• today’s a lonely path
    leading into the darkness
    I can see my cool breath
    hovering over me
    but I keep walking
    afraid to confront the truth
    I rather have a head start

    today I walk the lonely path
    I’ve learned so well
    not looking back
    like I would before
    I’ve excepted my destiny
    sucked in and sure
    I walk alone at night to find the cure

    today I walked the lonely path
    with so many close behind
    but we all keep our distance
    hoping to leave everything behind
    we walk the same dark road
    but never say a word
    we've excepted our destiny
    we walk quickly to fate

    to day I walked the lonely path
    knowing its my ending
    because my secret I’ve kept so long
    is finally coming out
    I’ve done a wrong deed
    and I understand
    that’s why I walk the lonely path
    anger hatred hand in hand

    today I jogged the lonely road
    I’m tired of my secret
    so I rush to the ending
    hoping to rid
    of the knowing I hold inside

    so this is my confession
    in one riddle poem
    but I know that my secret
    is safe inside my frozen heart
    so as I live with a smile
    suspicions all around because
    my secret hold so many tales

    you are thinking hard now wondering what to think
    but you will never guess it
    I’ve kept my clues to nothing
    but this is my confession
    riddled into truth
    so look between the lines