• Chapter one :: Just another morning.
    It wasn't really cold, but it was a bitter morning. Two young girls lay side by side, ironically placed in a Yin-yang sort of way. One was a Silver haired, and even Silver-eyed female, named Avikna. The other, a Red head with beautiful crimson eyes, named Risa. The two were twins, believe it or not. It seems each had gained there own characteristic of thier parents.
    Avikna looked like her father, but had the ability's of her mother. Risa was of course the opposite. She looked like her mother, but gained the ability's of her father. The two didn't mind this fact, they were happy with how they were. The two took pride in knowing that they each had a bit of there parents in them.
    Now, as the morning progressed, Avikna started to stir, her mind still in a jumble. She liked the cool weather, so she gladly gave her half of the blanket to her still sleeping sister. Laying in bed abit longer, she attempted to wake up. She'd take a nice bath before her sister, whom seemed to always get way to much water on the floor. Then dress before waking her up.
    Today was a special day, but it was to be treated like any other. Rubbing her eyes, she finally rose, tryed quietly from waking up her sister. Risa was rather crabby in the morning, something Avikna didn't want to deal with on such a special day. She'd rather let her sister sleep, and beable to wake her up only to leave and join up with her mother and father.
    Happly she scuffled over to the little table set for two, and picked at her breakfast. It was cold, The way she liked it. Risa's of course was warm, she never liked cold food like Avikna. Sniffing in from her nose, she turned away a slice of toast still between her lips. The cool stone pathway lead her to the bathroom. Closing the door behind her she started the bath water. She sliped of her little silver nightgown, and pulled up her silver hair into a bun.
    There was no need to wash her hair, it be washed again anyways. However, her body stunk.. much like it always did after waking up next to her sister. It wasn't that Risa stunk mind you, it is because of their elements, they are twins, and such wise they have opposite elemental aura running through thier b odys, it of course made them stronger when beside eachother, but it also created a stink, that Avikna's nose didn't like. So for the time being, she slipped into the bathwater, and tryed as she might to rid of the stink.

    It had worked for the most part, and soon enough Avikna was outside her room, stareing down at her bed. She had a confused look on her face. "Where is my sister?" She questioned searching under the blankets, then under the bed. Risa was missing, had she gotten up, and went to another bathroom within the castle? Avikna's curious look, changed to being scared. She didn't like this, Risa never woke up until after she woke her up herself. "Maybe Mama, and papa took her." Avikna mummbled, shrugging.
    She'd find out soon enough. For the time being she went over to her breakfast, it was still untouched by the maids, and Risa's wasn't touched at all. "They didn't let her eat?" Avikna again questioned. What a strange morning this was turning out to be. She'd been under the impression that it should be a day like anyother, but apparently not so. "Mama, and papa always change there minds..." She huffed, sitting down at the table, and eating the rest of her food.

    A soft knock came from Avikna's door as she was now reading a book. She of course was still worried that her sister was gone, but she was under the impression that her parent's had her twin. Sighing she stood up and went to her door, unlocking it. The Lupita clan, have this ability they call "Mist" It's really a formation of both thier elements together, it basically allows them to float like a cloud, thus they can pass thru doors without the need to open them. It also made them quite sneaky. Avikna guessed it was a maid finally coming to pick up hers and her sister's empty trays. -Avikna was rather hungery- Opening the door, she got quite the shock, it wasn't a maid, rather it wasn't even a buttler.
    It was her Father. "Papa?" Avikna questioned, looking around him expecting to see her sister.
    "Risa is gone, you need to come with me." He spoke, rather harsher then usual. His Dragon-like eyes peirced like an ax into Jell-o. Avikna didn't like that look, it usally ment. A. Papa was upset about something she and her sisters and brother had done, or B. His brother did something to piss him off. Avikna wondered which one it was. It was then none of her sisters or brothers had come to see her. She blinked a few times wondering just why that was. Nonetheless Avinkna nodded, she didn't want to make her father even more upset.
    "O-okay papa..." She replyed, stepping away from her door. The halls were rather quiet as they walked, they were usually that way, Avikna and her siblings got a whole wing to themselves, where the boys usually fought alot, they did it outside, so even then the halls were quiet, but strangly this was another kind of quiet. This was a deadly quiet. For a moment Avikna though she saw a maid lying in one of her brothers rooms. "Whe--"
    "Dont' speak." Her father snapped, pushing her along the corridor abit father. She looked up at him, tears forming, but by seeing the stirn look on his face she lisnted, and looked back down at her feet.
    They had finally stoped, all the way over to the otherside of the casltle. Avikna was getting curious as to why her father had brought her to his Study. None of her siblings were allowed in here. It was begginning to be a veeery strange morning. Her father moved over to a Bookshelve, and pulled down a rather clunky looking green book. It had no title, to what Avikna could see, but after he pulled it the bookshelve started to move. All the other books started to rattle as it pushed itself out of the way to show an under ground passage. "Wow..." Avikna awed, she couldn't help it.
    This was never seen before in her life. But why did her rather have one? It wasn't needed. He could have simply passed through it with her ability. Her father, though being a Lupita didn't have the "Mist" that the others controled. He wasn't Wolkova which is why. The Tall, Silver haired, Golden-eyed male, Avinoam was Dragonian, Pure-blooded at that. He had eyes like a snakes, and the body built to withstand magic, and all the elements. That was probably why her mother chose him.
    Avikna was so caught up in her thoughts she couldn't tell her father had already rejoined at her side. She was wide eyed at all the events passing through her head. She also didn't noticed her father was knealing beside her, and tracing a figure onto her shoulder. When she finally felt the tingle, it was tolate. Avikna was already outcold. The little girl's body feel to the ground, and all in one sudden instant her mind went blank, and all she could see or think, was total darkness...