• Walking through the old wooden doorway, I felt my heartbreak.

    It was going to happen all over again.

    The lights were out all through the house and the snow that was clumps was now feathery light that blew in the savage winds. Would he be Ok?

    I can’t worry about him. It all just has to sort itself out . . . Again. It has to be done.

    There was little light left filtered through the snow. I abruptly shut the rough red drapes. My eyes were still sore. My head still ached. If only I could just, lie down. For just five minutes, then I'd be Ok. I slunk to the ground and rested my head on my knees. I had thoughts rushing through my head. Thoughts of what had transpired earlier. . .

    It was all supposed to be just another smooth move. Two weeks ago, we moved and . . . And we were all supposed to just start over again. . . But then I met him. It practically ran downhill from there.

    My head shot up abruptly and I saw Lunya there in front of me. Her short blond hair was neatly tied back upon her head with a blue ribbon. She still had her nightgown on.

    "Lunya, it’s almost six. Why are you still wearing pajamas?" She did not say a word, nor did she move. Her eyes rested upon my shoulder where it was slightly wet from the clumps of snow earlier.

    My sister is only nine, but she's still so very creepy.

    "I heard that. Who are you calling creepy?" She whispered. "Mother knows where you have been. Mother is upset. Mother wishes for you to stop seeing that human boy."

    "That so? Lun, I should've known better than to hide even in my thoughts from you." I was nervous as hell, but I wouldn't let her notice. Thankfully, Lunya can only read a person's thoughts when they fear her. And this happens. A lot. But right then, it wasn't Luney I was afraid of. It was Mother.

    "So, is mother, uh . . . upstairs?" I asked cautiously, looking in the direction of the stairs. My eyes wandered to a glimpse of light beneath Mother's cold dark door. The boxes surrounding her door blocked the hallway leading into rooms that I now knew we'd defiantly never see. Mother would be very angry with me. And since she was the boss, she would have us up and off again. All because of me. Again. Lunya nodded silently.

    Sighing, to hide my fear, I lifted myself off the ground and closed my eyes. As I walked to the stairs I could only think of his sweet face. Mother's door opened. I opened my eyes and my older brother Siphul walked through the doorway. His dark hair blocked his eyes, but I knew he was looking straight down at me. The dim light from mother's doorway faded as he silently and slowly closed the door behind him.

    "Jenna." He practically growled. "Mother wants to see you." He walked past me as I was walking up the stairs. I turned back to take a glance at my brother. He had his back turned to me. His pale hand rested on Lunya’s tiny shoulder. She looked up into his eyes and her gray eyes turned to look into my own.

    "He's angry Jenna. But not as angry as mother is." Of course, Siphul was angry with me. And of course, he was scared of Lunya as well. He was only a watchdog. He was rather Mother’s lapdog. And Mother was always afraid of Lunya. No doubt running through Lun's mind, was Mother's hatred of her strange ability.

    Lunya nodded with a strange little smirk. Even I had become afraid of the strange little girl at times. With a nervous huff, I turned and looked at the door fatigued with age. The light was still underneath. I stopped in front of the door, and with my hand, still shaking reached out to touch the cold metallic knob. It was colder than the snow. Within an instant, Alex's beautiful face flashed in my mind and reminded me of what had to be done. I shook my head and felt a tear in my eye.

    I tried to shove the thought away. But I just could not. Mother would make me do it. I did not want to kill Alex. He was one of the best things that had ever blessed my sad dark life. With a shudder, I turned the knob and entered into my inescapable fate. Given out by mother in that cruel way I knew only she could give.