• my body against me?
    could it really be?
    keeping me alive
    when all i want is to die

    my eyes
    help me see
    this cruel world
    the cruel people

    my ears
    they make me hear
    all the words of hate
    all the stories of hell

    my mouth
    helps me taste my bitter blood
    oh that bright red blood
    the bitterness of the world

    my hands
    help me feel
    touch the cold stone floor
    your cold body

    my mind
    made me insane
    metally ill i am

    my heart
    oh my heart
    the main part that keeps me going
    pumping my bitter blood through my body
    without it i am nothing
    without it i am dead

    so take my heart away
    and don't replace it
    throw it onto the curb
    burn it in ur fireplace
    just get rid of it

    for i no longer need it