint home like an animal caught in a rain shower

    He quickly became tired so he stopped to regain his composure
    Something was was calling his attention and the sound seemed tob e getting closer
    Without another thought he began to pick up his pace
    Though his legs became weighty and sweat rolled down his face

    The "sound" was still en route as the man's house came into view
    He could smell his wife's cooking an knew he'd be hpme soon
    He became caught up with his senses and fell to the ground
    He quickly got on his feet, but closer came the "sound"

    The man's energy was scarce and he couldn't run any further
    The "sound" suddenly crept up and tapped the man on the shoulder
    The man tried to quickly escape but fell back into the street
    The "sound" came back to help the man on his feet

    The "sound" helped the man reach his home
    The man was still dazed, but glad to finally have reached his humble abode
    The sound set the man down and for the first time he saw
    The "sound" was simply a sound, but a man after all

    The man thanked the sound for helping him back to his house
    The sound appeared to be short and skinny and spoke like a mouse
    The "sound" began to speak as the man feaerfully swallowed
    "I'm sorry I scared you sir," said the sound, "but might this be your wallet?"