• Zeus looked down me and Ikuto. "State your reason for being together." he said. Me and Ikuto said it together, almost as if it was rehersed "He (Ikuto said she) is my soulmate." There was a murmur going around the gods and goddesses around us. "I don't like it" said Ares, god of war. "I think the big muscle head has a point for once." said Dionysis, god of wine. "This is not the most wise desicion." said Athena, goddess of wisdom. "But they are in love, and this is no fake love, this is true love" Aphrodite said, then glared at Ares. They are currently dating, so Ares said "Yeah, what she said, true love. I change my vote." he smiled a bit at Aphrodite, she smiled beautifully back. Artemis nodded "It is as they say, they are soulmates" Apolo smiled "I vote yes. 'A beutiful snow white rose, is the hardest to find in a mighty blizzard'" he recited. "2 votes no, 4 votes yes" I thought. Demeter, goddess of agriculture, smiled and said "I approve" Poiseidon, god of the sea, horses, and earthquakes, looked at us. He smiled "I approve" The rest of the votes were 'yes'. But what it really came down to, was Zeus, the king. He looked at us, and he laughed. It didn't have a sense of mockery or unkindness in it, it was a deep joyful laugh. His brown eyes sparkled "I would expect no less from my son, I approve" he said. "Ehhhh. So your Ikuto's dad, Hey Ik-, holy crap! Ikuto, you fainted standing up!" I said trying to shake him awake. "Did I hear right?" he asked. I nodded "Yeah, Zeus is you father" Zeus chuckled "I guess it's a bit much for him to take in-" Poiseidon interrupted "But, we have something we need to ask of you, Ikuto." Ikuto nodded and stepped forward. "Will you consider being the god of Autumn? Right now, we don't have one, and we need your help.Ikuto's eyes widened " (speaks gibberish) Yes! Absolutly yes!" Ikuto said. "Your mother knew this day would come, when you became a god. She could see it in you. Snow will show you the ropes. Goodbye." he said and the Gods and goddesses dissapeared from their chairs. I jumped and hugged Ikuto. He spun me around and kissed me, like they did in movies. "I love you, my Eternal Snow" he told me

    And so ends our long journey, me and Ikuto are finally together, forever.