• In a land that has seen peace for many a moon, the balance of power was destroyed altering the course of the land. Many warriors and leaders think they know what caused the distortion of the balance, but none can say for sure. What ever the cause maybe, lords of the fiefs started struggling for power; some sought eternal glory, others peace. But all want to full fill their own ambitions no mater how light or dark they are.

    On a small Island with in a military camp that bears a crest of a bat on all banners, a young, one eye battle scared man that smells of the sea and sweat; just sits on the only seat in the camp playing his shimesen. While he plays, a message carrier runs up and kneels before the man. “Lord Motochika, The Mori army is advancing upon us from the east.” The young man stops the playing the shemesen and looks up to the sky, a huge grin upon his face. With fire in his voice the man sets the instrument down standing up “Alright then let’s show that dog what happens when he enters the bat’s cave shall we?”
    Upon the ending of his sentence, the cloth that separated him from the outside world fell revealing an army of sailors and warriors ready for battle and cheering about the good news.

    On the north side of a larger island that surrounds the smaller one, an ominous cloud covers a temple surrounded by an army under the banner of the man known through out the land as the Daemon King, Nobunaga Oda. The temple has been a thorn in Nobunaga’s side for as long as he was able to breath. But just recently, the monks of the temple finally pushed the thorn in too deep; now they are paying for it. Standing upon the edge of a cliff in armor darker then the night sky, Nobunaga orders with hate and rage under a calm, calculated voice “Drown the temple in a sea of flames…let none survive...” With that order, the archers set their arrows on fire and launch them into the dark sky lighting it up a beautiful shade of death. Soon after the arrows are launched more are readied and launched in rapid succession. The arrows that landed first start to set fire, but it is not till the third set the temple starts to burn quickly and violently. The screams of women, children, monks and innocent men rip though the air and Nobunaga laughs in pleasure at the screams “Good, keep this up, I want the entire temple burned before the main force goes in and kills the survivors." A single general whose identity will be disclosed later, points out the cries of the women and children. Nobunaga looks to the general with a grin "And this is wrong how?" He asked knowing the right answer. "We should not be harming the innocent my lord..."
    Placing his right claw like hand over his face, The Daemon King laughs. Once he is done, he looks to the dumbfounded Generial. With his calm and calculated tone slightly higher from his sudden laughter, Nobunaga asks his general "What innocent?"

    Due west of the burning temple The tiger of Kai and the Dragon of Echigo sit together in-between two armies under each of their own banners drinking a glass of Sake while playing a quick game of Go. The tiger of Kai is a slender young woman in her early thirties, but looks to be in her early twenties. She wears a masked helm over the upper portion of her face with little to no armor on her body preferring to show her features to everyone. She holds a wooden fan in hand as she looks over the board plotting her next move.
    The Dragon of Echigo is also a beautiful woman in her early thirties but looks to be in her twenties. She has fair skin and long black hair. She wears armor that hides her figure well underneath a white cloak preferring to hide her figure unlike her nemesis. She holds nothing in hand but a sword lies next to her as she plots her next move also.
    “So, Kenshin, what will you do if I win? Launch an attack on me with your army?” The tiger asked placing a black rock on the board.
    “Of course not Nemesis” Lady Kenshin replied looking over the board still “We are here just for a friendly game of Go and a bottle of Sake correct?” She places a white rock on the board.
    “Then why did we bring our armies Kenshin?”
    “Incase we wished to do battle sometime later”
    The two of them laugh at the ‘joke’. The Tiger places a black rock on the board
    “And that is game”
    Lady Kenshin claps her hands together a few times before standing up and bowing to the young tiger “May Bishimonten provide you and your men safe passage back to Kai”
    The Tiger stands up and bows respectively “Yes and for the next game, let us leave the troops behind and play at ether Echigo or Kai shall we?”
    The Dragon picks up her blade “Maybe next time, but for now Mitakatakahara is yours Shingan, use it well”
    With that the two armies went their separate ways.

    To the north western part of the Island, a fifteen year old boy prepares to take over the state of Oushuu and the rest of the islands and unite them under the Banner of the Date. Unfortunately, the boy, Masamune Date, could only muster up a group of six people including him but not the small kitsune spirit.
    In the group there is a young tall tanned woman with purple hair in a pony tail. She wears the same cloths as her partner, a shorter younger girl with light skin and short black hair with twin long braids bound in a white cloth ending with a large gold ring. They wear black backless shirt with matching hakama, a white hakama-himo, white tabi and Waraji. The only difference though is the fact that the tanned one wears a white Haori with a picture sleeping black cat on the back.
    A young male strategist no older then seventeen wearing a hakama with ‘Go’ or five in Japanese on the back stands with the other women. His figure is mainly hidden in loose cloths, but from what anyone can gather by looking at him, he is of average build most likely. His hair is a red but for some reason, his left bang is orange with a snow white tip. He travels with an even younger looking girl with fox ears and tail with him. She wears a sleeveless white peasant top with baggy shorts that are tied off at the bottom or the legs. Her fox tail is short like her and a bright orange with a white tip. Her hair is past her shoulders but not to her waist. It is a darker orange then her tail; though her left Bang is red.
    Lastly, a woman older then twenty but younger then twenty five with long black hair wearing crimson coloured armor that has seen its fair share of battle sits against a tree with her arms crossed and her eyes closed.. She wields a cross spear much like her armor, it has seen battle. A one eyed boy not even past the age of fourteen arrives. His hair is short and messy save for the area that is kept under control by a bandana that cover’s his right eye. He wears a sleeveless peasant outfit with a worn out top made from a white tiger’s pelt. The tiger’s head is still attached and hollowed out into a hood for when ever he needs it. He has a beat up bokken with him. The boy examines his small force before looking to the only other male in the group “Mitsunari is this really the only people you could muster?”
    Mitsunari shrugged his shoulders “I did manage to recruit more but…” He points to the small kitsune girl hugging his leg right tightly with a large smile upon her face. “Most left as soon as they learned I have a Kitsune-kami following me around”
    Masamune scratches his head, irritated at the fact that his plans are foiled quit possibly from this small force of women and man. "Damn cowards..." Masamune curses under his breath.
    Mitsunari tries to help out the situation by advising Masamune that they could postpone the assault and gather a larger force. Masamune laughed loudly, the armored woman looking at him interested by his actions while the tall tanned woman looks to him with a smile and her arms crossed. The third one seems afraid of Masamune's words and hides behind the tanned one who is now laughing to her self “Do not fret Mitsunari, we have your mind and four swords that clam to be able to able to win no matter what right?”
    The ladies look at Masamune like he is insane for a moment. The tanned one laughs. In a voice that show experience she replies moving out of the other's way “He’s right; the best way to prove you’re the best is to face death head on and break him in two.” She looks to her partner and says "Right Shizuko?"
    The shy girl, Shizuko, looks down as if she was beaten before the battle started. She nods lightly in agreement.
    The Crimson Armored girl sighs, looking at the silent girl. 'What is her problem?' She thought to herself for a moment “Well, I have no intentions on dieing today...” She crosses her arms looking to Masamune “If we some how win this and you become lord, will I be guaranteed a spot in your army?”
    Masamune laughs once more “Even if we fail, you’ll still be part of my army”
    The crimson armored girl sighs heavily “Alright then” She draws her spear, spinning it in hand until the bottom of the spear slams into the ground “You have Yukimura Sanada’s cross spear under your command then…”
    Masamune looks to her with a smile “Yukimura, I have heard of you, can’t fight worth the coin spent for your armor from what I understand".
    Yukimura falls onto the ground face first as everyone else laughs but Shizuko, who shows worry about Yukimura's fall. The crimson armored samurai pushes her self up after a minute or two under the embarrassment of Masamune's statement. The tanned girl calms down soon after Yukimura stands; she says “My name is Kasumi and that is all I will tell you now for my name." She slaps at Shizuko's back repeatedly, declaring her teammate’s name, personality and abilities "This is Shizuko, a shy girl that's great in bed and stealth missions." Shizuko blushes heavily and tries to hide her beet red face by turning around and covering her face with her hands.
    Mitsunari and Yukimura blush lightly at Kasumi's statement about Shizuko. Masamune laughs about it while the kitsune-kami looks completely confused about the incident and has to ask about what good in bed means. Kasumi goes to answer the little fox girl but Mitsunari intervenes saying "You'll learn when you're older Moriko-hime" Masamune laughs along with Kasumi.
    The small fox looks up to Mitsunari putting on a cute face "Aww but but"
    Mitsunari turns around lightly pinching in-between his closed eyes. "I said when you're older so deal with it" the small fox runs in front of him preparing the cute face but Kasumi covers the fox with her Haori claiming "He said later so you'll learn later and possibly Shizuko and I will show you when Mitsunari says you're old enough"
    The small fox escapes the Haori after a few seconds of pulling it off. She looks up to Kasumi along with a still blushing Shizuko.
    Her voice is soft and sweet, but Shizuiko did not say anything. But she thought to her self with that voice 'Is Kasumi-sama being honest...'
    Masamune laughs before stating to Mitsunari "Sounds like I have the perfect army right here"
    Mitsunari sighs "I will not complain Masamune-sama, we have more then you and I in this so our chance of victory is easier at least.
    "Good Mitsunari, now come up with the plan and let's take Oushuu"
    "Yes Masamune-sama"

    Towards the south west beneath the army of Oda, the strongest warrior in all the land, Tadakatsu Honda, spars against the maverick, Keji Maieda, for Lord Iyeasu Tokugowa's enjoyment as well as their own.
    The two have been sparing for the last hour or so, and neither shows signs of fatigue.
    Keji Maieda is a young woman with black hair in a ponytail that reaches her ankles. She wears a tattered hakama, a torn haori bound by her sash, heavy bracers that reach her elbow over bandages and bandages from her stomach up just too where it covers half of her breast. She wields an Odachi with her right hand and her left hand free and moving for evasion.
    Tadakatsu is armored from head to toe in a rather slim but comfortable and flexable steel armor with a design of a dragon. He wields the spear known as the dragonfly cutter.
    Iyeasu Tokugaowa is younger then Tadakatsu Honda. He is about the age of twenty years meaning he has very little experience as a leader of men. But it is his drive and heart that have been showing his abilities yet tapped.
    These alone are what caused such a mighty warrior to join such an inexperienced army. The young leader is about 5'4 with short black hair that barely reaches his ears. He wears no armor at the moment, dawning only what a damiyo would wear. He sits upon a small wooden thrown, cross legged for comfort.
    He sits there astonished that they have been battling for so long and seem so...so unaffected by it. It's as if the two of them were born and breed to battle till the end of days.
    As spear and odachii clash once more, Keji and Tadakatsu enter a dead lock and look at each other enjoying the match a lot themselves.
    In a light but powerful voice, keji says looking into Tadakatsu's eyes "you know... it's hard to tell if we should end this act and change stages for another more brutally honest one..."
    Not one for words, Tadakatsu smiles and breaks the lock by adding enough force that Keji's blade snaps in two and sends her flying into the near by wall. The force is so great; a perfect outline of her body is imprinted within the creater that was made.
    The warrior turns and looks up to his lord. Iyeasu stands up clapping slowly; he enjoyed the match immensely and did not expect the match to end so suddenly. Then again, it seemed as if the only way the two would really enjoy themselves is on the battlefield. This was obvious, even to Iyeasu.
    Keji pushed herself out of the wall slowly, but painfully. The maverick falls to her hands and knees. Wiping the blood from her lips and chin, “I’ll take that as a yes then"