• How can you be this oblivious to all that i say
    U sit here and talk as if it causes no pain
    Not just once but every single day
    dont u see ur driving me insane!?

    I try to so hard to ignore you
    Its not as easy as you think!
    I really seriously do!
    but father and father you make me sink

    How can u not see your causing my fears
    How can u not see i quiver and shake
    Ur causing all my tears
    Ur causing my heart to brake

    I want to scream and punch ur face
    U dont get it do you!?
    I wanna drag ur body away, leave without a trace
    I wanna make u scream in pain too

    U take my heart every single hour
    U make me tremble and squeek
    U make my heart sit inthe corner and quiver
    But u dont care if im weak!!

    So go burn in hell
    you stupid idiot boy
    On u i will not dwell!
    Im no longer ur little toy!