• Cornered in the forest
    By a king of beasts from lore,
    Entangled amongst the brown and gold,
    Thou fight for thy lives once more.

    A beast, Behemoth, of monsterous size
    With claws and teeth of razor
    Towers over the threesome.
    Covered in dark fur, black wings furled,
    Horns protruding from the head,
    Tense muscles rippling,
    Wild mane falling,
    Its ready to pounce upon its cornered prize

    Great pikeman, with spear of steel
    And armor of bronze,
    Thou tower over thy fallen princess to defend
    And rise to help her highness.
    Hair of white with lance of silver in hand,
    Protect thy charge
    Face not the funeral band.

    Poor princess,cloaked in travel-worn snow,
    Strewn upon the ground like a common stone,
    Thou cower in fear from the feral beast.
    Fear not, fair maiden.
    For thy knight,
    Brave and true,
    Protects you from death not meant for thee.

    Brave knight, sworn to protect princess and country,
    Thou lie on the ground, fallen,
    But not from duty art thou unbound.
    To die for thy princess, but not without a fight,
    Is the passion that runs in thy blood.
    Waver not, thy sword of justice,
    And the wood will be at peace.

    Faced by a threat in the golden wood,
    Three travelers confronted by fear untold.
    Despite the four enlocked in epic battle,
    The trees walk on, oblivious,
    And speaking in their own babble.