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xxxxxŦαkαħαşħ𝔦 Ħ𝔦𝖒𝔦kσxxxxx

£σcαʈ𝔦σŋ: Hot Springs
Åcʈ𝔦σŋ: Morning Bath
Yʊkαʈα Ċσ𝔩σѓ: Canary Yellow with Indigo flowers
❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿

Himiko climbed out of the hot spring and wrapped her towel around herself, raising one hand to check her hair pins. "Yes, thank you, Mistress," she replied. 'Maybe some day I can get my own,' she thought, and followed the Mistress into the dressing room to change back into her yukata, resigning herself to be productive in the garden today. She still felt good, and wanted to get out into the open for the first time in a long time and get her hands dirty with dirt for once.

[short post, but it seems like she's been having less to say lately. kinda miffed by that, but hopefully she'll perk up soon.]

[Also: I absolutely LOVE your new layout, Hanyo!]

Interstellar Traveler

User Image Spike Spiegel

● Status: Irritated.
● Current Location: Sitting Room.
● Current Objective: Time with Ryuu/breakfast.
● Theme: The Real Folk Blues


Seeing as Hanyo crossed her ankles in a knowingly provocative manner, with something almost akin to glee in her giggle, Spike felt the need to distract himself once again, although on this occasion to reach for an empty plate from the stack central to the table and start distributing various food items onto the surface, including bacon, eggs and pancakes. Miraculously all of which were still pleasantly warm, clearly something pre-arranged by Mistress during their preparation, he reasoned. Hearing Hanyo speak, Spike lowered his plate to the table and looked back toward her, an eyebrow slowly rising.

”Endearment, huh?”

Perhaps slightly sceptical at first, when Hanyo continued, Spike reached for his glass of orange juice with a somewhat more serious look in his eyes.

”Maybe not, but I think some folks might take things a little more personally than you realise; might be worth considering...”

Finishing with a slight shrug, Spike turned toward Nolan as he called across to encourage Hanyo all the more, to which Spike simply went on to take a sip of his drink casually; Nolan was not unaware of what Hanyo was, nor was he the fool he often seemed, hence Spike opted not to interfere, much.

”Sounds like you’ve got a volunteer Hanyo.”

Nodding as he reached for some cutlery, Spike settled down to listen to the conversations going on about him, the most prominent being the one between Nolan and Autumn as he now knew her to be named.

Passively listening to some portions of the conversation nearby, Spike took what he heard on board with interest; it sounded as though it may have been just as well he did not leave the inn earlier during his stay as he could have done. The Swordfish II was not in the best of shape as it was; if Scratch really was trying to keep those at the inn within the confines of its grounds, it was unlikely anyone would be able to safely leave on that basis. Hearing Nolan’s last comment did catch Spike off-guard however. Eyebrows rising in mild surprise at first, Spike’s eyes narrowed slightly with a moderately disgruntled expression appearing on his face as he spoke up during a pause in the necromancers conversation with Autumn.
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”I don’t mind helping out but if you’re thinking on giving me orders Nolan, you can think again. I’m not your errand boy.”

Responding a little disdainfully, Spike returned his attention to the food before him; he may have owed Mistress and would make a point to do what she asked, but Nolan had no such claim on his loyalties.

Opting to start eating, Spike’s eyes presently swivelled sideward and could see the petite girl had opted to direct her attention toward Amano, offering the feline an abundance of well placed scratches about the ears and chin; it was unnerving almost how familiar she seemed, but he still could not quite fathom how or why. Pausing to observe her for a moment, Spike shook his head very slightly in dismissal of the thought for the moment, opting to prod at some of the bacon on his plate with a fork.


OOC: I'm with Zelic on that one, nice post layout Hanyo.


Omnipresent Noob

( yo I didn't mean to overstep any bounds )

Interstellar Traveler

OOC: Honestly, it's fine mate; I just wanted to make sure it was unintentional. Now I know it was, the matter is already dropped.

Partying Sex Symbol

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Location: Sitting Room BloodLust Level: Low


Lady Hanyo immediately stood, one swift movement of heels and leather dress.

"Ohh, is that an invitation? " she asked, giggling again.

With lithe movements she crawled lightly onto Nolan's lap. She sat herself neatly as though she belonged. She recrossed her legs, knee over knee. Then she threw her arms around Nolan's neck to hold her balance.

"So, Nolan. What would you like to share with me, hmm? " she asked, cooing lightly. She let one hand guide down Nolan's arm and guide his hand to her thigh, placing it there so that his palm rested on her cool, pale skin.


Omnipresent Noob

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Listening to:

xxxx☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠

                                            Now I lay you down to sleep. For your soul is mine to keep...

                                            ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇

                                            " that isn't hard for me to do" he said when she explained that he had the matter all confused. Nolan put down his cigarette and held up a joint. " That's why they call it dope." he chuckled lightly at his own little joke and put it down. He didn't want to offend his company with the smell. It seemed he was having troubles with making friends recently.
                                            " Well I suppose its worth a look. Especially if we got evil spirits running around the city but my bet is that they will eventually be attracted here soon and when that happens I'll do what I can to drive them back to the depths of the underworld." A dark aura settled over him but was gone as quickly as it appeared.
                                            He then heard Spike come up and tell him off for offering work without his consent and ran both hands through his air with a sigh. " man I suck with people.." he whispered to himself.

                                            Amano who was at first struggling to get free of Yuni's grip before all of the scratching started. Usually he did not allow himself to be petted but she seemed to know all of the right spots.
                                            " Thats why you don't have any friends" The evil cat said to the necromancer and laughed and then shut up and started to purr. He even batted at Yuni's hands playfully. If nolan could see, he would be very surprised.

                                            " He will get over it
                                            " Nolan said in an exasperated voice. " Yeah I'll look into it and inform the higher ups to be on the look out for some stray demons...oh!"
                                            Hanyo had just gotten in his lap and asked him what he would like to share. She had gotten close. Very close but he wasn't complaining. His hand, equally just as chilling. gave her thigh a little squeeze. " Well I got some breakfast here and some good company. what did you have in mind?" Having been decades without any sort of relationship or even a date, he was a little rusty as of what to say. Though the words of his father echoed in his mind. 'If your ever around a pretty girl. Flirt with her. Its impolite not to.'

                                            ( its all cool )

                                            ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇ ▇▇▇

                                            When you die, you will wake. Now your bidding is mine to make...
User Image Floria blushed at the conversation as she was attempting to gather up Dantilus and head out of the sitting room. The risque words coming from the scantily clad woman, as well as her attire caused Floria's face to burst a deep crimson color even if the words were not directed at her.

Dantilus at least figured out his mother's embarrassment quickly, and also felt her desire to move quickly before it became widely known, though he figured the only one who wouldn't notice how brightly she was glowing was the blind guy. Not wanting to make life hard for his mother Dantilus quickly felt a small flow of magic and a shimmer in his body as he shrank down into the small sparrow from the previous evening and fluttered up to his mother's shoulder letting out a small chirp of content in the process.

Floria paused for several moments at Dantiuls' shift. She knew he changed form but he only appeared in human form this morning, she had not guage for the ease he could switch between birdhuman and bird. This thought was only a momentary distraction as she finished hurrying out of the sitting room, reminded once again of her slight unease as the scantily clad woman hopped in the blind mans lap. She knew that her embarrassment had been notice, how couldn't it have been, it was clearly written on her face.

Once in the garden Floria sighed to herself, as she sat down beneath a tree nearby. The thoughts going through her head were not new she had them numerous times seeing people endulging in romance during her travels. Things like that shouldn't bother me...its just...I...I don't know, maybe i wish i wasn't always running...maybe I wish someone wouldn't run away from the curse that is my life. Floria's hand absently reaching for the scars on her throat. Sighing again she closed her eyes. All she could do now was wait...and see where the road would lead.

Dantilus chirped happily at going outside and began to play around in the small trees scattered around the garden. He watched and heard a little bit of his mother's thoughts as she talked to herself but that was something he didn't understand so he simply ignored it and continued to sing happily from the tree branch he had found to sit on.

Dapper Genius

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Patient 095: The Oracle

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Location: Sitting Room
Theme: "Madness" - Muse

The Oracle smiled at the attention from Ryuu. "I'm only down here because no one helped me up after I crash landed during my adventure! Thank you so much for helping me!" The Oracle, not having a free hand to grasp Ryuu's, instead slithered up around her like a serpent slithering up a caduceus until he was on his feet."Which reminds me, sorry about the damage," he said, gesturing with his head towards the rooms. "I should talk to Mistress about installing an adequate landing strip BUT BEFORE I DO THAT,"

the Oracle took a deep breath,

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Patient # 095, but you can call me The Oracle. And the figment of my imagination over there is my friend Edward!" he said, rapidly bending over and pointing his head in Edward's direction.

"Delighted to meet you, Miss Ryuu," said Edward. Even though Ryuu likely could not sense him, that was no excuse to be rude.

"He says its nice to meet you." he said, with a glassy eyed smile, like he was looking past her, "And also, that I would be happy to assist in repairs... HEY!"

"Too late," Edward said, chuckling. "Besides, you owe her for helping you."

"I suppose your right." The Oracle agreed before refocusing his attention on Ryuu. "Oh! Right... If you want your fortune told, just find me and let me know...ya know... if I'm still in this universe."

Interstellar Traveler

User Image Spike Spiegel

● Status: Amused/intrigued.
● Current Location: Sitting Room.
● Current Objective: Breakfast/Investigate damage.
● Theme: The Real Folk Blues


Immediately feeling more at ease once Hanyo redirected her full attention toward Nolan, Spike slouched in his seat somewhat with a nonchalant shrug in response to Amano’s comment, not paying too much heed to anything more; he felt his opinion had been suitably put across and simply focussed on continuing his breakfast at a leisurely pace. Although to say Hanyo directed her attentions toward Nolan could well have been an understatement, her characteristic nature to be quite forward was unchanged as always, promptly settling on the necromancers lap and encouraging the manner of interaction she liked best. At that point, Spike’s gaze wandered to Autumn for several seconds before returning to his meal once again; it seemed as though she had not had the best of experiences considering her short stay, which likely meant she was either very unlucky, or Scratch may have earmarked her for something none of them were yet aware of.
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Fork drifting toward the scrambled eggs on his plate, Spike glanced upward when he heard the Oracle speak, although his attention settled on Floria as she completed her brisk move out of the room, strangely a bright glow about her, the child following in her wake shifting into the shape of a small sparrow and quickly settling on her shoulder as she exited the room. Slightly perplexed by this, Spike observed her up until she drifted out of the door, to which his gaze was drawn back into the room just in time to see the Oracle snake up around Ryuu in order to rise to his feet. Unsure whether to be amused or intrigued by his flexibility, it did come as little surprise considering how unusual The Patient often was seen behaving, Spike often found himself wondering if the strait jacket he wore was for the sake of others or for his own protection on that basis.

Unable to restrain an amused smile, Spike made a point to pause to observe Ryuu’s reaction to the Oracle’s behaviour, knowing the Oracle was harmless but Ryuu was still likely going to be a little unfamiliar with just how unusual it could be. Eyes drifting downward from the dust still falling from the Oracle at his every move, Spike eyed the traces of dust on the floor leading back through the doorway and into the hallway before looking back to the Oracle once again as he spoke with Ryuu. Reasoning he would need to take a look at this damage himself, Spike gave a faint murmur in thought; he’d save that for after breakfast; although it did explain the noise earlier, even if he was not paying as much attention as he likely should have been at the time, he’d been somewhat too distracted.


Partying Sex Symbol

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T H ExxM I S T R E S S ' xxY O U N G E RxxS I S T E R
T H ExxI N NxxG A R D E N E R

MOOD ( » Cordial ) x xWEARING ( » Floral Blue Kimono ) x xLOCATION ( » Sitting Room )

Trying hard to retain her polite, hostess like demeanor, she held back a laugh at the Oracle's antics. He was an amusing person, for sure. She opted to help brush off some of the dust from his jacket, giving him light sweeping pats that sent clouds of dust drifting towards the floor. She made a mental note that the floor must be cleaned accordingly.

"Well, as long as you are unharmed." she said kindly. "It is nice to officially become acquainted," she added, giving a nod in the general direction of Edward. She could sense some kind of presence, but was unable to see or hear him. "Please, help yourself to some breakfast."

She turned and offered her hand to Martin, scratching lightly between his ears in a gesture of greeting. As she did so, her eyes flickered to Lady Hanyo, following her motions carefully. She seemed relatively harmless at the moment. Ryuu was relieved that the succubus' attention was diverted away from Spike. She made a mental note to speak to her sister about this vampiric woman. Obviously, the creature had no qualms about hunting on Inn property; an issue that must be addressed.

"Good morning, Martin. Care to join me for breakfast?" she offered to the cat as she sat herself next to Spike. "The garden is flourishing, thank you. Spiegel-kun helped me tend to it earlier this morning. He is a natural" she chuckled, flashing Spike an adoring sort of smile. "It has been quite some time since we last spoke, Martin. How have you been?"

Partying Sex Symbol

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Location: Sitting Room BloodLust Level: Low


Lady Hanyo let her hand trail along Nolan's arm. On the surface it was a gentle, caressing gesture. However, she was also calculating the muscles she could feel beneath her hand. Always good to know these sort of facts about your prey before you go in for the attack. Not that she was planning to attack the man. This was a sort of automatic, instinctual course of action. That, and muscles are always pleasurable to touch.

"I feel I barely got to know more than your name in our first meeting" she said, a note of a pout in her voice. "I've not learned a thing about you otherwise. You have been a guest here for quite a while, yes?" she asked. "What brought you here?"

Truth be told, she was genuinely interested in Nolan's story. Everyone had one, after all. And since the succubus had decided she would be making the Inn a sort of haven for herself, she mind as well know all of the characters on this crazy stage. Somewhere in her preoccupation earlier, she had come to a decision. Rather than be flustered and annoyed at the situation, she decided to follow the Mistress' advice. Make known what she was. Be true. Actually get to know the people around her, and make feeding choices wisely. It was easier to rationalize these sort of things now that she had satiated her thirst the previous evening.


((thanks for the kudos. I worked hard on it. Still looking for a more suitable image, though. This girl just doesn't quite say "Lady Hanyo" to me. I'll probably end up just drawing one for myself.))

Hilarious Fatcat

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Yuni snickered as Amano quickly calmed from his usual temper, her fingers playfully ruffling his fur after he batted at her hands. This was amusing! This grumpy old prankster actually had a good, playful side! He was purring too!

"Do ya like ya belly rubbed? Or is that jus' me?" She inquired, wiggling a finger at his paws. Yuni diverted her visual attention to everyone else for a moment to catch up to speed what's been going on.

Nolan had a lapwarmer, the Oracle was up and standing, Spike-man was eating, Ryuu was pretty, the mute and the bird boy left, and Martin was fuzzy... Yeah, that seemed about right. Except when a funny idea came to mind, especially when she had a bad luck cat in her lap.

"Hey, hey, Amano-kun!" Yuni leaned a little closer to him and whispered all secret like, "Wanna help me pull a funny on someone? Not a bad funny, though." The girl grinned like a Chesire, eager to have some fun.

Interstellar Traveler

User Image Spike Spiegel

● Status: Amused/intrigued.
● Current Location: Sitting Room.
● Current Objective: Breakfast/Investigate damage.
● Theme: The Real Folk Blues


Barely stifling an amused chuckle as the Oracle could be seen almost bounding about Ryuu with his usual manic enthusiasm, Ryuu appeared pleasantly amused also as they conversed, but seeing her making such an effort to retain her composure was oddly endearing as much as it was entertaining. Seeing that the magic-infused feline hovering about Ryuu’s feet was acknowledged accordingly, with a head scratch besides, Spike retained a small passive smile as he observed Ryuu start her approach toward the table with Martin close-by before turning in his seat back toward the table, taking another sip of his drink before reaching for his cutlery once again. Glancing sideward at Ryuu calmly once she seated herself next to him, Spike passively listened until his name was mentioned, to which he paused from resuming his meal and looked toward both her and Martin, sparing the latter a casual nod in greeting.

”I aim to please.”
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Responding with a hint of humour present in his voice, Spike’s smile increased all the more upon seeing the gentle and somewhat loving one seen from Ryuu, to which he opted instead to continue gazing at her for some seconds more until it became too apparent he was doing so, returning his attention to his breakfast whist she continued speaking with Martin.

Hearing the faint movement of feet and seeing the reflections moving about in his glass of orange juice, Spike continued chewing a mouthful of eggs whilst his line of sight passively moved sideward, seeing Autumn exit the room somewhat hurriedly, to which a slight frown was visible on his face for an instant in response to not only her haste, but also the manner in which she held her hand to her side, expression unreadable. Wounds, huh? Musing on this as the reflection of Autumn visible in the glass continued moving along with the soft sound of her feet behind him, Spike’s frown faded slightly to avoid making his concern apparent, although it lingered even after she made her leave from the room.


OOC: Looks good to me Hanyo, but I have to admit it would be really cool if you used one of your own drawings.

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