• I'm sorry I'm not perfect,
    I'm sorry I never was.
    I'm sorry I couldn't be more like her,
    I'm sorry for every mistake I've ever made.
    I'm sorry I can't be happy like I should be,
    I'm sorry you have to be the one I put through hell.
    I'm sorry for not being what you've always dreamed of,
    And I'm sorry for always having to say sorry way to often.

    I never wanted to be this way, and I wish I could change.
    But I'll always put myself down, fall apart,
    hope you're there for a soft place to land on,
    And cry myself to sleep for not being able to make you happy.
    But you love me anyway,
    And I don't understand why . . .
    You picked the girl trying to hide on the bleachers,
    with eyeliner running down her cheeks,
    and her jacket hood over her head,
    Just an old, torn up doll left in the mud. .
    Instead of the beautiful, barbie, cheerleader;
    who never hurts you, who never cries at all.
    But I'm glad you did, you don't know how much I need you,
    And even if I can't show it, I really do love you.
    So don't ever go,
    I'm begging you please. . .
    Help me to make you happy,
    be the perfect girlfriend any guy has ever had,
    Love myself, and be happy.
    Show you how much I love you and care,
    And never put you through hell.]