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Ikuto Tsukiyomi


              Now then...

              ☩☩xxxIkuto had not been aware of Amu's charas spying on him when he put Yoru to bed and stuffed away the Dumpty key into his sock drawer, they did not really need to lecture him. He had no intentions of doing anything against Amu's will and since he had just sexually assaulted her for his own selfish hormones he is putting a stop to it, even though he yearns for her so much. He hesitated once back in the living room, having just finished cleaning the apartment after the chaos. He'd been eyeing the door, Amu is not responsive to him even when he murmured an apology to her. Her silence when he had was disheartening.

              He stiffened when she did move, to clean up the cat toys and throw them away, that too in a way was a flinching moment. He doubts she'd want to get to know his character change again, he was both relieved the toys were thrown away and depressed at the same time. His thoughts were that she is so freaked out by his character change that she won't attempt to get that close to him. Or that playful rather. She hadn't known that he'd behave like that, frankly neither had he a clue that his inner desires were that strong until his inner cat showed both of them. It isn't necessary Yoru's fought either. He is well a deprived youth, it's been like that for years.

              "Um, U-utau thought it would be funny to get you to character change because she t-thought that I thought that it would be c-cute..... I-I'm so... I mean, she was right, kinda, but you know, then... I-I didn't know... S-sor..." Her good-natured side wanted to apologize so badly, but an indignant part of her held back. This was not going well. he stiffened a little more, Utau...should have known better but then he guessed that she wouldn't have guessed that it go quite that far, she would certain bash his skull in for letting it go that far too. She struggled to apologize. But she couldn't even look him in the eye while saying it.

              Amu pointed matter-of-factly with one hand at the television before closing the gap between them and grabbing Ikuto's wrist with the other hand. "TV!... Let's watch that... y-yeah!" she yelled too loudly before flinching and controlling her voice again. She walked Ikuto back to the couch and released his wrist as she sat down a few inches away from him, her back as straight as a board. He let himself be led and sat down on the sofa too, she tried to flip through channels to try and distract them both. But his senses were a tuned to her and how uncomfortable she felt about the whole ordeal.

              "You don't have to appologize Amu. You didn't know. I'm the one who should be appologizing." he spoke softly but the volumn of the television is not so loud that she couldn't have heard him. "You know when I mentioned the cat-character change is more honest then yourself. well...you saw. I could not control myself. tch...this is going to go brilliantly on my criminal record." he chuckled darkly, self loathing. "Murdere...and sexual assault." He shook his head, depressed and angry with his lack of control. "I'm sorry, I just...It won't happen again." He meant his self control not that he won't get close to her again. He gazed at his hands on his lap, they were curled into fists. She'd have to stop this path he is on in thoughts, considering as surprising as it had been, she wasn't exactly un-willing.

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              Where --- Seiyo University
              Who: --- Amu & charas
              Feeling --- Embarressed, tense
              Inventory --- Gothic outfit, Yoru, Aruto's cursed egg & Violin


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Apartment
Who?: Ikuto
Feeling? Overwhelmingly upset
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, afternoon

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Ikuto was not making this awfully embarrassing situation any more bearable. When they sat down to watch TV, Amu said nothing to Ikuto. Although she was a total wreck, she tried to act out some semblance of normalcy. She eventually took control of the TV and flipped between channels. Watching TV was the first thing that came to mind to avoid talking and to distract the couple. Despite her attempt, Ikuto felt the need to explain himself. "You don't have to apologize, Amu. You didn't know. I'm the one who should be apologizing." She bit her tongue and kept her eyes glued to the screen. Her conscience was still nagging her to apologize, though he seemed to not fault her for his behavior. She listened quietly, though. After he explained what she had already figured about his character change, his words took a dark turn. "This is going to go brilliantly on my criminal record...

She bit her tongue hard and flinched visibly. She immediately tasted blood.

"...and sexual assault."

Snap... Her last straw of calm, patience-- whatever was keeping her together-- was gone just like that, unhinging her completely.

Amu couldn't tell if she suddenly felt nauseous from the taste of metal filling her mouth or from Ikuto's words dragging her into his despairing reality. She barely heard him apologize again as the words "murder and sexual assault" echoed in her mind, starting as a whisper and eventually yelling at her. In fact, she couldn't form a thought past that phrase as the waves of panic she felt while making Ikuto's bed flooded her senses. She lowered her head, covered her ears with her hands, and squeezed her eyes closed as she shrank away from whatever was yelling at her. She couldn't speak to Ikuto, and she couldn't move to console him or to even run away. She just sat and trembled, her breath suddenly hitching in her lungs as she forgot how to function. Several seconds later, she still couldn't breathe, couldn't slow the runaway train of morbid thoughts that clogged her mind and threatened to clog her throat, couldn't register that Ikuto was immediately moving closer to check on her, and couldn't comprehend that this was a panic attack and she had. To. Inhale. Soon.

Could she please just focus on one. Issue. At. A. Time?! Her first issue, remembering how to breathe, registered when she suddenly felt light-headed, a warning that she would faint if she didn't calm down. She released a shuddered breath. Out, in, out, in. Good, that was one problem solved. The yelling in her mind faded and was replaced by Ikuto's voice. She slowly lowered her hands from her ears. By now, Ikuto was clearly distressed by her panic attack and was trying to get her to respond. It was suddenly evident to her that she was having a complete meltdown in front of him. She regained her clarity after that, realizing that Ikuto was asking her to speak. None of her efforts today were amounting to anything, it seemed. No matter what she did to control herself, Ikuto was bringing the worst out of her today.

... Maybe this was all Ikuto's fault?

... Why wasn't she mad at him again? She literally almost passed out from the stress that Ikuto was causing her today. That was definitely not okay. In fact.... none of this drama in the past few days was okay! That thought helped her regain herself little by little and made her attitude take a complete 180. She swallowed the taste in her mouth and opened her eyes to glare at him.

"I really need you to stop..." she started to speak, but her voice came out small and cracked. Amu stopped and sighed exasperatedly, grimacing. This was so difficult. But she knew now that she actually was mad, so she needed to say whatever was building up in her before it consumed her again in her silence. Her voice came out stern and controlled as she said, "I need you to stop apologizing to me if all you're going to do is make me freak out." Her pent up emotions emerged after that, and she jerked away from Ikuto's touch to make space to really look at him. He still wasn't looking directly at her. She lost control after that, and she began yelling until she was flushed again.

"Look at me, Ikuto Tsukiyomi!! I'm the one who shouldn't want to look at you!" She pointed harshly from herself to him and stood up. Her arms flailed in the air animatedly as she let it all out. "And yet, here I am being as good of a friend as I can be to make you feel better until my body literally can't take it anymore!! Do you know what just happened?! I just had a f-cking panic attack because of you! Why? Because I SUCK AT MULTI-TASKING AND YOU SAID A SH-T TON OF PROBLEMS AT ONCE JUST NOW!!!

I can't handle two of your problems at once after one just happened less than an hour ago! I haven't even had a chance to change my shirt! My gosh! Can you make this any harder for me?! I'm not dressed to handle this, let alone mentally prepared! I don't even know what to say to you about the other problem*! It has been ONE day since I found out, and you expect me to just be okay with you making morbid statements like that?!

I am 18, Ikuto! CONFESSING TO YOU AFTER THAT WAS HARD ENOUGH!!! You know how I've been dealing with yesterday? I HAVEN'T!! I let myself have some fun today to stupidly "forget" about yesterday until you ruined it because you try so d-mn hard to impress me!

Oh, and if you wanted me to accept you and have sex with you, then you could have just SAID SO!! I didn't want to find out like this! I'm not an unreasonable person!! You wanna know what's funny?! I kinda liked it!! Even if you didn't notice..... I ALREADY CONFESSED!! I. Love. You. What. More. Do. You. WANT?!"

... Who was that and what did they do with Amu? Amu gasped for breath and let her arms fall to her sides. She was so exhausted. Her heart was racing after that. Ikuto was going to be the death of her. The charas, unable to ignore their owners' yelling, rushed into the hallway and had watched with concerned faces. She felt embarrassment wiggle its way into her mind as she took in Ikuto's face, but she pushed it away. She wasn't finished.

"I don't know how to fix your problems right now because I don't know how to deal with mine. I need you to either stop beating yourself up, or to shut up and let me figure out my feelings and sh-t before you make me do more things that I regret..." With that, she turned away a bit shakily and walked to the door. She started feeling ill again as the effort to express herself grated on her already shattered nerves. She was so wrong about staying here; it only made things worse. She didn't care about changing or bringing the charas; she needed to calm down alone.

After she left the apartment, she walked downstairs and toward who-knows-what. Minutes passed, and she ended up at a local park where she finally let herself flop against a bench under a tree.

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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... Too much?

*"other problem" refers to murder. She realizes that she's yelling and the neighbors can probably hear if they're around. .-.

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Ikuto Tsukiyomi


              Now then...

              ☩☩xxx Ikuto really should have known better then to lay it on even thicker like that. It has only been a few days since his return and a lot has happened in those three days. The drama gradually grew thicker and thicker until it was too much for Amu to handle. Literally. There were the soft dramas such as their confession of love. Mischievous drama such as the Amulet Neko thing, tickle fights and the Soccer match, technically the first half of her teasing his cat form with cat toys. Then there is the overwhelmingly dark drama such as the murder of his band director, his confession to murder and usage of Death Rebel, the inconvenience of having not found his father to return a broken chara egg to him while it’s connected to Ikuto’s heart; Utau’s feelings, and now the most recent s**t with his hormones and his attitude.

              It was amu dropping the remote that made him look at her and saw how she’d curled up tightly on the other end of the couch, her hands clapped to her ears, her eyes squeezed shut, she shook violently. ”Amu?” The shaking seemed to get worse but she wasn’t breathing. He moved nearer to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. ”Amu you’ve got to breathe! I’m here, you gotta breath or you’ll pass out! Amu!” he tried to urge her to breath, she is hyperventilating having a panic attack he shook her a little to try and snap her out of it. It could have been the jolting that made her suck in a sharp breath, he watched her carefully as she sucked in air and then let it out, ”That’s it…breath, don’t feint on me. You’re okay.” his fingers had tightened a little on her shoulders but he let out a relieved breath that she is coming out of her panic attack. ”Are you okay…?” She didn’t respond to him but still seemed to be trembling. Had she nearly lost it because of him?

              When she looked at him, it is a glare. He drew back a little from it.

              ”I really need you to stop…” He blinked, stop? She appeared to take a breath and for an instant he thought he saw some red in her mouth, had she just hurt herself? ”Amu…” But she cut him off, her voice came out stern and controlled, ”I need you to stop apologizing to me if all you are going to do is make me freak out. His mouth clicked shut when she said this, he didn’t know what to say to that. He’s had a rough week before he came back to seiyo and after the incident involving utau his mood grows darker too quickly for his liking. When she jerked away from his touch it made him flinch a little, was she loathing him now for coming into her life again and causing her so much problems…? He settled slowly back into his side of the couch, his eyes dropped to stare at the couch surface, his stomach fluttered with moths, making him a little ill.

              ”Look at me Ikuto Tsukiyomi!!” Her furious tone made him flinch again, and also the usage of his whole name. he’s heard tales that when a woman uses you’re full name then you are really in the dog-house, not even so much the couch but outside in the dog-house. Her sharp tone made him stiffen. But he couldn’t bring himself to look at her as she stood up. ”I’m the one who shouldn’t want to look at you!” Stab. Twist. He raised his head to look at her or rather the finger she used to point at him. "And yet, here I am being as good of a friend as I can be to make you feel better until my body literally can't take it anymore!! Do you know what just happened?! I just had a ******** panic attack because of you! Why? Because I SUCK AT MULTI-TASKING AND YOU SAID A s**t TON OF PROBLEMS AT ONCE JUST NOW!!! Her usage of swear words made him look at her then and the outburst grew scarier from then on, he flinched leaning back into the corner of the sofa, if he had been standing he might have backed away from her. But he is well cornered. His face growing a little hot as she pointed out what he did.

              ” I can't handle two of your problems at once after one just happened less than an hour ago! I haven't even had a chance to change my shirt! My gosh! Can you make this any harder for me?! I'm not dressed to handle this, let alone mentally prepared! I don't even know what to say to you about the other problem! It has been ONE day since I found out, and you expect me to just be okay with you making morbid statements like that?!” He flushed with self-loathing for doing this to her, and embarrassment, he had not only gone over one line but several and hit all of her buttons at once. ”Amu I…” he tried to get a word in edge-wise but she was a landslide going over him with emotion and anger and he knew it is his fought. It also seemed that she’s been holding a lot in. He…doesn’t quite remember the last time he’s really been reamed into for his behavior beyond Utau yesterday, not even Utau this much so.

              ” I am 18, Ikuto! CONFESSING TO YOU AFTER THAT WAS HARD ENOUGH!!! You know how I've been dealing with yesterday? I HAVEN'T!! I let myself have some fun today to stupidly "forget" about yesterday until you ruined it because you try so damn hard to impress me!” He thought she meant when he tried to flirt with her during the soccer game or when he stopped playing by the game rules to get to her, how he kept getting sexually frustrated the whole game when she kept evading him. He got hotter when she pointed that out to him and made him feel worse for being a lecherous pig. A selfish, pervert. Maybe it would have been best if she got together with Tadase…at least the kid wouldn’t do anything too against her wishes, he’d be the better man then Ikuto felt right then.

              ” Oh, and if you wanted me to accept you and have sex with you, then you could have just SAID SO!! I didn't want to find out like this! I'm not an unreasonable person!! You wanna know what's funny?! I kinda liked it!! Even if you didn't notice..... I ALREADY CONFESSED!! I. Love. You. What. More. Do. You. WANT?!" How does one simply come forward and say ‘wanna bang with me baby’? he for once looked out of sorts and blushed darkly, his ears were even burning at this point, he bit his lower lip, he looked away, hearing that she had likes his cat-like attempts to foreplay only made him squirm with discomfort. He would have preferred doing that to her while sober not while as a cat, he noticed the hicky he gave her and he glanced to the other direction, fidgeting with discomfort. He was looking for an escape route. She might have strangled him if he tries to flee though. He flinched when she ground out that she loves him, it made a lump form in his throat but he held it back as hard as he could, his fingers curling into fists at his sides.

              For several minutes she stared at him taking in his humiliation before continuing. "I don't know how to fix your problems right now because I don't know how to deal with mine. I need you to either stop beating yourself up, or to shut up and let me figure out my feelings and s**t before you make me do more things that I regret..." He honestly still didn’t know what to say other then to apologize again but she doesn’t want to hear it from him. She turned towards the apartment door, shakily moving towards it. He stayed quiet though felt that lump rising and he tried to ignore it. Stop beating himself up? He just royally hurt her, he can’t forgive himself that. Maybe this is just too much for her, being close to him. But he didn’t dare say anything as it would most likely break her if he did say anything, especially with depressed anger at himself that he might accidently vent on her.

              The door closed softly behind her when she left the apartment finally. Her charas probably will follow her, or did they wish to vent on him as well? He sat there for a while.

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              Where --- Seiyo University
              Who: --- Amu & charas
              Feeling --- Humiliated, self-hatred.
              Inventory --- Gothic outfit, Yoru, Aruto's cursed egg & Violin


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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              Five years have past since those days of Academy and Guardians, good times. Junior High and High school felt like it had been a blur. He'd played captain of the soccer team, bringing Seiyo to the championships and even going across state to the world tournament, with his stern but encouraging influence he led his team to world championship. Afterwards he'd started to get into Gymnastics, going forward and trying anything that gets placed in front of him. He'd gained a few trophies under his belt. Snow boarding, Surf boarding, Racing, Horse-back racing and a few more trophies ranging from 3rd - 1rst place winners. He is living his dream, with the encouragements of his brothers and friends. Daichi left him about 2 years ago because he is living his dream and he doesn't need Daichi anymore. It was a fond farewell.

                                                              But none of those trophies compare to what happened yesterday before Utau left on her next world tour. He'd taken her out on a date, heard about problems with her brother and that Ikuto is rooming with Amu. An awkward living condition but they seemed to have finally come out of the closet and confessed to each other. Utau let it out on him and he didn't mind, in fact after all that he planned to come visit Hinamori anyways. The rest of the evening he found ways to make Utau laugh and challenge her to some games. But she hadn't expected the surprise he offered her last night. It couldn't have gone more perfect. He felt jubilant enough that he wanted to gather the old gang back together again to prepare and plan. The news should lift the mood everywhere.

                                                              It is currently Monday early evening around 5:00pm. He hadn't planned to drop in on Amu until the next day where he'd find her outside on campus. He doesn't go to the University but Utau told him where he'd locate her. Currently he'd just bought some taiyaki and a few (half-a-dozen) freshly made corn dogs in a sack. He'd been heading to his apartment, he moved out from home about 13 months ago and is living in an studio apartment complex. His current accommodations will change after the wedding, Utau doubtlessly will see to it. He'd chosen by happenstance to walk through the City park on his way home with his dinner when he saw her.

                                                              Amu slumped onto one of the benches nearby, her pink hair unmistakable. Smiling he approached her a cheesy grin on his face. "Hey Amu! Wasn't anticipating seeing you until tomorrow!" His voice got a bit richer since he'd last seen her when he'd graduated a year before herself. Kukai was a grade ahead of her, he just turned 20 last week though. He'd grown taller, broader in the shoulders over the last five years. She had even gone with him to the championships, she'd been on his team so she certainly aided the world championship Win for this City with his help.

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Smug, Friendly
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet. ++ corn dogs & Taiyaki


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Park
Who?: Kukai
Feeling? Surprised! {Upset}
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, evening

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Being alone was not as beneficial as Amu had hoped. Although she was relieved to be away from Ikuto and the tension, she was beginning to feel guilty for blowing up at Ikuto the way she did. While she was certain that Ikuto was at fault for a lot of things, she couldn't help but to recall Ikuto's face after she was finished yelling. He looked shocked-- mortified, even. What if she legitimately scared him? Did he think even less of her after that?! Well, at least he finally looked at her... Amu ruffled her hair with her hands and groaned. She needed to eat something to make her feel better.

After several minutes, she heard a strangely familiar voice. "Hey Amu! Wasn't anticipating seeing you until tomorrow!" She looked up blearily as if she didn't want to be bothered, but immediately brightened when she recognized her friend. "Kukai-kun? Oh, um, hey!" she said as she tried to smile and sound cheerful. She was happy to see him; she really was. Her mood was still very foul, and she felt like she was going to have trouble hiding it. She scooted over to give him room to sit with her. She hadn't seen him in a few months"You were going to visit me? Any particular reason?" she asked him and furiously tried to smooth her hair to look somewhat presentable. Sure, it was Kukai, but she looked rough.

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              At first Kukai didn't notice the mood around her as he grinning cheerily jogged over to her, and plunked himself down on the bench next to her. It's been a couple of months since they last saw one another, he knew she had plans to go to the University and he so encouraged her to do so and make him proud by making a team and out doing him. It was a challenge she had been willing to take up at the time. He noticed her sweaty gym clothes and guessed that she just got out of a heavy workout, it is perhaps lucky for her that the bruised hickey that Ikuto left her is on the opposite of her neck then his pov. She seemed to brighten up upon seeing him and that always made him feel macho making a girl smile.

                                                              "You were going to visit me? Any particular reason?" she asked him and furiously tried to smooth her hair to look somewhat presentable. He smirked he had a gleam in his eye like he moreso the before. he placed the bags he had down between the, "Have a corn-dog or three i got a few, and you can have a taiyaki." he pulled a corn dog out as he spoke and took a large bite off of the delicatly deep fried cornbread breading and the delicious hot steamy meat with it. She looked half-starved because she would have already noticed that he had food with him. And he is not above sharing. He ate the first corn dog and chewed a little on the stick.

                                                              "I was thinking of calling the old gang back together for a party, party for a week or so until Utau gets back from her world tour. Help me do some planning...make invitations...pick out a tux...get a Bachelors party..." he listed out a list of things that needs doing that can only lead up to one thing. He looked at her with a grin. "I'm engaged to Utau Tsukiyomi. I proposed to her yesterday before she left on her tour! She said yes!" he couldn't stop grinning.

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Smug, Friendly
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet. ++ corn dogs & Taiyaki


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Park
Who?: Kukai
Feeling? Supportive! {Upset}
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, evening

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Kukai sat down beside Amu and offered her some of his food. She supposed that a snack wouldn't hurt after a hard workout and other strenuous things. "Thanks, don't mind if I do," she mumbled gratefully before he began rambling to her with his usual enthusiasm. She took a corn dog and munched on it while she listened. "I was thinking of calling the old gang back together for a party, party for a week or so until Utau gets back from her world tour. Help me do some planning...make invitations...pick out a tux...get a Bachelors party..."

Amu nodded as Kukai listed off things to do for this party he had in mind. She stopped chewing when he mentioned a tuxedo. Was this supposed to be a formal party? Then he said a bachelor's party. Amu swallowed her food and said rather confused, "What kind of a party requires a ba--... Wait.... OH~" she cut herself off as she slowly realized what Kukai was implying. Did he mean that a wedding was coming?! His huge grin confirmed her thoughts.

Amu began smiling, too, as Kukai said, "I'm engaged to Utau Tsukiyomi. I proposed to her yesterday before she left on her tour! She said yes!" Thoughts of Utau walking down the aisle in a sleek, mermaid wedding dress with Kukai in a tuxedo made Amu squeal. Would Amu get to be Utau's maid of honor?? Amu's mood lifted immediately, at least for a few moments; two of her best friends from childhood were getting married! She threw her hands in the air and hugged Kukai as she exclaimed, "No way!! I had no idea! Congratulations!"

"Wow, at least one of us has good relationship news!" ...What did she just say? Cue inner panicking. Amu didn't mean to blurt out something so blunt to give her problems away. She pulled away from Kukai and tried to cover it up. "N-not that I have any news, ha ha ha! I mean, I'm not g-getting married!" She waved a hand in front of her dismissively, cursing herself for her awkwardness. Maybe she could focus on a subject to keep Kukai from prying further into that comment. "Have you heard from the old gang? Rima-chan, Yaya-chan, Kairi-kun, Nagihiko-kun, Tadase...kun?" She almost forgot to add the honorific to Tadase's name, though it didn't seem as appropriate anymore since they were hardly friends. 'Think positive thoughts, Amu!' she chastised herself and continued eating her corn dog. She couldn't believe how negative she was after Kukai just told her the best news ever!

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              "What kind of a party requires a ba--... Wait.... OH~" He grinned at her confusion and dawning realization. He told her the epic news. She squealed and hugged him tightly he bear hugged her in return. "No way!! I had no idea! Congratulations!" When they separated she mentioned something that made his arch a brow, she hastily tried to change the subject, he let her do so, having already a strong idea as to what is going on with her. "Have you heard from the old gang? Rima-chan, Yaya-chan, Kairi-kun, Nagihiko-kun, Tadase...kun?" He shrugged going for another dog, "Here and there, Living their dreams it seems. Nagi and Rima are getting into acting, they're going to do a musical i think, they're playing the stars of the show. I heard that Kairi plans to become a teacher and Tadase is following in his uncle's footsteps in leading new guardians at the Academy, make a good example for the kids like he's always done. I'm not certain about Yaya."

                                                              They ate in silence after that for a few minutes then he decided to broach the subject she is trying to evade. "Ikuto being a headache? Too much drama problems laying on you? " he got to the point, and glanced at her, "Utau told me." Leaning back on the bench he waited expectantly.

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Smug, Friendly
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet. ++ corn dogs & Taiyaki


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Park
Who?: Kukai
Feeling? Upset
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, evening

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Amu thought that she successfully managed to change the subject when Kukai briefly told her what he knew about the old gang. She listened intently and considered this information. Rima always wanted to be an entertainer, and so did Nagihiko in a more traditional way. She was glad that they got along so well now, compared to when they first met. Despite being in a lower grade than Amu, Kairi had helped her with homework on more than a few occasions. With his patience, she knew that he would become a great teacher one day. Then there was Tadase, the gentle ruler. Advising the Guardians was a very practical way to make his dream come true. Amu settled into comfortable silence and resumed eating her corn dog. She distracted herself from her own unsettling thoughts by imagining what Yaya wanted to do after high school. Perhaps she wanted to also be a teacher since she loved little children.

"Ikuto being a headache?" Kukai's voice dragged her back to reality unwillingly. Amu stiffened. What did he know about that?? Maybe he was just talking. "Too much drama problems laying on you?" he continued. Amu snapped to attention, her shocked facial expression asking the question, 'Are you a psychic?' He clearly knew something. Almost on cue, Kukai glanced at her and said, "Utau told me." Even if she didn't want to talk about Ikuto and their problems (a selfish part of her insisted that the problems were his alone), fate decided that she was going to talk.

Amu closed her eyes and heaved a huge, exasperated sigh as she ran a hand through her already messy hair. She thought about her next words and said nothing for several seconds. Of course Kukai would be Utau's confidante; Amu couldn't fault Utau for that. But Utau didn't even know what all transpired today. Amu would have to fill Kukai in, which is not something that she wanted to do right now. Kukai cared about her and was a good friend. However, Kukai would most likely tell Utau out of his care and concern. Despite their closeness, this bothered her. Utau would certainly confront Ikuto for his behavior, even if Amu insisted that she was fine and that she already confronted him. Did she want Utau to confront him? She wasn't sure after recalling his pained and horrified expression; perhaps he had been punished enough. Besides, he was already remorseful on his own accord.

However, she certainly could benefit from hearing someone else's advice. For her sake, she probably needed it more than she would like to admit. She wanted to help Ikuto, but she was so tired of thinking about it. She would have preferred to be pleasantly distracted by Kukai's bachelor party plans or just eating in silence. Anything. As Amu considered her options and the possible effects, she felt that crippling anxiety creep up to her. She had to make it stop.

All of the enthusiasm that she managed to collect in the last few minutes died, and she looked up at Kukai rather tiredly as she said, "Headache is a polite way of saying it... I trust you a lot, Kukai, so please don't jump to the conclusion that Ikuto is a terrible person for what I'm about to tell you." Why did she feel the need to defend Ikuto so much? She proceeded to explain how the day progressed from good to playful to downright mortifying and how she exploded afterward, grimacing as the story got progressively worse. "So what should I do? I'm so drained mentally, and it's literally been three days with him... But I want to help him however I can. Am I in the wrong for yelling at him?" She waited expectantly as Kukai listened and prepared an answer for her.

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              That look of stunned surprise on Amu's face when he spoke about Ikuto wasn't that surprising, she ought to have known that he would have had comforted Utau who had been upset over everything that went wrong with her brother, he'd promised her that he'd talk to Amu and be supportive. He told her so when she wanted to know how he knew. She couldn't maintain eye contact with Kukai as she squirmed in her seat as though trying to find a reason to either explain it to him or to find an excuse to avoid talking about it further. He shifted on the bench, pulling up a leg to hold to his chest and draping the other arm over the back of the bench watching her. Finally she seemed to come to a decision, she looked tired as she explained. "Headache is a polite way of saying it... I trust you a lot, Kukai, so please don't jump to the conclusion that Ikuto is a terrible person for what I'm about to tell you." He perked up some but said "Alright, what he do?" He listened as she explained the situation to him.

                                                              As he listened a frown slowly made it's way on his face, damn that Ikuto keeps digging a hole deeper and deeper for himself, not just with Amu but with the trouble he gets into. And that possessed egg. He can't approve of Ikuto's behavior but the guy is probably under a great deal of stress from his crimes and for other things. He told Amu that he loves her and then unloads a lot on her before she is ready to handle it. Oh yea and then there is the sexual tension...he sounds way, way, waaaaaay to tense of a dude...no better if not worse then he was back when they were all still kids. He needs to loosen up and have some fun that doesn't involve holed up with Amu. He sounds as though he could use a vacation and hang with other people, be challenged into having fun with other people, might be interesting to see if the gang can help Amu loosen that tension in the twit.

                                                              "So what should I do? I'm so drained mentally, and it's literally been three days with him... But I want to help him however I can. Am I in the wrong for yelling at him?" Kukai chuckled with bemusment running his hand through his red hair and shaking his head. "Man you got it rough. And he needs to get out more, trust more people. I don't like what he's been doing, hell i'm not entirely sure if the guy honestly knows what he is doing. He's got a lot of stress and his sheer lack of experience for how to treat a relationship with a girl. Yea you got more experience then he does in friendship and even stronger relationship like you had with Tadase. He needs to make friends and unload easier on people he can trust, so i've decided that he's gonna hang with the gang and relax even if the gang has to sleep over at your appartment to do so!" he pulled a couple of taiyaki out and handed one to her, taking a bite out of his he considered various activities, one of which is a real soccer game, utter sacrilege it was to hear that he went to great lengths to cheat like that, Kukai will set him strait for that.

                                                              "It probably wouldn't hurt to appologize for yelling at him, It is okay to feel like this Amu, but by the sounds of it you paid him back with just as much mortification as he gave you already."

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Supportive
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet. ++ Taiyaki


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Park
Who?: Kukai
Feeling? Upset
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, evening

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Although Kukai was frowning when Amu explained her mishaps with Ikuto, he let out a chuckle and just shook his head by the end of the explanation. She was somewhat relieved by his lighthearted response, grateful that he didn't jump to some awful, immediate conclusion about Ikuto. She agreed with his comments about Ikuto being clueless and stressed. The second part surprised her a bit, though. "Yea you got more experience then he does in friendship and even stronger relationship like you had with Tadase." Amu never thought about it like that. Years ago, Utau said that Ikuto never had a girlfriend, but she half expected Ikuto to have one since then. He'd been all over the world. How could he not? Then she wondered if he made friends during his travels; she hoped so. Maybe she would ask him later. If he hadn't, then that would explain some things.

Kukai continued, "He needs to make friends and unload easier on people he can trust, so i've decided that he's gonna hang with the gang and relax even if the gang has to sleep over at your apartment to do so!" Amu tensed at Kukai's recommendation. Although Amu would love to see her friends and to see Ikuto make new friends, something made her immediately uneasy. Amu accepted the taiyaki that Kukai offered and bit into it. The delicious red bean flavor soothed her momentarily as she started to consider it. However, Kukai interrupted her thoughts again.

"It probably wouldn't hurt to apologize for yelling at him, It is okay to feel like this Amu, but by the sounds of it you paid him back with just as much mortification as he gave you already." The nauseating feeling of guilt stop her from eating the taiyaki. The tiny, selfish part of her said that Ikuto deserved a little mortification for putting her through so much drama, but the rest of her responded with shame and sadness. Amu groaned and laid her head in her free hand. How could she generate so many awful emotions in such a short period of time?!

"I'll apologize tonight..." Amu grumbled. She wouldn't argue with Kukai there because she knew that it was the right thing to do. Again. However, she wasn't convinced by the sleepover idea. She looked back up and said rather incredulously,
"You can't mean the entire gang, right?"
A sleepover with just Rima, Yaya, and Amu was totally fine. If Utau was available, then great. Girls' night was fun. The guys could do their own thing elsewhere, though she couldn't quite place Ikuto with Kukai, Tadase, Kairi, and Nagihiko in her mind. But all of them-- together?! No way. In Amu's troubled mind, some sort of chaos would ensue.

"I mean, our apartment's not big enough for five people, let alone everyone. And what if everyone's not okay with co-ed sleeping arrangements?? N-not everyone is in a relationship, s-so you have to think of that!" Amu rambled anxiously, almost humorously. However, her light rambling turned more serious as her anxiety gave her fuel to consider her worst fears. She fidgeted and struggled to maintain eye contact with Kukai as she continued. "Even if we didn't have a sleepover, w-would you guys even like Ikuto? I mean, h-he's not a b-bad person and he's certainly n-not an enemy anymore, but... You barely know him. And what would I-Ikuto say? H-he barely knows the Guardians, aside from T-tadase... I don't want Ikuto to hate m-me for putting him up to it i-if he doesn't want to...." 'What if he doesn't accept your apology tonight? Then what?' Amu chuckled humorlessly and placed her free hand on her forehead, like she just told herself a bad joke. "I g-guess I don't have to worry about that if h-he already h-h-hates m-me after t-today's m....!" She couldn't finish as she felt hot tears roll down her cheeks. For the hundredth time today, she felt her emotions spiraling out of control. She closed her eyes and took several deep, shuddering breaths to calm herself. She didn't need to make herself panic again. She didn't need to cry again. This was the third day in a row that she cried, for heaven's sake! She needed to pull herself together!

Amu quickly wiped the tears from her face and mumbled, "Sorry, I just....." She was being so uncool and unlike herself. Why was she overreacting so much? She rubbed her eyes and forced herself to look better and to be more positive. "Why don't you tell me what you were thinking? Did you wanna spend a whole day together with the gang?"

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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((I spent 2 hours trying to write this post. It was difficult. -_- I'm on break the rest of this week, so let's finish this conversation soon!))

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Ikuto Tsukiyomi

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                                                        Now then...

                                                        ☩☩xxxAfter the reaming that had occurred about an hour ago, after Amu had left him alone with everything really. His face was flushed with heat from embarrassment and self loathing. He'd gone and done it now, it's only been a few days with her and he's pushed too much on her. He very nearly broke her mentally if he hasn't already done so. For a long period he stayed where he sat, his ears were still burning after that. He had not moved much just looked increasingly depressed. Thoughts flitted across his mind of perhaps just moving back to his house, the Tsukiyomi residence is his now, his mother doesn't live there anymore but made sure that his name is on the ownership paperwork. It would be a simple thing to back out of his classes and just go home, it's not like it will do anything to his record because classes haven't really begun yet. It's not like he's abandoning her, he'd still be in the same city...these thoughts troubled him. You hit a pothole in the road and get a flat tire, that doesn't mean that you give up on the vehicle and leave it there, you put a donut on the car then take it in to get repairs. Life moves on.

                                                        Except how is he to put a temporary fix on his relationship with Amu until he is able to repair the relationship and make it up to her?

                                                        He felt tired, utterly used up after the day's events. And it is still so early. When he eventually rose he went to take a second shower, hesitating over the temperature then just ran a cold shower instead of a soothing hot one. He was in for a quick rinse and out again, pulling black sweat pants with a dark blue tank-top. He then had a drink of water and avoided Amu's charas. He spent the next 20-30 minutes getting to some prior homework done so that he'd have little to do for homework for the remainder of the week. Finally sitting on his bed he remembered his clothes she washed, began to put them away, placing a small black box ontop of the dresser as he did so then replacing it under everything near the key in it's zip-lock bag. Once these activities are done. Closing everything up he looked to where he had last seen his violin but didn't feel any urge to play a tune. Finally he just rolled onto his bed, having pushed the bedding aside. His exhaustion was that when he touched down on the pillow he was out in seconds after evening out his breathing.

                                                        User Image
                                                        Where --- S.C.U -- Student Appt: #18
                                                        Who: --- charas
                                                        Feeling --- Depressed
                                                        Inventory --- His clothes
                                                        Date/Weather/TimeWednesday - Sep. 3, 2014 | Cool/mild | 5:30pm

                                                        I think i'll just stick with this format and only really change the top 3 pictures to accompany his moods. As for the date part of my status, would be more accurate for these characters. Shugo Chara first Aired in Japan in 2008 so i merely added 6 years from then which is where they are at now. Also looking at a calendar of 2014 Sep,3 was a Wednesday so i'm going to say the last couple of days were a holiday before classes really began. And I figured out what time it most likely is. too.

                                                        Oh and I might suggest waiting to appologize for the next day after classes or something, basically if he is sleeping then let him sleep it out, if she goes into his room she might tuck him in. Because after a fight like that in real life best to get a good night sleep, get her shower and she might hear from her charas what he did, between the way he treated yoru and the key and then what all he did while she was gone. Might be a post or two of just yoru attempting to make amends.

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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              Kukai chuckled when she panicked about the idea of having the gang over at her apartment. "I didn't mean literally! But we should plan a day for everyone to get together for something, maybe at first just the gang then as a group we can consider options to help Ikuto out." He accepted that she'd apologize that evening, or if not then the next day. He suspected she would eventually to do even without his advice. She stuttered through worries and anxieties concerning weather the gang and Ikuto would get along and pushing him into things he may not like and growing more depressed with the natural anxiety of his reaction after the way she treated him. Hiccuping a little.

                                                              He moved what is left of the food aside and moved a little nearer to her, she is trying to so desperately bottle up her emotions but they were overflowing even as she tried to hold them in. As she whimpered about Ikuto hating her, Kukai wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a side-long hug firmly. "Quit that, stop trying to hold it in. He told you he loves you, you two are hitting some hard edges but I doubt that his feelings have altered Amu. If anything...given his behavior I'd be willing to bet that he'll try his damnedess to behave around you maybe too hard too. You two might have to smooth over the edges but you still love him don't you? And he loves you. That is all that needs to be said and everything will be okay." He rubbed his hand over her upper arm and shoulder, his certainty that everything will turn out okay firm. He was offering a chance to let if not all then some of it out on him, she'd feel better when she had.

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Supportive
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet.


Hygienic Genius

Amu Hinamori

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Where?: Park
Who?: Kukai
Feeling? Very upset
Date/time?: September 16, Monday, evening

"No matter what changes, I'll still be me..."

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Kukai completely disregarded her question about his plans for hanging out. Instead, he scooted closer to hug her firmly. She looked down and bit her lip in an attempt to stop more tears from falling out as Kukai gave his best encouragement. The tears fell when Kukai asked if she loved Ikuto. Of course she did. She nodded slightly and squeezed her eyes shut, willing the tears to stop. They didn't. They flowed freely when Kukai said that Ikuto loved her and everything would be okay. If everything was going to be okay, then why couldn't she stop crying? Kukai remained silent for several moments, giving her room to talk. She might as well; it was no use holding it in now that she was crying freely.

"I h-hate t-this," she said while covering her eyes with one hand. "I hate c-crying w-when I-Ikuto needs m-me. H-he hasn't cried once this w-weekend, despite all of the b-bad things that k-k-keep hap-pening... Why am I so w-weak? He n-needs m-me to be s-strong, and I c-can't even go a d-day without-t crying..." She sounded coherent at first, but her stuttering worsened as she started to sob. "I d-don't want t-to k-keep c-c-crying, b-but I can't h-help it... I d-d-don't kn-know how to h-help h-him, K-k-kukai-kun. I c-can't l-let h-him s-see m-me...." she finally gave up trying to talk as she began to sob quietly. She let the unwanted taiyaki sit in her lap and covered her face with both of her hands. She felt so terribly bad that Ikuto chose to confide in her, and she couldn't even help him deal with his problems. She finally let the weight of everything overwhelm her while Kukai held her. She cried until she had no more tears and her sobs turned into sniffles.

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"...And I can be whoever I want to be!"

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Souma Kukai

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                                                              Now then...

                                                              It didn't take long for Amu to final break down to which he tightened the side long hug as she covered her eyes and broke down. Sobbing about how she hates it when she can't control her emotions and be strong for Ikuto. Her tears were slightly contagious so he closed his own and was support to her until her cries began to stiffle down to sniffles and whimpers. "I'm sure everything will be okay. Sometimes a relationship needs strong emotions to relieve the stress." he got a little awkward at this point, he tried to think of then how to change the subject to cheer her up some. And then on started talking about sports again, gradually getting a rise out of her when he talked tactics of the last championship until his watch went off and he had to go. "Chin up Amu, I know it's hard now but things always turn out okay in the end, don't give up. I've got to go. Call me if ya need anything." He gave her a bear hug before leaving. (now 7:45pm)

                                                              Where --- City Park
                                                              Who: --- Amu
                                                              Feeling --- Supportive
                                                              Inventory --- Outfit, Cell phone, wallet.


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