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What will you bring to the picnic? (Please post specific ideas in the thread)

A main course! 0.15850815850816 15.9% [ 68 ]
I’ve got the sides, baby! 0.18648018648019 18.6% [ 80 ]
Dessert 0.36596736596737 36.6% [ 157 ]
Friends! 0.28904428904429 28.9% [ 124 ]
Total Votes:[ 429 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 36 37 38 > >>

Yeata Zi's Bae

Dedicated Diedrich

26,600 Points
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Hello. Hi. How are you?

I suppose you're here because you like Diedrich. I liek Diedrich too.

Welcome to the D-Party, Gaia's only political party.

2024 Vision: More Parties. MORE D.

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My name is Hassli, and I founded the D-Party back in November of 2013 as kind of a troll against my then-girlfriend (now wife) who happened to be a member of a group that didn't really care for the guy. You see, dear friends, Diedrich was hated by a large group of people, despite being the most cheerful and weird character Gaia has ever introduced. Truthfully. There was actually a group of people literally buying up Diedrich items with the intent to destroy them. I thought it would be fun to act aggressively friendly in his honor all under the guise of wanting to see him reelected in the 2016 election. We failed in that endeavor, gaining a literal trash can as President that year, but Diedrich, ever the optimist, declared himself VP and we have kept going. Somehow I managed to gather a ragtag group of the most amazingly kind, passionate people in all of Gaia to join this political movement. We've been through a lot together in the six-plus years since I brought this little group together, and we have seen a lot of growth. What started as a small group has now grown to over 700 members. We've hosted a huge party every April 1st since our founding to celebrate Diedrich's birth, and we've made our mark in Gaia history both in surprise events dedicated to our group and in art and items. It's been pretty cool! Diedrich has brought all these awesome folks together to form the D-Party that I love.

Why the new thread, you might be wondering? I have not been so good recently about keeping the D-Party GCD thread updated, so I decided to open a new thread and use the D-Party mule for most of the posts so that my wonderful D-Party Crew could help keep everything up to date and keep Diedrich relevant.

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Did you know Gaia has a lot of fan-clubs for NPCs? This is true, I have seen it. This is the D-Party. It is like a fan club, but also a fun club. We are a group of VICE President Diedrich supporters. Our mission is to keep Diedrich in Office indefinitely. Also, it is our mission to party! Everybody likes a party!
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You might be seeing on the TV the news people talking about which old white guy or which lady person will be president in two years. We are lucky on Gaia because we already know the answer. It will be Diedrich. It's a fact. We need to begin our campaign right now to have the advantage on ourselves, or clone, or whatever come 2020. Diedrich's victory will be ensured because we will run on the same platform we did when Diedrich first ran.

classified_diedrich Health: I am for it. Everyone should do a health.
classified_diedrich Taxes: We will take some money from people (not too much).
classified_diedrich National Security: I can lift over forty times my own body weight.
classified_diedrich Social Issues: Everyone gets to kiss whoever they want, as long as it's OK.
classified_diedrich Dogs: Big ones yes, little yapper dogs... we'll see.

It's a good platform, right?

Here is the secret plan for 2020. If you are not a Diedrich supporter please do not click this spoiler. It is for Diedrich Supporters only. Card Carrying D-Party Members may look. ONLY. Don't look because it's super secret.

Small Yapper dogs... OK.

GOOD PLAN, RIGHT?! Get the swing vote!

Now you might be thinking, "How do I become a member of the D-Party?" Well, it is very easy, my friend! Anybody can be a member of the D-Party! You just got to show up! You don't have to bring anything. All we need you to do is give unending lifetime support to Diedrich which you pretty much have done anyway, you know, since he's president!

So yeah! You should stay and you should join our party. We're sure to have some party favors and some party games that you can play. Isn't politics fun?!

Thank you for your time and support. The one-party system is a success!

Ok! Good bye now! Bye-bye. I love you, buh-bye. Thank you for this. Really, bye, thank you. Thank you so much. Goodbye. Goodbye now. I will see you later. Thank you. Bye bye. See you later. OK, bye. Thank you. Goodbye and thank you.


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Eternal Partier

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classified_diedrich Follow Gaia's Terms of Service.
classified_diedrich Be nice to everybody!
classified_diedrich Love Diedrich!
classified_diedrich Please don't quote the first page
classified_diedrich Stay on topic. Diedrich-related discussions only, please.
classified_diedrich Do not put hazardous cleaning supplies where Diedrich can reach them.
classified_diedrich If you bring any medications into the D-Party, please make sure they are in child-proof bottles.
classified_diedrich Diedrich will eat anything he finds so be careful.

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Eternal Partier

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  • Excitable Emoter 25
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Here we will link to events and other special updates as they happen! Please keep your eyes peeled for important updates!

gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star
4/1 - It's Diedrich tenth birthday! Come join us to help celebrate!

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Eternal Partier

12,300 Points
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Summary here. Detailed history below in the spoiler.

Diedrich rose from Gambino's Ashes on April first,
2010. Johnny K.Gambino was murdered by
Zhivahgo and his urn acted as Diedrich's egg.
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Diedrich's character was invented by Jenzee and

We celebrate President Diedrich's birthday on
April 1st.

Diedrich has been involved in a great many events
since his conception. His premiere in April Fools Day 2010 was just
the start. He went on to be a key player in Easter and the Summer
Frontier Skies Event of that year, as well as Earth Day and
Thanksgiving. The next year he was involved in Valentines Day,
Easter again, Earth Day, Summer Pie Hard, and the Christmas
Event of 2011. In 2012, Diedrich was involved in Valentine's Day,
Easter, Easter and the Election. In 2013, he was involved in the
Easter Event Again.
After Diedrich's birth, he went on to run the 2010 Easter Event.
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This was spent collecting colorful eggs around the site. They
came in three varieties: Grunny, Gambino and Easter.

The summer event in 2010, Fronteir Skies, was accompanied
by a Flash-Based game similar to Oregon Trail in which
Diedrich was a Captain.
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Earth Day involved a flash space in which Diedrich stated several
interesting Facts about animals and the Earth. I found a video
with it on youtube if you are interested.

Diedrich gifted a people the Risky Angels item in October 2010.
They arrived anonymously and had the message:
I noticed you are wearing panties with stockings! I'm not
sure why but maybe you will like this item!

Okay bye now! Goodbye!

For Thanksgiving in 2010, Diedrich gave away Turkey Plushes.

The Valentine's Day Event in 2011 had Diedrich heading the
Love it team, and Radio Jack heading the Shove it Team.
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Diedrich ran his own little kissing-booth. This was his Card:
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The 2011 Easter Event was a Diedrich vs. the Easter Bunny
Event. Gaians had to choose a team and collect eggs.
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team lost, but this meant Diedrich could eat the remainder of
the eggs which left him fat... and sassy.

Next was Pie Hard where Diedrich was a final contestant for
pie eating. He kept his weight he gained during Easter and
occasionally had babies spawning from his body.
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The Christmas 2k11 event was the Carol of Old Pete. One
of the days featured Diedrich.
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2012's Valentine's Day Event had Diedrich giving love advice.
If you sent him a Valentine, he responded with a letter of his
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For 2012's Easter Event, Grunnygeddon, it is revealed that
Diedrich's Baby Spawning at Pie Hard has continued and
he has millions of Babies running around. The Easter Bunny
asks you to kill them, and Diedrich asks you to set the
babies up for adoption.
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In November, 2012, Diedrich Ran for president and got elected.

For Valentine's Day 2013, Diedrich and Old Pete got featured for 2011 day.
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Easter 2013 featured Diedrich as leader of the cute team.
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April Fool's Day 2014 involved quiote a bit of President Diedrich
Diedrich took over Gaia for his birthday! Even the shop owners
were replaced with Diedrich clones. A huge party was had.
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He was also involved in the easter event, but the Easter bunny took it away from him.

In May, he got to share a story in the RIG, Peyo's Fables.


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It’s President Diedrich story time! A long time ago, there was a young girl who was forced to turn straw into gold, which seems a little silly because straw on its own is delicious! But she couldn’t do it, and she was very sad. A kindly imp appeared and offered to help her, because he was so nice! And also because she promised him her firstborn child! She became a queen, and the imp came to collect her baby. Did you know that mothers are very attached to their children? It’s gross, but true! The new queen thought she would have to give her child to the imp, but a messenger told her the imp’s real name: Rumpelstiltskin! This made the imp so mad that he literally ripped himself apart! And he even forgot to steal the baby. Did you know that imps are kind of dumb? Apparently so!

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Diedrich hates snowmen now.
[NPC] President Diedrich
The snowman invasion is afoot and I, as President Government Armed Forces Eternal, am defending the citizens from their delicious carrot-nosed ways! I love you all and will not stop until every snowman is a melty waterman. Did you know that they have no calories?

Diedrich had an interview with Cindy!
[NPC] Cindy Donovinh

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Next up, we've managed to capture an elusive politician for an interview that is only being granted to Action 9 News! In the wake of the recent elections and fabulous new events taking place, I'm sure that this next guest will have loads to share with us!

    President Diedrich! It's an honor to have you here in the studio. If I may ask, how did you make time in your busy schedule to see us? Did it take a little finagling?

    Hi. Hello. Hi! It's me, and I'm President! I finagled! Did you know that my dumb babies are everywhere still? They look just like me and they can stamp things into law.

    Well sir, that does explain how it has recently become illegal to wear soda cans as any garments other than hats, earrings, shoes, or pants. Did you have any input at all on that, Mr. President?

    Did you know that I had a vote once? It's true! I vote many things. It is the law when I vote it, so everyone has to listen! I vote many, many things.

    Why, yes! And Gaia thanks you for your leadership, Mr. President. I've been hearing rumor that a Gaian recently won a Mint Ticket and was able to spend some one on one time with you! How did that go? Any comments for the press?

    Hassli!!! Hassli... Hassli? Hassli. Yes! It was Hassli and did you know that there was a whole party for me and my party? I'm the best ever politics and so I am President, but many times there are people who don't even know it! D-Party has done many good things and you can visit them by clicking this thing: OK. Click. Thank you. K. OK. Yes. I love you.

    It's great to hear you had a fabulous time. On another note, I feel as though you've been making some serious attacks against snowmen in our recent item: Let's Build A Snowman. Is there a reason behind these assaults?

    Is there ever a reason for murder, Donovinh? To take a life... it is the finality. Snowmen have families... have homes. They have dark, sick intent, too. Did you know that? I know many things. Maybe I know too many things (a little bit?) Like did you know sloths can't play hopscotch because they are cheaters and have been banned from the entire League of Hopscotchers? It's true!

    S-sir? Er, it's been just lovely having you here today! Thank you for your time! If all you folks at home could give President Diedrich a big hand for this insight, I'm sure he will appreciate it, though he won't hear it himself--

    Did you know that I hear what happens in all of your houses? It's true! I love you and always want to learn more about you! What do you want for Christmas? Has that rash gone away? I love you so much! OK. K. Bye now! Goodbye! Goodbye forever!! This is goodbye!

Well Gaians, that wraps up a very enlightening new Community Update! I hope you've enjoyed yourselves, and please be sure to share your ideas for the next Community Update in our latest discussion thread and poll! I'll be reporting in next time to announce the results and continue delivering the news Gaians want to hear! Until next time, this is Cindy Donovinh, signing out.

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Diedrich was featured in some neat graffitti in the header for the New Attitude RIG.
The D-Party does not support graffitti.... unless it is President Diedrich! Then it is good!

On 2/16/15, President's Day, Diedrich lead us on a merry chase-- A mystery to solve.... and teh final result was DIedrich!
tribute to Prez Diedrich on President's Day 2k15. best freebie ever.

Portrait of a President

[NPC] President Diedrich
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Hi citizens! Hello! Hi! Hi there! Hi! I'm glad you're all here in my house and listening to me. Did you wake up this morning with one of my strange dumb idiot babies dancing next to you? I am so sorry! They are just too happy and can't help but jiggle and wiggle. You see, my party (group), the best party (group) ever, the D-Party (group), is throwing a party (fun!) I know, so many parties! It is hard to keep track of which ones to RSVP to, but please try not to be rude or maybe there won't be enough food for you when you get there.

The D-Party's Party is being thrown to earn campaign funds for the next election, and also to help the D-Party to do amazing things like buy me presents for my 5th birthday! It is true, I am a whole 5 years old on April 1st! Did you know that makes me 48 in dog years, 172 in Zurg years, and 45 in grunny years, but still just 5 in people years? It's true!

Please help support the D-Party by tossing your golden shinies into the pile of my dumb babies. They might eat a few of them, but will probably make sure D-Party gets the rest. With your help, the D-Party will host fun new contests, giveaways, and many other very fun events! OK, I will just go wait for you to do that. I know exactly how much gold you have, so if you don't donate enough, I will know that too. I know many things, like that you can earn some great new Achievements and items by helping out the D-Party! Click the button below to get started! That's all! Ok bye...bye...BYE!

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The Presidency
Diedrich has gone down in history as Gaia's
first ever president. Nominated by himself, and elected by
sheer button pressing, Diedrich is Gaia's most greatest
president ever!

On November 5th, 2012, he nominated himself for President.
At the time he thought he would be running unopposed. You
can see his nomination and original platform here. The next day, a rival appeared: Friedrich. He was like a clone
or something. In order to have a fair race the two agreed to a
Presidential Debate. You can see Friedrich's announcement
here and you can see a transcript of their debates here.

Diedrich won in a landslide victory as noted by a dev alert.
Here is his winning speech:
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Since his presidency has has done few things.
Most notably he declared the Month of March "Cute Month" as
seen here.

During the Government shut down, Diedrich made an announcement
where he decided he would also take on the position of

Update about recent trash can upheaval.

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Diedrich ITEMS
A list of items in President's Diedrich's Honor!
This isn't complete, but I will try to find everything.

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Diedrich QUOTES
"Did you know know that every day you breathe in an ounce of skin-dust? Disgusting, but indisputably scientifically true! OK, that's all! Good bye!"
Did you know that if you repeat what a leprechaun says, your tongue will turn green? It's a well known scientific fact! OK, bye!
Did you know that the average horse will watch over 73,000 hours of television in its life? Yes. OK, so I guess I'll see you later...
Did you know that all pugs harbor the souls of hanged murderers? It's ugly, but it's true! OK, I'll see you later! Bye!
Did you know that owls can see through walls, but only when they turn their heads all the way around? A backward owl might be watching you sleep tonight! OK, bye!
Did you know that each corn dog you eat takes two weeks off your life and adds them to the life of your worst enemy? It's scientifically verifiable! OK, bye!
Did you know that if you melted down a human body to its basic component minerals, you could build a tiny little bicycle? It's true. I've done it. OK! Bye bye now! Bye!
Did you know that every bee kills an average of seven humans in its lifetime? OK, bye! Sleep tight!
Did you know that the square root of a number is also called its "barnacle"? OK, bye!
Did you know that if you cut a worm in half, it turns into TWO worms? Two angry, miserable worms who thirst for revenge. OK, bye!
Did you know that toads pee when they're scared? Watch out for toads on Halloween, because it will be an unbrided bacchanal of toad urine! OK, bye! See you later! Bye!
Did you know that dogs can smell everything you do on the internet? That's why they look at you funny sometimes. OK, bye!
Did you know? In one pound of peanut butter, it typically can contain up to 150 bug fragments and 5 rodent hairs!
Hello! Did you know grunnies come from an egg? You can eat the eggs, but they taste like sulfur and horse blood.
Hello! Did you know that my green fur acts as a natural camouflage? But only when I am hiding in green slime.
Hello! Grunnies are very amorous species. I have had over two hundred anonymous sexual encounters with other grunnies!
Hello! Did you know that virtual items are far better for the environment than real items?
Hello! Are you aware that pikas are all going to die soon because of rising temperatures? Bye bye, whistling hare!
Hugs are free, but kisses will cost you!
My lips are so very tired and chapped from kissing night and day, but I won't quit until my shift is over!
Fact: More germs are spread by kissing than by high fives, down lows, and wet willies combined.
When I kiss with my eyes closed I see nothing but fire! Oh my, it is such a terrible world to behold! Ok, bye!
Did you know that every kiss adds one millionth of a second to your life?
Instead of kissing on the lips, grunnies take turns licking the fur off each other's forearms. Won't you join me?
Let’s all trade pills and have a party.

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Eternal Partier

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The D-Party was formed November 23rd, of 2013 with the express purpose of getting Diedrich re-elected President indefinitely. And also having parties. With our friends.

We failed to get Diedrich reelected as President in 2016, but we have succeeded in having parties.


-insert more info about the D-Party-

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Eternal Partier

12,300 Points
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  • Excitable Emoter 25
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Would you like to become a card-carrying member of the D-Party?

Our group has many benefits such as a birthday club, and in-guild events!

Plus, you can support Diedrich with other really nice people!

What could possibly be better?

Link to us!!!!!
Want to help advertise our thread? Take a link!

If you want to design your own D-Party Badge to share, please shoot us a PM and we will gladly add it!

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Our Friends

The D-Party has many friends from all around Gaia! If you would like to be listed as our friend, please send me a PM and will share your information! Unfortunately many of the banners of our old friends have been removed, so we are looking for new banners to put up!

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Please visit some of our other friends who no longer have working banners!

Legion X
The Gaia Casimir Alliance
Edmund's Sexy Party
Black Core Military
The Rebelievers
Bunny Ranger Fanclub
Rufus Fanthread

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Eternal Partier

12,300 Points
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Diedrich is lucky because he is so easy to draw and write about!

If you want to share a fanwork, please quote me and I will post it here!

Latest Fantastic Fanwork:
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(Click for the full pic!)
by Aerdian

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by mayuralover

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by Flocksy

Here's a collection of some fan art we've gathered over the years:
Little D

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Yeata Zi's Bae

Dedicated Diedrich

26,600 Points
  • Diedrich Supporter 50
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This is still a work in progress!

Please excuse our mess!

We're planning our annual user run event here.

Team Diedrich

New thread, same great taste!

Oh man, this is a huge year for Diedrich!

Celestial Contributor

37,175 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Noble Shade 100
classified_diedrich BONZI!!!!! classified_diedrich

Sexy of Hearts

72,925 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Love Machine 150

classified_diedrich Diedrich will eat anything he finds so be careful.

Surely he won't eat ANYTHING he finds.

Yeata Zi's Bae

Dedicated Diedrich

26,600 Points
  • Diedrich Supporter 50
  • Party Member 100
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Pirate Santa

classified_diedrich Diedrich will eat anything he finds so be careful.

Surely he won't eat ANYTHING he finds.
if it isn’t tied down he will

Yeata Zi's Bae

Dedicated Diedrich

26,600 Points
  • Diedrich Supporter 50
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Zana Bonanza
New thread, same great taste!

Oh man, this is a huge year for Diedrich!
it sure is

Yeata Zi's Bae

Dedicated Diedrich

26,600 Points
  • Diedrich Supporter 50
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  • Excitable Emoter 25
classified_diedrich BONZI!!!!! classified_diedrich

Team Diedrich

Pirate Santa

classified_diedrich Diedrich will eat anything he finds so be careful.

Surely he won't eat ANYTHING he finds.

He will. And don't call me Shirley.

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