• The wounds are deap
    and they slowly heal
    but time shall never
    fully weather down
    the sorrow from your passing

    you were only 14
    such a young age
    an entire life
    streched befor you

    Some days i am ok
    others my heart aches
    to know i will never see
    that amazing smile
    you proudly wore
    apon your face

    At times i feel
    as if it was all just
    a horrible horrible nightmare
    and one of these days
    you are just going to walk through that door
    and say gatcha like it was all a big joke

    like nothing ever happened
    that smile on your face
    your wonderful esence of grace
    and your great sence of humor

    many knew you better then i
    but you have left an impression on me

    we talked on the way home from school
    not everyday
    but just on fridays

    I know your watching over us all
    dancing on the cloudes
    pearing down
    spreading joy throught heaven

    we feel you close
    as we are sitting at your funeral
    if you had been there
    you would have told us
    to wipe the sadness off our faces
    it was never your thing
    for a frown to lay
    apon the faces of others or yourself

    i hope you know of the love we felt for you
    and the love that streches beyound
    the bands of death

    you trully were a one of a kind girl
    not one who could ever be replaced
    you cared for others
    even if they did you wrong

    I hope you are in a better place
    one where you can share your joy with others
    you could light up a room
    the the sun
    in a cloudless sky

    so i shall cherish the time i had
    to get to know the wonderfull person you still are
    ill say i love you after every fight i have
    and walk a little slower on fridays
    when i come home from the bus
    so i can feel you near me
    even though i cannot see you physically
    your soul still warms my heart