• As we hold hands beneath the sunset
    You lean over to whisper in my ear
    “I love you my dear, whether you're far or near,
    short or tall, big or small, and through it all.”

    I believed your words and lived for you
    I lived for your love and for your heart
    You won me over through your art
    Of painting pictures in my head
    With you and I until we're dead

    But now you're gone, yet here you still whisper
    “I hate you my dear, whether you're far or near,
    short or tall, big or small, and through it all.”
    And here I still sit beneath the sunset
    Crying my heart out for you
    No matter what you do
    I'll always love
    To show you
    No matter how hard you shove me
    I'll always live in the darkest of days