• Your words are dribble.
    Truthless, unoriginal dribble.
    Your insults are old and stale
    Just like you.
    Babies fresh from the womb are more educated.
    And more creative at that.

    And your appearance is repulsive.
    Monkeys in a zoo flinging feces at each other
    Are exponentially more attractive
    Than you could ever even dream of being.
    Some people should be locked in closets
    Hidden away never to be seen
    For the sake of other's vision.
    You are one such person.
    When I look at you,
    Vomit is the least
    Of the disgusting images brought to mind.

    Your hands may strike me.
    But my spirit is stronger
    Than any physical strength you possess.
    How can this be?
    Because I found in my heart
    The capability to love
    Someone like you.
    I don't need to put others down
    To be happy.

    So I'm done.
    Because I see now
    That even from the start
    You and this relationship
    Possessed immenent failure.

    And my farewell to you is this:
    The lifeguards of the gene pool
    Should have let you drown.