• Cold and dark,
    Is the place im in.
    This house is not a home.
    Not my home.
    This house is my hell.
    This house holds horrors i keep inside myself,
    I must not let anyone see my secrets,
    So ill hide the bruises underneath my jacket.
    Ill put on a smile for you.
    Only a few know whats going on behind that front door.
    Cold, dark, and scary,
    is this place.
    No one can survive here,
    Im dead inside when im in this "home"
    My body may be breathing,
    But on the inside,
    There is no hope for love and compassion in this house.
    if there are emotions at all, its sorrow, anger, dispair...
    How much longer do i have to keep breathing here..?
    I want to go away from here..
    the bruises seem to never go away..
    Even if the physical evidence isnt there..
    Itll always be imbedded in my brain..
    In my heart..
    In my soul..
    My body wants to just let go sometimes..
    But i cant,
    Too many people need me here..
    Its so hard..
    Sometimes i cant breathe..
    I feel like im drowning..
    Going deeper and deeper..
    Just falling,
    But there is no bottom..
    So ill just fall..
    and fall..
    and fall..
    Ill hide my bruises with long jeans, long sleeves and long shirts,
    Let no body see them,
    My little secrets..
    The secrets that go on behind that front door..
    I cant just leave this place...
    Itll be too hard to escape..
    Ive tried to before..
    No one seems to hear my silent cries..
    My silent pleas for help..
    i can hear most people whisper..
    Yet barely anyone can hear me scream..
    Ill hide the evidence under heavy clothes.
    No one will see,
    Nor will anyone hear.
    No one will see a tear roll down my cheek,
    No one will hear me complain anymore.
    Ill just keep it to myself,
    The people who know..
    They dont need a constant reminder,
    For they know it is always constant.
    My little secrets will remain secrets to most of the world, and my own comunity.
    No one needs to worry about me..
    Ill be just perfect..
    Ill be just..
    Ill be fine with my little secrets,
    Hiding behind thin/thick clothing...
    Ill just cry in the shower or the rain,
    So no one can see that im really crying.
    So no one will even suspect,
    My little secrets...