• i spend day after day with the echos of shouting and banging. i hear in life and in my dreams. it never sleeps it never leaves . it main ingredient is alchol and pop. its levels of pain inflict a daily and constent pain .worse thena summers sun burn. not going butstaying and never fading. the minds of those who think there always right and strive to prove those they thing wrong. they thing there way is the only way. i wonder why i never sleep or get any rest . i wonder why i never truly smile. i spend my time frowning and in constent sorrow. i never feel the lifted weight that like atles had to endur . i feel that its never ending cirlce and it keeps and keeps worse then a bipolar. cry cry . i wish to feel the warmth of sun with an endless blue sky . but yet i meet the day with cloads grown gary. the bitter winds and howls storms there fuled by the evil from with in. somewere in midst of the dark the screaming stops but only for a while. crying crying crying