• Little Angel
    So tired from your long flight
    Take a rest

    Your long elegant wings
    Battered and cut
    Bleeding and drooping

    Your arms are tired
    Your legs are scarred

    Your lovely face is bruised
    Your eyes aren't shining
    Your mouth isn't smiling
    Your story has turned depressing

    Who could save you Little Angel?
    Who will let you heal your heart?

    Who will you run to?

    Little Angel
    The world has turned her back
    No one wants to take you in

    Where will you find shelter?
    Where will you hide?

    Who will you trust?

    Trust me Little Angel
    I will take you in
    I will let you heal your heart
    Let you rest your wings

    I will help you hide
    Keep you safe and warm

    I will bandage your cuts
    Heal your bruises

    I will help you remember how to smile
    Help your eyes shine
    Turn your story around

    I will take you Little Angel
    Because you are still beautiful