• I see your shadow,
    it is stalking me,
    ever since your death,
    I have been haunted,
    Could it be that I miss you,
    or that I just plain feel bad that you die,

    Its been almost five and a half years since the crash,
    that sent me into depression,
    but everytime I turn the corner,
    I would see your shadow,
    I miss you terribly,
    and I know I should let you go,
    but I can`t,
    Your my cousin,
    So why should I,
    I know its bad but still I want the pain and the memory that you were alive,

    So why can`t I leave this depression,
    could it be that I am just scared of what could happen,
    or is it merely just cause I miss you alot,
    I try and try again to let you go but I can`t,
    Your my cousin and I don`t want you to ever leave,
    my side,
    so why is your shadow stalking me,
    is it just because maybe it is you trying to comfort me,
    and tell me everything is okay and that I can let go,
    or is it you just staying by me and not saying nothing,
    I miss you