About Myself
WAS FORMALLY KNOWN AS Pitch The Nightmare King and before that ALLEN WALKER- D GRAY MAN
Hi, their random person reading my profile, my name is Stephanie but you may call me Kiki or Vixen if it floats your boat.
I am a 29-year-old animator, editor, 2D artist, cartoonist, and film editor so I don`t have as much time as I had once before. My Discord is kikiyoinuyasha#4980 and I am always on there if you need to get ahold of me immediately. I have a new deviantart, I have mostly been drawing my tabletop charters but I am going to move onto avis soon so check it out! PM me if you would like a commission! I would make an art shop but who has the time? xD
I am working online so so I shall be on more often. A little about myself, I love video games, Dungeons and Dragons, Art, and RPing. I love all types of shows rather it is anime, cartoons, or RL shows I have a very wide range that I watch. If that all sounds cool you send me a PM or a comment lets get to chatting!
☐ Single ☐ Taken ☑ Grey Warden
emotion_bigheart 03.31.07 Is my Gaiaversary emotion_bigheart
Currently am battling depression and severe anxiety and social anxiety, however, I'm looking to overcome both of these!
Talk to me i`m lonely
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