• When I lie in the darkness
    Staring at the ceiling
    All my thoughts turn to you
    My dreams are filled with your face
    My body tingles with your touch

    Can you see me?
    Can you feel me?

    The shadows play over the bed
    Dancing to music unheard
    My thoughts are all on you
    Dreams filled with your eyes
    Senses overwelmed with yours

    Can you see me?
    Can you feel me?

    As the light disappears
    All my thoughts turn to you
    My dreams consumed with you

    Your hand touchs mine
    Fingers lacing for the first time
    Lips meeting at a sweet point
    Skin brushing to build a fire
    Senses filled with life

    Your voice carrassing my ear
    The lips brushing the shell
    A tip of the tongue to the flesh
    Sends me into a wild mess

    Gasping for air
    Hands moving
    Lips searching
    Destination unknown
    I know what you want
    What you need

    A loud ringing in my ear
    Breaking the fragments of the mind
    The dream slipping away
    Darkness greeting my gaze

    Will you always be a dream?