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Wealthy Fatcat

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xxxxxŦαkαħαşħ𝔦 Ħ𝔦𝖒𝔦kσxxxxx

£σcαʈ𝔦σŋ: Hot Springs
Åcʈ𝔦σŋ: Morning Bath
Yʊkαʈα Ċσ𝔩σѓ: Canary Yellow with Indigo flowers
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Himiko remained quiet, and turned slightly to watch Hanyo leave, watching the sway of her back as she stalked out. Now what indeed? Things were probably going to be awkward now, but...

No matter. Himiko dunked her head, then pinned her hair up in the pearl hairpins again. She felt that there really wasn't anything she felt like saying, so she didn't. Instead, after a moment's pause, she turned to the Mistress, trying to hide the hurt she felt and probably failing. "Mistress-sama, if I'm going to help Ryuu in the garden, I need some work clothes. Would it be possible for me to step out and get some? I've no idea what would happen or how I'd get back..."

[sorry again for not posting, it's been really really really stressful on my end these past few days.]

Wealthy Fatcat

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☆ Mårʈin, ʈhe Wizårɗ ☪
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Martin climbed up into Hanyo's lap and curled up. So what if she was slightly damp? The musk of succubus enveloped him, and he snuggled into her lap, letting her pet him. It had been a long while since he'd been pet, and he always forgot how much he missed it. It was one of his favorite things about returning to the inn, though: there was always someone who wanted to pet a cat, unlike on his adventures where most people wanted to kill him. Then again, he did steal and eat a lot of magical artifacts...

And then Hanyo found the good spot. Stretching out so she would continue to scratch him, he felt completely and utterly relaxed. In the back of his mind he wondered if she was feeling better by petting him as she seemed to be in a decently bad mood when she arrived. And then he realized... He didn't really care. He was content and being pet.

Partying Sex Symbol

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Lady Hanyo opened her eyes as she felt the cat move into an obviously contented position on her lap. She watch the cat's reactions to her ministrations with a bemused look on her face.

"See, you understand, Mr. Cat. Eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, enjoying the touch of another person simply because it feels good.... isn't that what life should be about? Cats don't have drama. Cats don't care what other cats think. Simple pleasures. Simple problems, simple solutions." She chuckled darkly to herself. "Why, you don't even care what I'm saying. I'm giving you a good petting, and that's all that matters. Meanwhile I get to pet you, which is comforting, and vent my frustrations, which is also comforting. Simple as that."

She trailed her petting hand over his spine and along his spine, then returned to repeat the same motion, following the direction of his fur. It was silky and black, two characteristics she enjoyed. She idly began to wonder to herself if she should pick up some cat familiar. Maybe that would help ease the annoyances of dealing with people. For people had to be put up with, if she ever wanted to eat again...

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The scenes from the night before were still replaying in her head as Seraphina wandered aimlessly around the Inn. After bringing the illusionist back to his room the night before, Seraphina decided to take a walk around the property and explore a bit. She had just returned from being outside and decided it seemed like a good idea to go find the owner of the establishment. She was walking down one of the hallways of the inn when she noticed the illusionist crawling out of his room. He seemed to be acting particularly strange. Seraphina saw him brace himself on the wall and pull himself into an upright position. Something seemed strange about the illusionist. Seraphina looked closer and noticed that his soul wasn’t burning as bright as it had the night before. It was as if something was obstructing the light of his soul. Seraphina decided that now would be as a good time as ever to go introduce herself and make sure the illusionist was alright.

She walked down the hallway and stood directly in front of him. “H…hi, um, I’m Seraphina. I just got here last night. I… I, um, saw what happened last night, and, um, just wanted to make sure you were alright.” Seraphina felt very awkward just standing there in front of a complete stranger. Starting a conversation was not her strongest suit, but she wanted to know what had happened to the illusionist the night before.

Hilarious Fatcat

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(( xD At least I'm not the only one getting the crunch from life. Still feel bad about not posting though. ))
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Her plate emptied into her stomach, Yuni did a cattish stretch and lounged under her little table. Her food and the distracting sounds from outside had kept her attention from everything going on within the Sitting Room. An aggravated succubus had taken a table, the black cat Martin getting a good petting from the pretty woman. That made the Nekojin jealous. Even though Yuni had missed having fingers and humanoid vocals, she already missed the pets.

I am made of cute. Why I no get pets?

Yuni needed something to do, her black tail twitching against the floor. All these muscles ached for a workout, her bones feeling like chopped liver. Perhaps there was a clearing without any of Ryuu's pretty plants big enough for her to play in...

Giggling a bit, the petite girl rolled out from under the table with her plate in her teeth and her light weight supported onto her palms. Somewhat shakily, she ambled over to the kitchen and deposited her dirty plate into the sink with her feet and then made her way outside from the porch she fixed. Her icy eyes spotted a tired looking lass on a bench. Yuni palmed her way over to her and rolled into a sitting position on the ground next to the bench, slipping a ski hat over her slate hair and cat ears and wrapping her tail around her waist so that it looked like a furry belt.

Creepy time. Patiently, as Yuni forgot already about her fingers and figure, she sat there staring at the female that smelled like a... well, like a car wreck. And guilt. So while Martin gets the succubus inside, Yuni will try comforting this one.

Interstellar Traveler

User Image Spike Spiegel

● Status: Relaxed.
● Current Location: Zen Garden.
● Current Objective: Assisting Ryuu.
● Theme: The Real Folk Blues


Pausing whilst Ryuu spent further moments carefully examining the flowers adorning each branch of the bushes, Spike casually observed until she rose to her feet once again, the quiet enthusiasm about her still very much present as she extended her hand toward him.

”Sure, let’s go take a look.”

Taking Ryuu’s hand, Spike walked alongside Ryuu as she led them back between various flowerbeds toward the inn and around to the exterior of the kitchen, at which point the reason for her enthusiasm was made quite clear. Carefully arranged in a relatively small area beneath the window, an array of various herbs and vegetables sat neatly in short organised lines, all of which overlooked by a moderately-sized tree, mikan blossoms pleasantly scenting the air.

”You weren’t kidding; this is really something…”

Casting his gaze across the patch of carefully tended plants, Spike could not help but take a moment to inhale the various aromas in the air, none moreso apparent nor pleasing than the blossoms adorning the tree. Breathing a relaxed sigh in response to this, Spike paused for a moment to watch a small number of petals drift down from the tree and settle on the ground below in the light passing breeze, to which he kept his attention fixed on the tree in particular, although the gentle grip he maintained on Ryuu’s hand increased somewhat.

"It just shows a lot of remarkable things can come from the most unexpected of sources. Folks who don’t take the time to really look are missing out.”

Looking over the tree with a calm, if appreciative, expression on his face, Spike continued watching the blossoms shift about on the branches for some seconds more before returning his gaze back to Ryuu with a small smile.

"You made the appeal of this gardening thing a lot clearer, so I’m pretty sure I owe you one; it just depends on how you wanna follow that up.”
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Finishing his last somewhat jokingly, Spike was reluctant to draw his gaze away from Ryuu, in spite of his awareness the watering jug still in his other hand, a reminder these plants still needed water regardless of his mind starting to wander from any specific task at hand. Making some effort to move his hand toward the plants, although not tilting the jug enough to distribute any water, Spike’s attention did not shift from Ryuu and since he was aware of the fact Nolan had made his leave, as had the others, the fact he and Ryuu were alone was quite the distraction. Finally tearing his attention away from Ryuu long enough to distribute the water over the plants and the base of the tree also, Spike found just enough liquid remained in the container to complete the task before leaning downward to lower the empty jug to the ground. Slowly rising to an upright position once again, Spike’s attention was drawn back to Ryuu whilst he did so; still in close proximity she certainly did have her familiar unique radiance, but looking closer, her mood and manner seemed to be accentuated all the more simply by just being in the garden she was so fond of. Silent for a moment, Spike continued to hold Ryuu’s hand before voicing the first thought that came to mind.

”...You really are beautiful; you know that, right?”

Straightforward words, if perhaps lacking subtlety, intended to have more meaning than a simple reference to her appearance; Spike’s tone of voice was still slightly light-hearted as a result, even if the meaning behind his words were genuine.


OOC: I guess everyone has a lot on right now, but I'm glad to hear Hanyo's grandfather is settled back home again.

EDIT: No worries Zelic, I hope things ease up for you soon. Nice one on that saving though.

Wealthy Fatcat

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☆ Mårʈin, ʈhe Wizårɗ ☪
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"You're right," Martin mumbled, "I don't care what you're saying. But like all cats, since you're saying it to me I might as well listen." He swiveled his head to look up at her. "Life is pretty simple, for ones like you and me. We eat, we enjoy ourselves, we survive, the sun passes, the stars fly, and a new day comes and goes much the same as any other. When you're dealing in humans, nothing is simple. Man is a race full of drama and such nonsense. And my name is Martin, not 'Mr Cat.'" He rolled onto his back and wiggled his paws at her. "Now rub my tummy."

[sorry, spike, I meant to thank you for telling me that was fixed earlier. told you I've been out of it xp ]

[also, managed to save up 105k out of 900k for a Masquerade!]

Malevolent Star

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Location ~Hot Springs~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kimono ~Martin's gift - the Fire Orb Necklace~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Music ~Kumada Kahori~

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Mistress watched Hanyo's movements carefully as the succubus became unnerved by the situation at hand. It was interesting that she began using the phrase, 'Never lied about what I am," and this made Mistress' thin raven eyebrow lift in amusement. She had never stated Hanyo was lying, but perhaps she might have come off that way to her. Clearly from Himiko's reaction to finding out about the nature of Hanyo was a token to the fact that she did not lie, merely avoided the subject. Keeping her thoughts to herself, Mistress knew Himiko was now going to be more consciously aware of other beings' species and perhaps inquire next time. What Hanyo was going to need to do is start telling others of her nature before her 'fix' can be sated if she wanted to hunt at Blooming Lotus. Himiko was the first, but certainly not the last.

The more flustered Hanyo got as she told Mistress of her incident with Lian, the more expressionless Mistress' face had gotten, her eyebrow no longer raised. A smelly fish? Hanyo was clearly upset and Mistress could understand the look of revulsion in crimson eyes. It was pride that made Hanyo stand puffy chested and pride that made her lash out at Lian trying to get in between Spike and a succubus. She was also correct in asking the question why Spike, nor Ryuu, had mentioned their relationship. Had Spike not told Hanyo? And how far did Hanyo get before Lian had to step in? Questions, questions, so many questions.. Mistress was tired of this. She needed to make her point and the now agitated female had confirmed it.

"I never said it was your fault Hanyo-san," Mistress said finally, calm and collected as if she had a regular conversation about the weather. The last of Hanyo's words interested her, she did not ask for her life as she is? A turned succubus... With a small sigh, Mistress let her mind wonder for the bit of silence that hung between herself and Himiko putting the wet cloth over her eyes for a few moments. Once the young human began to speak soft, Mistress lifted her head from the cloth in her hands and look at her, "Yes, yes, work clothes. I've got some yukatas that tie up in the linen closet. If you'd like to get out I can show you, I am rather done for the day," she gave Himiko a small smile before letting down her hair. Mistress then slid under the warm steamy waters and stayed under for a solid few minutes before rising with her hands pushing back her hair.

Rising in all her natural glory, Mistress was ringing out her hair and went to a towel hanging on a branch. There was a white bathrobe as well and so after putting her damp raven her in the towel, she reached from the cotton and tied it around to a close. Her geta slippers near, she slipped into them and looked to Himiko, "Coming dear?" she asked out of curiosity and then was going to make an exit to go on back to the main building.

Zelic, really? LOL I just thought you might have wanted to put your two cents into the situation, I like to gather information and make larger posts so that's why I waited. Plus this week has been ridiculous.. there's that too. We'll see how things go. Hope everyone is having a good beginning of November, tis the season for pumpkins and pumpkin pie cheesecake....and eggnog. omg I love eggnog..


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Partying Sex Symbol

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A full minute of silence passed. She stared at the cat, who was looking imperiously at her. She blinked. The cat was still there. Apparently, she hadn't had a momentary lapse in sanity. It really spoke.

"The HELL?" she exclaimed loudly. "Did you... just... what... eh?" she stammered, completely flummoxed.

However, stuttering like an idiot wasn't going to change anything. As if to find some sense of normalcy, she proceeded to rub Martin's belly, making his little paws wiggle as she vigorously gave him snuggles.

"Er... well... Yes. Glad you understand, Martin. Why didn't you tell me you could talk from the get go?"

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Wealthy Fatcat

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☆ Mårʈin, ʈhe Wizårɗ ☪
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"Does it matter?" the black cat replied. "Well, I suppose it does. Most people won't pet something that's smarter than they are." He turned over so that she could stroke his back again and stretched. "And it's been so long since anybody has pet me, I didn't feel like taking the gamble of you not wanting to pet me." Flopping back down in her lap he closed his eyes, reveling in the attention and began purring.

His ears tracked Yunique's movements through the room as she left. That cat was definitely something else. If he weren't being pet he wouldn't be able to contain himself for excitement of learning something new.

[thanks spike. Hopefully I won't get itchy fingers and spend it all in the Marketplace]

Partying Sex Symbol

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T H ExxM I S T R E S S ' xxY O U N G E RxxS I S T E R
T H ExxI N NxxG A R D E N E R

MOOD ( » Peaceful ) x xWEARING ( » Floral Blue Kimono ) x xLOCATION ( » Garden )

Ryuu blushed a brilliant pink. There's nothing she would rather do, anywhere in the world, than share this moment with Spike. She took a step towards him. It was an unconscious gesture. She simply wanted to be closer to him. She offered her other hand for him to hold, forgetting his mostly empty water jug in his other hand.

"Th-thank you, Spiegel-kun," she murmured, somewhat taken aback. "I am glad. Glad to have you here with me. I wasn't sure you would enjoy tending to the garden with me. I want to share everything with you, Spiegel-kun. Every part of what make me, me."

She could hardly look him in the eye, afraid she was revealing too much. But, her words rang true. Words couldn't express what it meant to share such a big part of her heart with a man who held another enormous part.

Partying Sex Symbol

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Lady Hanyo frowned as she continued to pet him. her hand moved up to his head, scratching between his ears.

"Are you implying that you are smarter than me, Martin?" she asked, annoyed. Well, as annoyed as one could be when petting a cat. "So, are you, I don't know, some kind of magic cat, or are you a shape shifter? Am I petting some naked dude right now?"

She pulled her hands away, somewhat disgusted. Intrigued, but disgusted.

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Wealthy Fatcat

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☆ Mårʈin, ʈhe Wizårɗ ☪
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Martin scoffed. "Implied? Madam, I have done nothing of the sort. I am smarter than you, and as far as simple facts of life go, I don't see why you should be offended." Here he stood and leaped onto the table so that he could see Hanyo eye-to-eye. "As for my being, I'm sure your sensitive little nose can easily pick out that I am just a simple cat, nothing more." He laughed. "The very idea, please, of me? A human? Those dirty little things couldn't hold a candle to me." He began to wash, done with being pet for now, licking his paws clean then moving on to his face.

He paused, looking at her. "Go on, ask me why I'm smarter than you are. I love explaining it."

Partying Sex Symbol

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The succubus scowled. She reached out and booped him on the nose in an annoyed fashion.

"You're a cat. Why am I even arguing with you? You realize if I wanted, you could be a mid-morning snack for me? Chill, little cat. I thought you understood. Can't we just have simple give and take here? You scratch my back, I scratch yours? Almost literally?"

She was starting to question her on sanity. Having a conversation with a cat? Not only that, but having an inferiority complex with a cat? Some all-powerful succubus, can't even outwit a finicky feline.

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User Image Floria was not one to experiance impatience. She had gotten used to waiting long ago, in that hell that she had once called a life. The frown crossed her face as she remembered the torture she went through every day so some madman could create a weapon. She looked down at Dantilus, hoping the small bird child hadn't gotten caught up in her own memories. He was now laying on the sitting room floor, happily drawing on some paper he had found, auburn and crimson wings fluttering occasionally on his back. It was that her concern was for something other than herself that caused her impatience, Floria realized. Sighing, she attempted to distract herself with the goings on of the sitting room.

Glancing around Floria noticed it was a decent amount more crowded than when she left for her bath. The cat, radiating a subtle magic, was vying for the attention of one very scantily clad and still quite damp women that was talking to the mistress when she had intruded on their bath. Partly out of embarasment from the womans attire, and partly for having intruded and overheard some of what was undoubtedly a private conversation caused Floria to blush and turn away. She had been staring a little too long anyways. It was then that she glanced the woman who had helped her to her room the night before. Magic stitching etched onto her flesh like invisible threads. Raising a curious eyebrow, Floria pulled herself out of the chair and made her way over to the woman. The glow, faint and glimmering appeared in her tattoos as she scribbled in the air before the woman.
"I do not believe I earned the pleasure of your name last night. I am Floria, and I thank you for your help last night. If you need anything at all, simply ask as I have learned to always repay my debts and then some."

OOC: for clarification Floria is approaching autumn

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