• long long ago god made a decision
    a very important decision
    one that im really glad he made
    he made the decision to make you

    the same hands that made the stars made you
    the same hands that made the canyons made you
    the same hands that made the trees and the moon and the sun made you
    thats why you are so special

    he made you in a very special way
    he made your eyes so they could twinkle
    he made your mouth so you could smile
    he made your laugh so you could giggle
    god made you like no one else

    if you look all over the world
    in every city in every house
    there will be no one else like you
    no one with your eyes
    no one with your mouth
    no one with your laugh
    you are very very special

    and since you are so special
    god wanted to put you in just the right place
    where you would be warm if your cold
    where youde be safe if your afraid
    where you would have fun
    so after lots of looking for just the right place
    god sent you to me
    am im so glad he did

    ill never forget the first time i saw you
    your eyes where so beautifull
    your smile that made me smile
    your voice that made me cry of happiness
    i knew in ym heart god had sent me someone very wounderfull
    for me to take care of

    your first night with me i heard every sound you made
    i heard you smile
    i heard you giggle
    i heard your kiss
    i heard you tear so i held you to keep you safe

    we got tighter and we did more things
    we walked and ran
    we played and talked
    we sang and ate together

    but as we grow and change
    some things will never change
    i will always love you
    i will always hug you
    i will always be by your side
    and i want you to know that just incase
    you wounderd

    remember im here for you
    on dark nights when you hear noises
    in your closet call me

    when you see monsters in the shadows
    call me

    on hard days when kids are mean and
    dont treat you like they should
    come to me

    if your grades are bad and your mom gets mad
    come to me
    cause i love you
    and i walays will
    just in case you wounder

    most of all i want to tell you about god
    he loves you
    he protects you
    he and his angels are always watching over you

    and he wants me to make sure you know about heaven
    its a wounderfull place
    there are no tears
    no monsters
    no mean people

    you never have to sya good bye
    or good night
    or im hungry
    you never get cold or sick or afraid

    in heaven you are close to god
    that he will hug you
    just like i hug you
    its going to be wounderfull
    i will be there too
    we will be there together i swear
    remeber that

    but most important rememeber
    i love you hina

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