• Before the change...
    There's a word for people like me
    not cool,not preppy,nor full of glee
    I love everything you hate
    You hate everything I love
    I love the night-light
    I hate the sun that burns deeply...into my soul
    I wish I were everyone else
    I wish to be whole
    After the change...
    The first time I changed
    I felt beyond strong
    All the things I've done in my life,this felt like the worst
    and wrong,so wrong
    In fact I feel more than whole
    too whole,not even a human feel
    I feel to overwhelmed with blood
    human blood,that I got from the Kill
    of the outsiders now lookin' in
    their hearts are empty,you ask how?
    It's funny you should ask 'cause now they all bow...
    to the Queen of all Vampires,