• Guy 1:
    Will thou have me drink poison?
    For loving you is slowly killing me
    Thy are truly bad for me

    Guy 2:
    What will they have me to do?
    Recall mine love and give it to another
    Pray it would be that easy, I would

    Mine love is not wrong!
    Would thou cast me into the shadows
    Nay, for I will not be there

    Guy 1:
    Thy lips are poison!
    Filling my body with such confusion
    Tore between what I know and feel.

    Shall I denounce my family name?
    Runaway with thy and start a new life,
    Oh, it would be a wonderous paradise

    Guy 2:
    Why do thou talk of leaving?
    Thou are to afraid to confess thy love,
    In public thou will never show

    Guy 1:
    Again I say I'm sorry
    It's not that I'm afraid
    Concern for your feelings

    Guy 2:
    Thine words are hollow,
    My feelings are fine,
    Is they concern and afraid of thy own feelings

    Guy 1
    Maybe it is that I'm afraid
    Afraid of how I feel
    For my heart is your and hers

    Ty truly are poison
    Confusing my very senses,
    Making my heart ache

    Guy 2:
    They suffer such pain
    If I am indeed poison,
    Why do thou continue drinking

    Guy 1:
    Thy are poison
    A poison that worth my life
    Continue drinking shall I

    Guy 2:
    Oh, gentle aching soul
    Indeed are confused
    Thy heart and mind are battling

    Guy 1:
    Truth never been spoken
    Heart and mind cause me trouble
    Vexed my body in confliction

    Thine words of compassion pulls me
    Making me unable to breath
    For when you say I love you

    Guy 2:
    Would thy have me stop?
    Nay, I can not be silent
    For my love isn't quiet

    Would thou place me among the highest peaks?
    Still to the heavens I will confess my love
    For the Gods know my heart

    Guy 1:
    Thou truly are poison
    Again thy words from thy lips
    Put my heart and mind in conflict

    Guy 2:
    If I am poison, she must be the antidote
    Clearing your heart and mind
    Of all traces and remance of me

    Guy 1:
    If truth we are to speak
    When I hear her voice
    You are indeed not in my mind

    Guy 2:
    Thy are poison to me
    Feeling mine body with hope
    But leaving me with despair

    Guy 1:
    Again, I apologize
    I do care for you
    But my heart is for her

    Thy are my posion
    Upon my lips I want a taste
    One last embrace with my poison.

    Guy 2:
    Press thy lips to mine
    And one last kiss we shall share
    For you my poison have finally killed me

    Guy 1 & 2:
    Goodbye my poison, maybe one day I will crave you again