• Soul Mate
    Such deep, passionate love I hold for you in my heart
    Though we may be separated, we're never truly apart
    We are both bound by this love
    It seems as if you were sent by the Goddess from above
    You hold me entranced in your eyes
    As soft and blue as the clearest skies
    And deeper than the Ocean Blue
    Always honest, ever true
    You have filled my life with countless happy days
    You, who art more radiant than the Sun's brightest rays
    And as cryptic and beautiful as the Moon
    Bathed in its Heavenly Light
    Around you, everything just seems right
    You bring hope to those with none
    With you by my side, everything works as one
    To make this world Paradise
    And all is at peace, even the Owls and the Mice
    The whole world is more at ease
    Like the calm after stormy seas
    The present and future seem so much better
    Even as I write each letter
    Anything seems possible, even a world without griefs and pains
    Like that feeling right after it rains
    When everything is so pure and clean
    And not a speck of filth can be seen
    I will not, can not stop loving you
    You're in all I sense and all I do
    Your voice is in all I hear
    I feel as if you're always near
    By reminders of you I am surrounded
    My love for you is unconditional, unbridled, unbounded
    Around you everything seems tranquil and light
    With all the warmth and comfort of Midsummer's night