• She is a flower growing tall, the tallest in the field.
    She is the Alpha of the pack, she is my shield.
    She is the breath of fresh air after a long day.
    The surfer on the biggest wave, but she always has been that way.

    She is the flash of colour in a black and white film,
    My alibi,
    My partner in crime,
    My shoulder to lean on.

    She is a mentor, standing strong,
    Her golden smile is comforting; my list of favours is extremely long!
    She is my role model, my goal; she is who I want to be.
    Her beauty turns heads, but her anxious eyes are on me.

    When I call her name,
    She is there by my side.
    Knowing she is my sister
    Fills me with powerful pride.

    She is not in it for the fame, the pride or the glory,
    The bond we share is the most powerful thing. It is unbreakable, truly.
    And even though she is stubborn and we do not always agree,
    I love her unconditionally because she loves me.