• The first day I met Aria it was unexpected and so sudden it freaked me out.
    “Hey hun what’s up,” Jessica asked as she came to my locker after classes that day.
    “Nothing I’m going to the pizza parlor with the boys wanna come,” I asked her.
    “No thanks homework but I’ll call you later.” I nodded and kissed her goodbye. I was hanging out in the parlor with the rest of my dudes, when she walked in. Knee high converse short pink jean miniskirt and a pink tube top with a barely there sheer shirt over top. Two pink chopsticks stuck out of her hair and big black earrings dangled from her ears.
    “Man isn’t that Jess,” asked my best friend Lorenzo. I turned around and I could swear it was Jessica. It can’t be, I thought, she would never wear anything like that and plus Jess would never lie to me. Then she saw me and sashayed her way over. She gave a little wave to the boys then turned to me and held out her hand.
    “Why hello Mr. Obvious I’m Aria,” she said in a breathy, yet silky voice. I was stunned I couldn’t say anything. I did shake her hand though. She leaned into me her boobs so close to my face.
    “What’s wrong do I look like someone you know,” she whispered into my ear. Still shocked I just sat there. Then she turned to the rest of the table.
    “Can I sit here,” she asked. All of them just nodded Lorenzo was the only one balls enough to say something.
    “Of course you can Jess where else would you sit.”
    “ Jess that’s a nice name I guess but I prefer my own, Aria,” she said. She got her pizza then came to sit down. She sat next to me, so close that her thigh pressed against mine. She even ate pizza like a sexy bombshell. Every bite made me want her and she knew it. The other guys weren’t immune they all felt it too the sultriness that hung around her like perfume. The confidence that exuded from her very pores. Where my sweet innocent Jessica had gone we didn’t know but at the moment this strange exotic gorgeously hot Aria had changed Jessica in all of our minds forever. Aria was well she was something. After she ate her pizza she excused herself to go to the bathroom. She got up in a way that made every guy at the table stop and stare and especially me.
    “Dude what’s up with your girlfriend,” asked Danny.
    “I don’t know,” I answered still bewildered myself.
    “I’ve known Jessica forever and I don’t think that’s her,” said Lorenzo.
    “Dude that has to be Jess,” Isaiah said.
    “Maybe it’s not,” I retorted, “maybe it’s just a girl who looks like her I think her eyes are a bit more icy blue then Jess’s and I’m pretty sure Jess doesn’t own anything like that, and her voice doesn’t sound like Jess.” Then she came back and they all decided silently that she indeed was not Jess. She left after “accidentally” spilling soda on my crotch and then trying to help me clean it off. After I was done hanging with the guys I went over to Jess’s to tell her what happened. She was in sweats and the T-shirt she had gotten from me and her hair was down as always. I smiled and asked if I could come in. She said of course and we went and sat at her kitchen table where all her books were laid out. I told her about Aria and she laughed at the fact that we thought it had been her. I stared at her taking in the differences.
    What was I thinking? Of course it wasn’t Jess. Who was she though I’ve never seen her before. She was absolutely beautiful.