• I lurk in the dark
    I stay away from the light
    I have no feelings
    I have no heart
    I have no soul
    I have no form
    I am a shadow who hides
    I am a shadow who watches
    I see everything
    I see everyone
    Because I am different
    Because I live in the dark
    Because they don’t know
    They stay away
    Humans fear the unknown
    Humans destroy what they cant understand
    Being a shadow
    Being the unknown
    I watch
    I see
    I wait
    I listen
    For one and only one
    The one
    That made me
    A shadow
    A prisoner to the dark
    I cannot go into the world of light
    I am a shadow
    A creature of the darkness
    The world of light holds
    No room
    No kindness
    For a creature of the unknown
    A creature of the dark
    A shadow
    Who listens
    A shadow
    Who waits
    I have been a shadow
    And I shall stay a shadow
    I will stay away
    I will wait
    I will listen
    I will watch
    As the light thrives
    As the dark dies