• Hollow Ground

    A Crow flies above
    Above the forgotten land
    Above the dieing trees
    Above the scorched lands

    Through cold deserts
    Across Barren seas
    Below dried out falls
    Descends into fallen giants

    The bird seeks a shelter
    A place called home
    No such thing to be found
    It goes on searching

    The harsh desert blind
    The suns heat beats down
    The winds guides to forgotten places
    The crow fly head strong into it all

    The nights seem welcome
    The refreshing cool air surrounds the crow
    Joy and happiness
    Voices of lovers and friends speak to it

    Yet the bird keeps flying
    Any minuet its heart could give out
    This docent scare the crow
    Death seems like a cruel whisper

    A violin plays
    Voices hymn in the distance
    Drums beat softly in the birds ears
    The birds eyes open

    Free and graceful
    Its heart starts to beat
    Its wings start to flap quickly
    Keep going keep going
    The wind keeps pushing it back

    Toons pick up
    The drums beat quicker
    The violin ever louder
    The voices ever higher

    Keeps flying keep flying
    The voices guide softly
    The bird flashes into the sky
    Its eyes wide open now

    With heart full of pride
    It falls back to earth
    A land barron feels alive once more
    The cool air drifts through the crows feathers

    It falls through the heavens
    The faces of lost loves return
    The forgotten land now found
    Life seems hopeful

    The bird falls through the clouds
    Happiness seems so close
    Open hands await to grasp it
    Caring arms shelter it softly

    Home again
    The bird lays fallen
    The barren dunes barred its lifeless shell
    The birds final flight

    Home for where it stays
    Home with its loves
    Never to feel the cruel heat
    Never to see the lost land

    The dead trees
    The barren seas
    The loneliness
    For ever bound

    The wind plays softly
    The voices welcomed
    Welcomes ye forgotten souls
    Welcome to where time is lost

    An place lost in whisper
    A place of damned
    a hollow place
    A hollow ground