
Odd Cinderella's avatar

Registered: 02/05/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/15


Me cosplaying as a Genderbent Sora from Kingdom Hearts 3!
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Art By: Dreamy Xion

Me cosplaying as Skuld from Kingdom Hearts Union Cross:
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Me outside of cosplay, holding Kingdom Hearts 3. Do you see a pattern? lol
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I have no fancy banner, but this is my Ticket Tracker.




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Kid Jak Report | 01/12/2025 5:44 am
that is the sad truth.
Kid Jak Report | 01/11/2025 5:35 pm
just surviving right now. glad to hear you are well.
Lady March Hare Report | 01/10/2025 7:44 pm
HOWDY!! Happy 2025!!! >3<
non-objective Report | 01/09/2025 12:26 am
I saw the new Crabby Urban Winter and thought the face mask could make a nice ninja outfit. Plus Crabby is one of my favorite color schemes. Might try and do Shibuya Urban Winter too. At this point since I'm near cosplay burn out, it's nice to return to just regular avis.

TBH, you could probably enter Arenas for shits and giggles. Even if you get downvoted, you're likely to be in the top 10 anyways since there are barely 10 entries each week.
non-objective Report | 01/08/2025 11:37 pm
Weird, I thought I had that item, but I guess I never did. Can't wait to see it, whatever it is!

I'm just surprised more than anything. Then again I kept on getting inspired to do more stuff over the two years too. Though I've been having avi block lately so I'm thinking I'm reaching my creative limit unless I revisit some older stuff.
non-objective Report | 01/08/2025 10:22 pm
Oooh. I assume it's the bahn hammer. Wish I had that too sweatdrop

Surprisingly I have enough to get to april which would make two consecutive years of arena entries with no repeats. I'm surprised I had that much.
non-objective Report | 01/08/2025 8:40 pm
Aw thanks! If I wasn't such a cosplayer, I'd definitely be doing more of these!

Also happy new year!
Kid Jak Report | 01/08/2025 8:25 pm
big fish jak biggrin how goes Odd?
Just A Bit Witchy Report | 01/08/2025 8:16 pm
And omg, so sorry for being late, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for the happy birthday!
I had the flu for all of Christmas and my birthday so I was not all there lol!

How are you doing this New Year so far?
Aqua Report | 01/05/2025 4:17 pm
omg exciting!! Im gonna meet up with some fortnite friends in July. We are going to Busch Gardens.
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