• Faith lifted the silk, silver ribbon and draped it over her first entry. All of the sudden the beautiful ribbon began to expand over the page, becoming one with the journal. Word by word was being covered by silver silk. Before Faith new it, the entire floor was covered with silk. Once Faith couldn’t see anything but silk covering the furnishings in her tree house, the silk began to cover her up. She tried to scream, but she heard nothing. Slowly and steadily she stood up, still covered with a silk blanket. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The silk began to fade away and her journal reappeared in her hands as if nothing had ever happened.
    Her surroundings became clearer once the silk was almost gone. One thing she knew was that she was definitely not in her tree house anymore. She had no idea where she was. Yet, she didn’t seem to care much at all. Everything was quiet and beautiful. Birds were chirping and a near silent stream was nearby. Step by step Faith began to turn around. There it was. She was standing on the cliff from the majestic picture on her journal. The lake was calm and soothing below her. Every detail on her journal was clearly there. Mrs. Priest wasn’t kidding when she said that the journal was the key to a whole different world.