• I waited all day and night
    Looked at the trees and looked at the stars
    Wishing you were back into my arms

    One day I waited and I said "am I wasting my life waiting for her?"
    "No" I said
    I love this girl and I'll wait for her

    Sometimes I think love is a lie
    I always feel like a want to die

    I want to runaway and never look back
    Far far away
    Where no one can look at me fading away
    Just like a fading memory.
    Or a fading dream.

    I love this girl
    She makes me feel complete
    Without her my heart will fall into a millions of pieces

    I trust her with all my heart
    But why does my jealousy get in my way
    She won't leave me
    She even said so

    I had this dream that she broke my heart
    While I just stand there wondering what the hell is happening
    I didn't cry...
    My heart just sunk.

    I cried to much in the past
    All my tears were gone
    I wanted to cry
    But I couldn't

    My mind wondered
    Why did this happen?
    What did I do?
    Did she love me.... or was it all a lie?
    Does she like someone else?

    I kept thinking
    Until then I stopped
    And said I love her
    I always will.

    I'll wait forever
    Until the afterlife
    Just for her