• she's indestructible
    she'll break
    she's lost everything
    she has it all
    she knows exactly where she is
    she's so damn lost
    she screams for help
    she rejects assistance
    she doesn't want to be alone
    she resents company

    he knows he'll be okay
    he can't wait for the end
    everything will be just fine
    everything will turn to hell
    he'll live on
    he won't last a day
    he laughs at those who dare to hope
    he continues to wish
    he knows who he is
    the biggest stranger in his life is the man in the mirror

    we're so happy
    we're so sad
    we know everything
    we don't know a damned thing
    we are the rich
    we're poor
    the sickest people alive
    the healthiest people dead
    we love you
    we hate you