• (Acoustic intro of battery)A calm day today....The sun shines so bright but wait whats this!(Electric intro of battery)Cop:Stop Thief!! Thief:Never -shoots-(fast parts of battery)Cops:Get Back here you crap we will kill you!!! You shot one of ours.(Chorus)Thief:you cant stop me!
    You:-Trips thief- Cop:Thanks for stopping him. (Fast short solo after chorus)Thief:send them in!
    (Riff/fast part)Sam:They're on the way! Rebel Pilot:Airstrike incoming! Cops:Get down!
    (Chorus):You:Oh God what the heck happened!? ???:Freeze! You:whoa watch where you point that thing John! John:Oh sorry i thought you were a Rebel I've been looking for survivors and it seem your it come on.(Part after chorus)Rebel marksman:I got them in my sights. John:Marksman!Run!.....Narrator:After being chased for hours by Rebels and being shot at by Marksmen.....They made it at the bunker.(Solo)John:Help me! Alice:I got the first aid kit!You heal him!You:Me!?What are you nuts!?I've never healed anyone!Timothy:Its simple just put the Bandage around his wound.(Fast part)Rebel Captain:I see a bunker.Rebel Pilot: Do i take it out?Rebel Captain: Do it!Rebel Pilot(Radio):Homing missile incoming!(Outro)Survivors:Oh no!(Lost Contact)