• Why do we say ‘goodbye’ when we know that we will meet again?

    We know that in the entirety of our lives, this only counts as a single moment, and we both know that moments come and go. But I think that we have enjoyed our time together, our moments that seemed so long.

    I think we’ve enjoyed our time together, our moments that seemed so long, with our heartbeats singing to the tune we’ve made; to the tune of our times together- our smiles, our sorrows and sighs.

    I think we’ve enjoyed our time together, because in the pictures I can plainly see a family here, some smiles there; and fleeting moments that have arms large enough to embrace the expanse of an entire sea.

    So, why should we say ‘goodbye’ , if ‘goodbye’ does not exist? A moment knows no bounds; it does not feel, it does not speak, it does not think, nor learn, nor change. And a moment cannot grow, because it knows no bounds.

    A moment is a place where all other things are pushed aside, and, a moment is a place where all earthly things will eventually reside.

    A moment is forgiving, and a moment lets you pray. A moment will even let you cry.

    So…. Why not enjoy this moment…. And avoid the word ‘goodbye’? Because nothing lasts forever, and we both know that even a moment does not evade the wide and stretching laws of time.

    So when that moment comes and goes….
    Farewell it is…
    Farewell for now at least.