• Shivering
    Standing alone
    In a field of snow
    It’s so cold
    I can’t remember
    Who I am
    My name
    Why am I here?
    Looking up
    There is grey,
    The sky,
    And also
    Falling pieces
    Of frozen white
    Is that what they’re called?
    Flakes of snow
    What is white?
    White is pale, colorless
    A colorless color
    How can that be?
    And yet, there it is
    Before my eyes
    In the air above me
    Around me
    In between me and the heavens
    Where do they come from?
    Why did they come here?
    To this earth
    Where life
    Is only a short distance
    Between here...
    ...And there
    Where there is a place gone forever
    And here is where life
    But where is here for the snow?
    Up there?
    The clouds?
    Behind the clouds
    Grey, soulless clouds
    There is always blue
    After the clouds clear
    We see the blue?
    Brilliant blue
    How can something so
    Come from something so
    The blue...
    Behind the clouds
    Blue that gives hope
    To the people below
    Waiting, wanting to see the blue
    Behind the clouds
    Because it means that life will go on
    It means there is a hope for a future
    I don’t see it now
    There is no blue
    My life is still, silent
    And all I hear are whispers
    Wind, tickling at my ears
    Chilling me to the bone
    Shaking all the happiness from me
    Where am I?
    Where do I belong in this?
    Where is the silver lining?
    To my cloud?
    I see the cloud
    And that is all
    I see the cold
    It’s drifting towards my face
    In twinkling, sparkling
    I feel the cold
    I hear the stillness,
    Nothing stirs
    I can taste it even
    Like the hard of frost
    Sharp, like shattered glass
    Where is the supposed
    Winter wonderland?
    I just don’t see it
    I don’t see the magic
    That snow is said to bring
    I just see the cold.