• why does it have to be this way
    why cant i just be something worth while
    why cant i just be smart
    why cant i just be pretty
    even better why cant i just be happy

    i used to want to be something great something amazing
    but now i just want someone to see something
    i just want one person to look at me and wish to be me
    i want someone to stop and wonder who i might be

    im used to being nothing but a failure
    but time makes the woods of my failure evergrowing
    like the roots of a tree
    they grow deep deeper

    im like an old dying tree
    watching the bigger better older trees
    outgrowning me outliving me
    they grown over me
    ill never be even near them
    they grow and grow

    i wait for the day when
    the they finally cut me down
    all the while the big trees laugh at me
    laughing at how hard i tried to be like them

    trees like me dont last long
    we fade away into the darkness
    never regrowing from our roots