


gutprayer's avatar

Registered: 01/11/2012

Birthday: 11/12



I'm a weird lesbian edgelord lol

heart I love electronic music and angels and magical girls heart

gaia_angelleft I Make Music, Art, and Other Stuff! gaia_angelright


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Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/04/2025 11:34 am
Ningyou Jorougumo
Indeed, rather scary. I am hoping things get better, but I am braced for things getting worse.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/03/2025 10:30 am
Ningyou Jorougumo
Indeed. Still hard to feel the effects of any good I do in such limited space, but it is about doing good, not about what results from it. Its probably never going to affect a larger scale.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/02/2025 4:11 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
That is the best way to handle things, if only I lived near a local community to help, but I do not have to worry, I can at least help those I live with, and those I talk to online.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/02/2025 11:02 am
Ningyou Jorougumo
Very true, losing hope and giving up is probably worse than acknowledging it. Its best to keep going and do what you can, so if a potential exists to make it better, one can, ne?
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/01/2025 5:53 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
I can understand your enjoyment of that Avi.
I can also understand, but I do not mean to drop such anger and frustration out in such a form.
That being said there is so much wrong in this world...
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 02/01/2025 5:18 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
Love the Avi take currently, and yep. Also frustrating how even the lower end of the upper echelons of our society looks down upon the ones at the lower rungs.
Sorry for getting charged for a moment there.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 01/31/2025 12:08 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
Same honestly. Unfortunately not much we can do, unless those people who are in the major positions do stuff to change their ways and actually care, it will never shift.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 01/30/2025 2:42 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
Not as bad lately, I near the three lakes in Michigan, so most years it is not bad, but this past summer we had 102 degree temperatures for a couple of days, almost wrecked our AC unit.
Before the end of April 2016 I was living in Medford Oregon, where every summer it was getting to around 116 at times, and not getting below 70 eighty percent of the year. Considering I do not do well above 65... yeah. I was glad though the last two years I lived there though, that there was actual snow and low temperatures, made things nice. I am hoping we get to a point where the world's temperatures reset to where it was back in the 90's.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 01/30/2025 12:52 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
We can only hope. It would be nicer on my place of residence if nothing else.
Ningyou Jorougumo Report | 01/29/2025 4:07 pm
Ningyou Jorougumo
That is part of the influence of why I prefer the half of the year I do, and why I lament when that half is encroached upon by Summer itself. Protection from heat and sunlight is not easy nor adequate.


gaia_angelleft I Make Music, Art, and Other Stuff! gaia_angelright


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