• A wisp of wind blew as a storm grew, a storm that would change the face of the world. Their was a man in the middle of it who stood on such weak legs. His body was dead and cold like the storms eye that drew ever so more to the lands of nowhere. His mind was broken over the war that raged inside his soul. He felt the blades cut so slowly through him as he was reminded of the two. His wife to the east was like a star so bright and warm, while his mistress and true love was to the west as free as the wind and also as cold. He felt the heat of the eastern air mass moving his way as the cold free wind blew from the west, and the storm in the center was a foot. The man who had no name looked to the ground form his seat and he smiled a bit as he saw his fate. He then hears the voice of his wife from the east telling him to come back home with her while he also hears to the west a vocie saying "where have you gone my love I fell so alone" He looked back down and knew his fate to stop the war he must be the storm. He jumped form his cliff all the way to the ground no more himself but just a dream of space. the Man was dead and both women felt such sorrow and grief they never did know that he had them both and the following war was never to be for the two felt the same in thier soul. the storm left the lands and with it came the man for he had been the storm that seperated the war.