• A tear rolls down my cheek
    My breaths come shallow and quick
    My suffering and hurt is finally exposed
    The damaged past we can never fix

    Can I ever see beyond the pain?
    My life is spinning out of control
    A stranger lies deep within your eyes, but
    Can you undo what you've done to my soul?

    Pain spread throughout our lives like a stain
    Though the despair I feel is slowly becoming faint
    Hate's power strangles our love and joy
    I can't believe it's come to pass this twist of fate

    You scream and yell at me
    And I only cry in return
    I want this dispute to cease
    For your forgiveness, that's what I yearn

    I feel abandoned, always rejected
    I want this tormented life to end
    I reveal a gun, aiming it at my chest
    When I pull the trigger, will my shattered heart mend?