• The moon is a rock on a mountain
    The lunatics have taking over the asylum
    Waiting on the rapture

    Say partner
    We're here to keep your prices down
    We feed you to the hounds
    To the daily mail

    Together, together
    We accomplish much
    And in the eyes of the lords
    it amounts to waste

    You made a pig's ear
    You made a mistake
    Paid off security
    Got through the gate
    You got away with it
    But we'll lie here in wait

    Where's the truth
    What's the use
    What's the plan
    Fat chance
    No plan, no power
    Human life
    Keep trying
    We'll lose
    Jumped the queue
    Go back to the end
    Lord of love, lord of all
    Full of life, full of love
    The things that fly in the sky,
    The fish in the sea, and
    The beasts of the earth have lost command
    Lost command