• It is late, approximately one in the morning when a lone girl slowly walks through a forest path. The long grass is wet, and soaks up to her knees despite her jeans. It is dark, but her eyes have adjusted enough to see the path before her. I must be dreaming, she thinks as she slowly makes her way forwards.

    Her surroundings certainly add to the dream-like feeling she’s in. The moon and stars rest over head, watching her hesitant pace. In front of her the trees separate, showing a clear path forward and a cloudless sky. Curiosity and a feeling she can’t explain pull her forwards. The grass thins and she can see the paw prints on the ground.

    She steps on them lightly, not truly believing they are there. And yet she follows... The fact that she’s lost and afraid has nothing to do with her choice to move forwards... To follow the trail left for her. “I must be mad,” She says aloud. It isn’t surprising, madness is the conclusion most people would have come to at this point. But still she carries on, though with less hesitancy than before.

    Maybe she’s given up, or maybe she wants to see if she really is mad or if there’s something more... Something more to this mediocre life than she had ever dreamed. Regardless her path is set, etched in place by the paw prints before her.

    And it’s all because of one rainy afternoon...