• Promised vallies of fields of amber grain swaying in the breeze during a sunny cloudless day seem to be turning into vallies of slick cude oil killing anything and everything it come in contact with.
    The big maple tree I dreamed of sitting under on top for a hill overlooking these fields has turned into cold steel power lines that deliver the power needed for people to waste their lives.
    The smiling face of a girl wearing a yellow sundress I once knew and loved so dearly with everything in my heart has turned into a ragged dirty face of a woman on the street who sels her body to just get by in a life that tear her insides out everyday.
    The once silent clear blue sky I used to love and turn to for warmth and comfort has been polluted with bomber exhaust and smog from the cities which serve as a center of filth and immorality.
    The child who had been care free now saw his goals and dreams twisted and tortured out of exsistance. The days he spent picturing sitting under his maple tree over looking the golden field of grain swaying in the breeze with the girl in the yellow sundress now seemed to be for nothing.