• Remember me?
    I was your best friend.
    Someone to listen when you needed me
    And helped you get through those days
    I was always there for you.
    No matter what was going around.
    I didn’t believe a single thing they ever said
    Because I trusted you entirely
    I fell for you hopelessly,
    Though I guess that was my mistake.

    Remember you?
    You were my best friend.
    You listened at the right times.
    And made me laugh when I was down
    You were always there for me.
    No matter what was going around.
    You didn’t believe a single thing they ever said.
    You told me you fell for me,
    Was that also my mistake?

    Remember us?
    We were best friends.
    We used to talk for hours without end.
    No question was ever too awkward.
    No joke ever lame.
    I let my guard down for once
    And decided it was okay.
    You were the most important thing to me
    And I hoped I was the same to you.

    But since recent events occurred,
    Maybe I’ve been proven wrong.
    Now I can’t help but wonder if
    I’m just an ignored part of your past:
    The girl that never crosses your mind.
    Or if I’m still the best friend
    That you care about
    And if you’d be at my side in a moment’s notice
    If I ever needed you to be.

    But don’t you dare forget the most important thing I ever told you,
    I love you.