• Its hot out and it's time to smile, time to put on a show, a clever discuise. Ask me how I am the answer is quick and clear"Im fine its so hot out here." They will turn and agree cause its summer you see, but the truth is my heart is as cold as can be. Frozen solid and with no beat, with no warmt and with no heat. She was my warmt oh how her voice was so sweet as her breath stoked my cheek but when she left me my rythmic heart had only one pause before it became incomplete, frozen and discrete. Although its not so bad ,for this summer is the coldest i've ever had. Is it so bad for me to be sad? Its becoming hard for me to smile, I'm hurting inside, yet you would never know I wont let it show, your questions makes the pain even more so no. Let this summer go by and on winter I can cry frozen tears from my eyes. I will bury my pain from all your lies in my shattered hearts Summer disguise.